Supreme Lord

Chapter 863

Originally, Gu Qingfeng didn’t intend to toss anymore when he woke up this time, so what kind of immortal dynasty has become? Nine days is still there, and he doesn’t bother to worry about it. Now that the situation has changed, he is thinking that he will have to smoke in the future. A time, take a good look.

If Xian Chao insists on doing things, he doesn’t mind letting ancient history repeat itself again and slaughter Xian Chao.

If Jiutian wants to do things, he doesn’t mind letting history repeat itself and burn Jiutian.

No matter the fairy dynasty, nine days, or some cloud, no matter who wants to do something, Gu Qingfeng will stay with him this time.

“You don’t care about the affairs of the Immortal Dynasty. Leave everything to me.”

“Leave it to you?”

Hong Old Master The three of them were incomparably stunned, and Scar Kui next to him said unconvincedly: “I said kid, let’s not talk about the relationship between you and our king, even if you are really our king’s descendant, there is no need to be so arrogant, right? We don’t need to take care of things called Xianchao. What is it that you leave everything to you? What? You despise us?”

Coldly snorted and said: “Don’t look at your brat ability, Laos Also not to be trifled with, I used to be not afraid of Xianchao, and now I am not afraid.”

Looking at Daokui, Gu Qingfeng laughed dumbly, shook his head, sighed, and said: “Since you guys Think I am a descendant of Gu Tianlang, then I will use this identity to tell you.”

“Boy, we just doubt, but we didn’t confirm it…”

Scar Kui He wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Old Master Hong, and said: “I don’t know what Young Master wants to say.”

Gu Qingfeng got up to pour wine for the four, and said: “You can know why Gu Tianlang was there in those days. After the slaughter of the immortal dynasty, the Chixiao Sect was disbanded?”

Before Hong Old Master spoke, Dao Scar-kui said, “Nonsense, it’s not enough. The emperor said that the immortal dynasty It can be slaughtered, but there are nine days above the immortal dynasty. As long as the nine days are there, the immortal dynasty will inevitably return in a swirl of dust. The emperor will dissolve the Chixiao Sect and then take the initiative to accept the immortal dynasty’s trial. It hurts all of us…”

At the end of Dao Scar-kui’s speech, his voice became very low, and his original carefree mood was a little low. It seems that he still can’t let go of the king’s death.

“If you say it’s troublesome, it’s a bit heavy.” Gu Qingfeng stood up, rubbed his neck, and said: “It’s not so much trouble, it’s better to hope that everyone will live a good life.”

He picked up a glass of wine, drank it all, and continued: “It used to be against Xian Chao. Everyone was lonely, no one to rely on, and no worries. The most important thing is that everyone’s days were I have had a hard time, and there is no other choice, so I have to go this way.”

“It is different now. You are all full of children and grandchildren. You can eat and drink, although you can’t talk about being rich. It’s expensive, but at least you don’t have to run around for life anymore. If that’s the case, you still have to toss about something.”

Looking at the four, Gu Qingfeng squinted his eyes and asked seriously: “No People like to fight and kill, and no one likes to live with their heads all day.”

Gu Qingfeng’s words are in the hearts of the three Hong Old Masters, but Scar Kui is Said: “Nonsense, if you have a good life, who wants to fight and kill? Boy, there is one thing, you might be mistaken, it’s not that we don’t want to live in peace, but Xian Chao wants to trouble us.”

“This is exactly what I want to say.”

Gu Qingfeng’s words left Old Master and the others puzzled.

“What’s the matter?”

“The deficit head.”

“What happened to the deficit head?”

“Gu Tianlang was dissolved back then The Scarlet Heaven Sect, I just don’t want Jiutian to feel that there is such a threat as the Scarlet Heaven Sect. It’s good for you. After the disbandment of the Scarlet Heaven Sect, another Scarlet Head was created, and it was also known as the Scarlet Cloud. It’s not that it’s an immortal dao. Is it? In that case, what do you do to dissolve the Chixiao Sect? What’s the point?”

Gu Qingfeng whispered quietly, “Of course, if you really want to immortal dao If you can’t make it, it’s okay to make a deficit head. If you can’t make it, then squat to the end with immortal dao. When the immortal dynasty re-appears, the immortal dynasty will be destroyed as soon as possible and cut off their back. But you don’t. Do this.”

“If you didn’t have the strength to break the back of the immortal dynasty for the first time, then you should develop and grow in the modern and ancient times. Anyway, it is already a threat to the immortal dynasty, then Opening up the threat, the threat that can be caused to the immortal Dynasty is so big that they dare not to act blindly without thinking, so big that they walk a step like walking on thin ice, even if they can’t resist, they have to threaten them impossible to move a single step .”

“But you did not do this either, not only did you not, but after the ages, you also chose to retire and give the so-called deficit head to a bunch of messy people, and your children and grandchildren. In future generations, this group of people has no strength, and motherfucker likes to make trouble everywhere. This is also the ancient calamity, which leads to the collapse of immortal dao, so that the foundation of the immortal dynasty is unstable, otherwise, the immortal dynasty would have destroyed you long ago and replaced me. It’s the immortal dynasty, I will destroy you too!” Gu Qingfeng’s words left the banner owners of the three black flags speechless, and the old face was blue and white, even with a fiery knife. Scar Kui also slumped his head, only to feel a bashful panic on his face, especially the last harsh reprimand, which made the four of them within the body a burst of energy and blood.

Perhaps this stern shout was too severe, making the dragon elephant spirit guarding the four people a little afraid.

That is really fear.

Whether it is the three major banner owners or Scar Kui can clearly feel it, this feeling of awe is both familiar and unfamiliar to them, and it is even more throbbing in the depth of one’s soul , Because of this stern shout, it was as if they had been reprimanded more than three hundred years ago, giving them an illusion that the person standing in front of them was not the descendant of King Chixiao, but the real King himself.

It really feels like this.

The four of them couldn’t tell whether it was an illusion or what,

They also couldn’t tell whether it was the awe of the dragon elephant spirit or the awe of themselves.

They can’t tell.

At the moment, I didn’t dare to continue sitting, all stood up, retreated outside the pavilion, bowed their heads, and dared not speak.

“Now, the Xian Dynasty is getting stronger and stronger, and the foundation of the world here is getting more and more stable. You have missed the best opportunity for development, and it is too late to think about it. The threat is also weakening day by day, completely passive, and can only be led by the nose.”

Gu Qingfeng looked at the four people and said: “If you want to live a good life, don’t worry about messy things. , Just live your own life, if you want to toss, then go for it. You, while living a good life, want to toss at the same time, there is no such good thing in the world.”

exhales one breath saying, looking at the full moon in the night sky, sighed: “Okay, don’t see you outside. I don’t mean anything else. I just think this thing is really not beautiful, and it’s really a shame. Think about it after you go back.”

“Since I represent Gu Tianlang, I must represent it in the end, or that sentence, the things of the Xian Dynasty, everything has me, none of you are allowed to give I will toss again and give me a peaceful life, or I will be the first to kill you!”

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