Supreme Lord

Chapter 845

“Whether it is high position and great wealth, or To achieve the Dao and become Immortal, there is nothing wrong with it. There is just one sentence that you said wrong, and you shouldn’t say it.”

“What are you talking about?”

“You said you don’t want to be an immortal dao sinner forever.”

Jin He stared at Gu Qingfeng who was pouring wine and asked: “What’s wrong It is!”

“Gu Tianlang is guilty, not the Chixiao people. In other words, Gu Tianlang is an immortal dao sinner, but the Chixiao people are not. The immortal dynasty dare not say that the Chixiao people are immortal dao. Sinner, it was you who used to be a man from Chixiao, so why take this charge on yourself.”

As soon as Gu Qingfeng finished speaking, there was a shout of anger from Scar Kui!

“Fart! Little Brat speak carefully, when the king is an immortal dao sinner, who dares to say that the king is an immortal dao sinner in this world!”

Gu Qingfeng looked angry Scar Kui, said with a smile: “Hei Kuizi, don’t be so impulsive. Gu Tianlang is an immortal dao sinner. Whether you admit it or not, you can’t change this fact.”

“Little Brat! What are you calling Lao Tzu?”

Hei Kuizi is Dao Kui’s nickname, and he is still a very small nickname, and he almost forgot about it.

“Who are you?” Old Master Hong also stood up, staring at Gu Qingfeng closely, and asked in a solid voice: “Are you really a descendant of the king?”

” Is this question important to you? I’m the descendant of Gu Tianlang, so what? No yes and how? If yes, what can you do?”

Gu Qingfeng’s question really put the three major flags The Lord’s Chixiao people stopped asking.

They have been looking for the descendants of King Chixiao.

As for why you are looking for it.

None of them can answer.

What happens after I find it.

No one knows.

“So, I’m who it’s not important at all.” Gu Qingfeng’s tone was very plain, just like chatting with a bunch of old friends, and said: “The important thing is that I can represent Gu Tianlang , At least, this one, now, this moment, here and now I can represent him!”

On behalf of King Chixiao?

This is not a big deal!

Just ask the world, who dares to represent King Chixiao?

Who can represent King Chixiao?

Who is qualified to represent King Chixiao?

The answer is yes.


In the eyes of Chixiao people, no one can represent King Chixiao.

Scar Kui angrily scolded: “Little Brat! Why do you represent the king!”

“Why? I know if there is a lotus mark on your ass enough!”


Scar Kui was shocked, and the three major banner owners were also shocked, because they all knew that there was a lotus mark on Kasaku Kui’s ass. It’s just how this person knows these private things.

Gu Qingfeng not at all pays attention to them, but passes the poured seven glasses of wine, but none of the seven Jinhe seven people on the opposite side picks them up. They don’t know what tricks this kid is playing. .

“Come on, this glass of wine is my respect to you on behalf of Gu Tianlang. Since you have accepted the canonization of Xianchao, then I will toast you a glass of wine on behalf of him and wish you all your wishes.”

After that, Gu Qingfeng has a drink alone.

“hmph! Don’t say you are just a liar, even if you are really the descendant of the emperor, even if you are the emperor himself, I will not wait to drink with you.” Jinhe coldly snorted and said “When I have accepted the canonization of the Xian Dynasty, I will be the Xian Dynasty Xianguan, how can I drink with immortal dao sinners?”


Gu Qingfeng whispered softly Laughed, shook his hand, seven cups of wine fell at the feet of Jinhe Qiren, saying: “It is your business whether you accept it or not, and it is Gu Tianlang’s business to respect or disrespect. Since I am here on his behalf, then It’s my business.”

He continued to pour himself a glass of wine, and said: “After all, we used to be brothers living and dying all the way out from the sea of ​​blood in the wind and the rain. Chi Xiao paid a lot and shed a lot of blood. On behalf of Gu Tianlang, I once again toast you a cup.”

After a cup is drunk, it is another cup.

“As for the third cup, whether it is loyalty or kindness, after drinking this glass of wine, we have been suffocated since then. You are no longer Chixiao people, and you will no longer have any ties to Chixiao people! “

Drink the third cup again.

In the distance.

The Chixiao people of the three big black flags looked at this scene, deep in one’s heart, they all have a very complicated and unclear feeling.

They didn’t believe that Gu Qingfeng was the emperor’s heir, even if he could play the emperor’s youth line, even if the dragon elephant’s spirit was in awe, even if the red seal order was condensed and other signs could prove, But they still don’t believe it, at least they doubt it.

As for Gu Qingfeng who claims to represent King Chixiao, it is even more nonsense. In their mind, no one is qualified to represent King Chixiao.

I don’t know why.

Looking at Gu Qingfeng, who even respected the Jinhe seven people and three glasses of wine, they all seemed to believe that this young man might really be the descendant of the emperor, or might really represent the emperor of Chixiao.


More than representative.

Even in a daze, they felt that the youngster in front of them was the King of Chixiao.

Really look alike…

As for why it looks like.

No one can tell.

I have this feeling, and it is very strong.

“Okay, everything that should be said is said, and those who should be respected are also respected. It is time for you to hand over one thing.”

“What is it?”

“Dragon Elephant Spirit!”


Jin He and the seven Chixiao people were shocked, and the faces of the three black flag Chixiao people also changed. It seems that they didn’t expect Gu Qingfeng to suddenly demand the spirit of the dragon elephant. He is it possible that is really a descendant of the king? Or can it really represent the king?

“The Big Hidden Dragon Elephant died in the trial of immortal dao in order to protect the Chixiao Sect, and the death was very miserable. You can submit to the Immortal Dynasty, but the Dragon Elephant cannot, because it was for him His disrespect is also a humiliation to him. The Big Hidden Dragon Elephant does not allow it, Gu Tianlang does not allow it, and I will not allow such a thing to happen.”

“If I don’t pay you!”

Jin He and the seven others are not afraid, because there are dozens around them, as well as more than a thousand immortal officials. Even the people of Chixiao are not afraid of Gu Qingfeng.

“For the sake of all of you who were once from Chixiao people, I don’t want to work with you. I also hope that you can see the love that the big Tibetan dragon has saved you. Hand over your spirit!”

“You don’t want to do it with us? hahaha! Just rely on you?”

“Little boy! What thing are you, do you really think you are Gu Tianlang? Tell you! Even if you are Gu Tianlang, I won’t be afraid to wait!”

When the golden crane roared, blood boiled all over his body, ao wu a dragon elephant’s wrath, the spirit of a violent dragon elephant Roaring out, at the same time, the other six people did not hesitate, and they all took out their own bloody evil dragon elephant spirit at the first time.

Blood Sha is a fierce blood Sha, and it is also a murderous-looking blood Sha, the power of the billowing blood Sha, like the wind in the sky, can tear everything.

The dragon elephant is the ferocious dragon elephant, and also the overbearing dragon elephant. The power of the dragon elephant is like the Heavenly Might above the sky.

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