Supreme Lord

Chapter 851

“What do I want to do? Hehe, sister Su, you should not ask me this question, you should ask what Xianchao wants to do.”

“I have already said it and promised you, you The Xian Dynasty will not hold you accountable for the killing of the official immortal.”

“Sorry, what I said is not my business.”

“Stupefied you are for today’s immortal What happened to the deficit head?”

“Can鈥檛 it?”

“Okay! Since you are the deficit head, I also said that today鈥檚 matter is not the immortal chaos. Originally, Xian Chao means not at all to deal with deficit heads.”

“Is there a difference?” Gu Qingfeng said unhurriedly: “is it possible that only Xian Chao openly declares war on deficit heads. Killing all the Chixiao people can really deal with the deficit head?”

“I didn’t mean that.”

“Then what do you mean.”

“Today’s affairs are all about them, who do not know the level of Heaven and Earth, they are…”

Su Wei is about to explain something, but Gu Qingfeng not at all is interested in listening. , Interrupted it, and said: “Then, do you hope that this matter is forgotten?”

“This is good for everyone. If you continue to entangle, whether it is against the immortal or the deficit head It’s all a loss.”

“Since you understand this, why do you want to indulge them.”

“I didn’t indulge, it’s their own opinion.”

“Today they make their own claims, you let me forget. If they make their own claims tomorrow, what should they do? The day after tomorrow they make their own claims, what will they do?” Gu Qingfeng said very much. Calmly, I couldn’t hear any emotions, anger, sorrow or joy, and said: “What is the original intention of the Xian Dynasty, I don’t know, but the people of the Xian Dynasty always do it like this. Isn’t it a way? You are here today, stopping them, If you didn鈥檛 come, what would be the result?”

Su Wei couldn鈥檛 answer this question, and she didn鈥檛 know how to answer it, because she didn鈥檛 know what the consequences would be if she were not in the Northwest. After pondering for a moment, he tried his best to use a gentle tone, and said: “They already knew they were wrong, and I have already apologized to you instead of them… Can you… I can assure you…”

“Apologize?” Gu Qingfeng shook his head and laughed, and said, “If I kill them, can I apologize to their parents?”

“You!” Su Wei frowns, said: ” They are young and ignorant, act recklessly……”

“Don鈥檛 worry, since act recklessly, when the people of Xian Dynasty arrive, I will tell them what is death and what is life.”

“Gu Qingfe ng! What do you want to do! Are you going to kill all the fairy officials? “

“I’m not that bloodthirsty. Every injustice has its perpetrator. After I figure it out, I know who to kill. “

“Gu Qingfeng, you…”

Su Wei exploded. She thought that Huo De had said that Gu Qingfeng would wait for the people from Xian Dynasty to come together before doing something. Exaggeration, now she realizes that what Huo De said is not exaggeration at all. This guy really intends to wait for the immortal to come to other people before killing.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath again. , Suppressing the frenzied anger in his heart, until he calmed down, he said: “Gu Qingfeng, I admit that your strength is deep and unmeasurable, and I also know that the immortal officials who settled in the Immortal Mansion in the northwest are not your opponents. , But have you ever thought about one thing, if you kill them, their parents, their family, their sect, will you give up? Will Xian Dynasty give up again? “

“They are not afraid, what am I afraid of?” “Gu Qingfeng still sits on the stool by the stone pillar, with Erlang’s legs tilted, pouring and drinking. There is no emotional color in his expression. Lightly saying: “even more how, even if they are willing to give up, I will Will not agree. “

“You! you! “

Although Su Wei has tried to suppress the anger in her heart, facing the fearless and arrogant and casual Gu Qingfeng, the anger in her heart still can’t help rising, and shouted angrily: “You are hard Do you want to fight against Xianchao openly? “

“Sister Su, there is one thing you should be clear about. It is not the trouble that I am looking for Xianchao, but the trouble that Xianchao is looking for deficit heads. Today, since I represent Gu Tianlang, Come, naturally this matter must be resolved! “

“If you keep on saying that it represents King Chixiao, then you should consider the deficit head. If you do so, it will only intensify the contradiction between the immortal kingdom and the deficit head, and you will cause the deficit. Head! ! “

“Will I cause a deficit? Needless to say, I know better than anyone. “Gu Qingfeng poured wine, lightly saying: “Sister Su, I know you are kind, and I know your kindness. Thank you for taking care of the deficit head in the past, but…the matter of the immortal court and the deficit head in the future will be contradictory. Well, no matter the grievances, you don’t need to bother about it anymore, I will settle everything. “

“Gu! clear! wind! “

Su Wei fly into a rage out of humiliation and shouted: “Don’t believe oneself infallible, you have to recognize one thing clearly, you are not the King of Scarlet Clouds, and you cannot represent him, no one Can represent King Chixiao, you can’t! No one can! “

“You are wrong. In this world, no one is more suitable to represent Gu Tianlang than me. “

“You not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth believe oneself infallible, arrogant and ignorant fellow, I…”

Su Wei flustered and exasperated, angry, and now Huo De quickly stood up and stood in front of Su Hua. He knew that Gu Qingfeng鈥檚 patience had always been limited. He was really worried that if Su Hua continued to quarrel like this, once Gu Qingfeng鈥檚 patience was exhausted, the consequences would be unimaginable. That’s it.

“This…guy boy. “

Huo De carries a jug to pour wine for Gu Qingfeng, persuaded: “Do you think this matter is considering?” “

“No, I have considered it very clearly. Blindly tolerance is not the way to survive. It will only make Xianchao more unscrupulous. Since Xianchao wants to know my attitude, I am today Just give them an attitude. “

“But you… said that you don’t want to toss anymore, so why… don’t you still want to go the old way? Is your brat trouble not big enough? “

“No worries about debts, but no itchy lice. Gu Qingfeng鈥檚 playful said with a smile: “Since I鈥檓 already in trouble, I don鈥檛 care about any more troubles. The grandsons of Xianchao have always been dogs who can鈥檛 change eating shit and don鈥檛 put a butcher knife on their necks. motherfucker doesn’t know how to be afraid. “

“you brat ……oh!”

Sighed then said, Gu Qingfeng has already said so decisively, he really doesn’t know how to persuade him.

Finding that Su Hua was so angry that he still wanted to say something, Huo De quickly persuaded: “Fairy Hua, forget it, now that the ancient boy has decided, you don鈥檛 want to say anything anymore. It鈥檚 useless to say more, you Don鈥檛 toss about it, no more tossing will help. The little fate of these Xianchao grandsons can鈥檛 be kept. After you go back, you tell their parents that if you don鈥檛 want to be annihilated, just assume that this hasn鈥檛 happened. , If you want to go to the funeral, then inform Xian Chao to prepare funerals for their family. “

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