Supreme Lord

Chapter 832

As soon as the people with deficit heads arrived, the Faxiang Grandmaster of the nine-star immortal officials in the venue immediately became alert. Many of them were startled in their hearts and were quite nervous. They just looked at these people with deficit heads no Lao Chi Xiao People are all sighed in relief immediately.

They have all experienced the era of the Chixiao people in the late antiquity, and they still remember the madness of the Chixiao people, and they are very afraid. Many people still have lingering fears when they think of it, many of them There are shadows.

Their fear of the Chixiao people does not mean that they are afraid of the deficit head.

Not only are they not afraid of it, they don’t even bother to take a look at it. There is no deficit head of the blood evil dragon and elephant spirit, which is no different from ordinary people of cultivation, so they will naturally not look at it.

A lot of people gathered around Immortal Mansion. The Sect, family, and gang bosses who can be counted in the Northwest are almost all here. At this moment, looking at the branch Lord, who has a red head and a cloud of flowers, is carrying Some Elders came here and felt puzzled. They also felt that they really didn’t know the immensity of Heaven and Earth, a small sub-rudder, even if there was no one from Chixiao, they dared to break into Immortal Mansion. It was really act recklessly.

Be aware that Immortal Mansion has more than a thousand nine-star immortal officials, as well as more than a hundred elders of the Hundred Tribulations, dozens, immortal princes, not to mention other things, it’s just the Northwest Immortal Mansion The immortal official can kill these people in this Yunhua sub-rudder cleanly.

Just as everyone was looking forward to a good show, a shocking scene happened. I saw that Branch Lord and dozens Elder of Yunhua split the rudder on the ground, and they all bowed to the ground.

“The next official Ma Xiang pays homage to the immortal officials!”

This visit to Ma Xiang and the others, many people in the worship hall were confused.

This Ma Xiang is the Branch Lord with a red head and a cloud, and a disciple of the old Chixiao people. How could he bow down and worship the immortal officials of the Immortal Dynasty?


He claims to be an official?

It’s hard to say…


Ma Xiang’s body is blooming with silver white brilliance, and the brilliance is like a star rotating around him, like a halo of stars, no! Not one, but four.

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned, because they all saw that the four auras on Ma Xiang were nothing but the guardian of the light of Xian Dynasty, and Ma Xiang possessed four. In other words, he is already a four-star immortal official.


Branch Lord Ma Xiang, who has a deficit with a cloud and a split rudder, accepted the canonization of the Xian Dynasty at some point, and looking at the guardian of the immortal on his body, I am afraid it will be a sacrifice Time is not short.

When did this happen?

No one knows.

Even An Ran of Immortal Mansion in the northwest doesn’t know it, not to mention her, her grandfather, and An Qiongshan, the lord of Immortal Mansion, also don’t know about it.

However, Murong Han, who is also the Immortal Mansion Palace Master, was not at all surprised at this. Obviously, he already knew about it. Looking at the surprised expressions of everyone in the court, Murong Han seemed very proud and said : “My lords, Ma Xiang, and the Elders of Yunhua’s sub-rudder have accepted the canonization of the Xian Dynasty ten years ago, and are now our four-star immortal officials.”

For Yunhua When the sub-rudder bowed to his knees, Streaming Horned Eagle was not surprised, because he had known about it a long time ago, and he also knew that Yunhua was not the only sub-rudder who received the canonization.

Sure enough.

Not long after the arrival of Yunhua’s sub-rudder, another Branch Lord with the sub-rudder came to bow down with Elder.

Is it just that?

Amidst everyone’s astonishment, there were nine branch Lords with sub-rudder one after another on the deficit head. Elder came to kneel and worship. Like Ma Xiang, they have already accepted the canonization of the Xian Dynasty. For the four-star fairy official.

This scene shocked many people with speechless, and Enron is one of them.

Although she knows that Muronghan, the governor of the Northwest Palace, has been secretly wooing the sub-rudder of the deficit head, but it is only a close. When she thinks about it, the deficit head has always been incompatible as fire and water with Xian Chao, and the other party is impossible. Accepting the canonization of the Xian Dynasty, even more how, every sub-rudder has the old Chixiao people sitting, even if the people with the red head want to accept the canonization of the Xian Dynasty, they do not have the courage.

But she absolutely didn’t expect that the sub-rudder of the deficit head had already accepted the canonization of the Xian Dynasty ten years ago, and there were still nine sub-rudders, from Branch Lord to Elder. So.

They are Branch Lords and Elders with deficits and separate rudders. Everyone and the old Chixiao people who do separate rudders have either a master and disciple relationship or a blood relationship. Now they all accept it. Do those old Chixiao people know about the canonization of Xian Dynasty?

The answer is yes.

Absolutely don’t know.

If you know, these people may not survive at all.

Since the opening of the present and ancient times, most of the old Chixiao people who are sitting on the head of the deficit have chosen to retreat and hide from the world. I don’t know what they would do if they knew that their most trusted discipline had already accepted the canonization of Xian Dynasty. miss you.

After that, there was another deficit head and rudder, with dozens of people.

An Ran looked up and recognized at a glance that this was the Changhong sub-rudder sitting in the Xingyue domain. It was also one of the three most prestigious sub-rudders among the 80 sub-rudders known as the Northwest Deficit Head.

Look again, Branch Lord Minghui, and Twenty Elder Yu,

Even the famous Eighteen Elephants of Nine Dragons at Changhong Branch, where lofty distance, lightning, and sailing are all in it. Inside, even the head of Nine Dragons Wan Dongfang, whose cultivation base was abolished by Gu Qingfeng, is also there, as well as Wuhen, Flying Eagle, and Akabane whose cultivation base was abolished by Gu Qingfeng in Wuse Mountain.

It’s hard to say…

Did the branch Lord Minghui of Changhong Sub-rudder and the Eighteen Elephants of Nine Dragons accept the canonization of Xian Dynasty?


not at all.

At least An Ran can see that none of these people have the guardian of the Immortal Dynasty.

But if you didn’t accept the canonization, why did you come?

I don’t know.

An Ran didn’t dare to think about it.

“Changhong branch lord Minghui pays homage to all of you Xianjue Xianguan!”

After Minghui bowed down, the twenty Elder Yu of Changhong branch lord and the eighteen elephants of Nine Dragons also bowed down. On the ground, Minghui arched his hands and said: “I have long ago intended to return to the Xian Dynasty, but I have not yet accepted the official canonization of the Xian Dynasty. I still hope that you will learn from the Xianjue Immortal Officials!”

The voice fell, Immortal Mansion Palace Lord Murong Han stood up and said, “My sirs, Minghui has indeed already returned to our Xian Dynasty, but there has been no suitable time, so he has not been able to officially accept the canonization of Xian Dynasty.”

In this scene, An Ran couldn’t believe her eyes. The eighteen nineteen elephants in Changhong’s sub-rudder were all descendants of the old Chixiao people, Wan Dongfang, the head of Nine Dragons, and Branch Lord Minghui, one was Huotou Tuo. Another descendant of Hong Old Master is its Direct Disciple, and Hong Old Master was one of the banner owners of the Black Cloud Banner of the Chixiao Sect at that time. As the descendant of Hong Old Master, the disciple turned to the fairy dynasty.

“Although Zai Xia is the Changhong branch lord of the deficit head, but the heart has already belonged to the Xian Dynasty. Xian Chao controls this world with the Guangming Dao. Enze the world, Ling Xia has long been longing for a long time. The adults accept me and wait.”

Ming Hui arched his hands and said, “I will no longer be a deficit head from now on. If the Xian Dynasty wants to eradicate the deficit head, I am willing to take the lead for the Xian Dynasty!”

The cultivation base of Wan Dongfang, the head of Kowloon, has been abolished, and his body is very weak, but he still clings to his hands: “Below… I also wish to kill the relatives with justice, and take care of the sinners in the red sky!”

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