Supreme Lord

Chapter 869

“Not only my parents were seriously injured by this incident, but also our Sect Founder in Ruanyang Mountain…”

The voice of Wolan came out, which shocked Granny Lin.

Even though she has been cultivating in the Sunshine Mountain for many years, she has never seen the legendary Sect Founder of Sunshine. She also personally experienced what happened 500 years ago. In my impression, the Sunshine Mountain was fierce. Trembling, then a terrifying force swept over, causing her to faint without knowing what had happened. When she woke up, Setting Sun Mountain was closed, not to mention that Setting Sun Sect Founder was injured, even Wolan’s parents were injured. , She also learned later.

“Sect Founder and Lord of the setting sun were injured because of the mutation of their lifeline?”

“I also asked my parents personally that their injuries were caused by the mutation of their lifeline. As for Sect Founder’s injuries… it’s not just because of lifeline mutations.”

“What else is it because of?”

Wo Lan shook his head slightly and said, “My parents and them also I don’t know.”


While Granny Lin was shocked, her heart was filled with all kinds of doubts, but she still couldn’t figure out what this had to do with Gu Tianlang, too. I don’t know what Wolan is suspecting.

“I don’t know what I am suspicious.” Wolan Liu frowned, and said: “I just have a feeling, the whole thing is very strange.”

” Strange? How do you say it?”

“Grandma Lin, you have been cultivating in Canyang Mountain for a long time, so why do we kill the so-called lifeline people?”

“The lifeline people It will threaten the existence of the lifeline, and it will also affect the lifeline.”

“Why the threat? What effect will it have? Do you know?”


Grandma Lin shook her head. She did not know this question.

Wo Lan did not explain, and continued to ask: “Grandma Lin, do you know how many lifeline people were born in the ancient times?”

“It is said that there are more than 70 people. We killed more than sixty, but there are still eight-nine lifeline people who were rescued…”

“Do you know who saved them?”

” p>

Grandma Lin shook her head. For things like this, Clansman had always come forward in person. She, an ordinary person of the Clanyang Mountain cultivation, has no right to intervene.

“Cave Mansion by Guro.”


hearing this.

Grandma Lin was shocked. In her impression, Sunshine Mountain and Guro Cave Mansion used to guard the lifeline of the Northwest together, and they intersect each other very well, but it was 500 years ago Guro Cave The Mansion suddenly disappeared, disappear without a trace, as if it had never existed before. Later she heard that it seemed that the Guro Cave Mansion disappeared because of the mutation of the lifeline 500 years ago.

Why would Wolan say that the few lifeline people who were saved were saved by Guro Cave Mansion?

“Young Lady, Guro Cave Mansion disappeared 500 years ago due to the mutation of lifeline? Why do you say that they saved those lifeline people?”

“Guro Cave Mansion Cave Mansion did not disappear because of the mutation of the lifeline…but was obliterated.”

“It was obliterated? Heavens! How could…why?”

” It’s because they not only saved the lifeblood, but also accepted it as a descendant.” Wo Lan closed his eyes, as if melancholy, and said: “I heard my parents say about this not too long ago.” /p>

“Lord they told you personally?”

“Yes, my parents said, we used to guard the lifeline of Sunshine Mountain and Guro Cave Mansion, but anyone who has a lifeline , They will wipe it out for the first time. This is a cruel thing. Their conscience is also tortured, but in order to protect their lifeline, they have to do this until one day they can no longer bear such cruel things. Whether it’s our Sunshine Mountain or Guro Cave Mansion, everyone has the idea of ​​giving up.”

“After discussion, they decided not to kill the people of the lifeline, but they were worried that the lifeline would be affected and could not let it go. Therefore, the person with the first lifeline was taken care of by our Sunshine Mountain. At that time, they meant that once they found that the lifeline was affected, the person with the lifeline would be wiped out immediately.”

“It’s been a long time. Time, the lifeline has not been affected in any way, not only that, but the person who survived the lifeline is talented, with an extraordinary perception and extremely high quality. It is not an exaggeration to call her a giant amongst men. Everyone gradually put down their guard against her. , Our Sunshine Mountain regards it as the jewel in the palm.”

“When the second lifeblood appeared, everyone was not killed again, and was again by Dongji Mansion, one of the Guro Cave Mansion. After adoption, he was equally talented and perceptive… and later became the heir of the Dongji Mansion.”

“The third, fourth, and ninth lifeline descendants… The old Cave Mansion was adopted and all became the heirs of the nine old Cave Mansion.”

Hearing this, Granny Lin could no longer suppress the deep shock in her heart and asked: “Young Lady, you are Say… Are you saying that the descendants of the Cave Mansion of the Guro are the lifeline people who were saved back then?”


“Even Young Lady yours Master, Fairy Yun Huan is also stumped…”

“Yes, my Master and the descendants of the Cave Mansion of the nine elders are the lifeblood. people. “

“Oh heaven! “

Grandma Lin never thought that the nine descendants of Cave Mansion, a giant amongst men, turned out to be lifebloods, even Fairy Yunhuan, whom everyone admired in Canyang Mountain. They are all lifebloods. This news is really shocking for Granny Lin. She was shocked for a long time and she couldn’t come back to his senses.

I don’t know how long it took, what happened to Granny Lin again. Asked: “Young Lady, what about them? You just said that the Cave Mansion of the former Guro 500 years ago didn’t disappear because of the mutation of lifeline… but was obliterated by others. Who did it? “


Wai Lan closed his eyes, his expression was particularly complicated, opened his mouth, hesitated and stopped, and then, took a deep breath, which said solemnly: “By our Sect Founder of Sunshine Mountain. “


Such a sentence came to Granny Lin’s ears, making him as if was struck by lightning, almost paralyzed on the ground, his face pale, even talking about it The words trembled and said, “Why is the Sect Founder in Sunshine Mountain… why do you want to obliterate… Obliterate Cave Mansion? “

“I don’t know, I don’t know, I guess it’s because we didn’t abide by the ancestral mottos left by Sect Founder. Instead of getting rid of the lifeblood, we took them in. So, Sect Founder was annoyed to obliterate the Guro Cave Mansion. “

“Then…Isn’t your Master the lifeblood?” We took her in Rising Sun Mountain. Why didn’t Sect Founder obliterate Rising Sun Mountain? “

“It is probably because Sect Founder has already obliterated the Cave Mansion of the Guru, if we obliterate the Sunshine Mountain, who will protect the lifeline. “

“What about Fairy Yun Huan? She didn’t seem to be in the Sunshine Mountain back then? It’s also stumped…”

“I don’t know, my Master is still whereabouts unknown. “

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