Supreme Lord

Chapter 824

In the early morning of this day, when the sky was not yet bright, a silver white brilliance bloomed in the sky, illuminating the dim northwest.

When the brilliance of silver white blooms, it is like a big sun rising, bright and holy, sacred and inviolable, covering the northwest, which is awe-inspiring and awe-inspiring.

Some youngsters may not know what this bright and holy brilliance represents, but some old people of cultivation know that this is the light of the fairy decree.

In Ancient Era, whenever the light of this fairy decree appeared, it meant that the immortal decree would be announced. Anyone, regardless of background, identity, or cultivation base, no matter what you are in. Where and what you are doing, you must kneel on the ground and listen to the will of the immortal. If there is a violation, it is disrespectful to the immortal, and disrespect to the immortal, the sin is to blame.


When the light of the celestial decree blooms over the northwest, many people from the cultivation of the northwestern land not at all bow down.

It’s not that they are disrespectful to the immortals.

Because the immortal dynasty has abolished such a rule in the ancient times, there is no need to bow down to the light of the immortal will.

This is not important.

The important thing is that many people recognize that the light of the fairy decree that blooms in the sky is not the light of the fairy decree issued by the immortal dynasty, but the light of the immortal decree from the Immortal Mansion in the northwest. In other words , This is not the light of the will of the Immortal Dynasty, but the light of the will of Immortal Mansion, and there is no need to bow down.

Of course.

In order to show respect for Immortal Mansion and the Immortal Dynasty, there are still many cultivation people who still bow down obediently and honestly on the ground.

Everyone looked up at the light of Immortal Mansion in the sky like a giant sun.

As the light of Immortal Mansion continues to bloom, I faintly saw some people in the air, hundreds of them.

Take a closer look.

They are all immortal officials who descended on Immortal Mansion in the northwest a few days ago. Nine immortals such as Xingyao, Ruolan, and Yingnian were all in it, and some Hundred Tribulations stood behind them. The old man and the nine-star immortal official.

Apart from this, there are 18 young men and women in the light of Immortal Mansion. These young men are like the nine immortals like Xing Yao, all of them have a dignified appearance. , The color of pride exhibit one’s feelings in one’s speech, and the body also exudes a powerful breath of light, this vast breath is like the guardian of immortal spirit, and the sacredness that sets them off, standing in the light of Immortal Mansion like a round The scorching sun makes people fearful.

The breath of light and awe-inspiring.

Guardian of immortal spirit.

Don’t even think about it and know that these eighteen young men and women are also the second generation of immortals, and they are also the sons of the immortal princes who have the light of Immortal Root.

Many people also know that two days ago, another eighteen immortal nobles descended on Immortal Mansion in the northwest. These eighteen immortal nobles descended like Xingyao and other immortal nobles. At that time, there were all guarded by the Hundred Tribulation Elders, and there were also Jiuxing Immortal officials’ entourages, and the pomp was very large.

I heard that the eighteen immortals who came this time are not only larger than Xing Yao and other immortals, but also have more noble backgrounds than them, and more domineering methods.

Especially a fairy named horned eagle, I heard that he came from the’streaming family of Divine State. ‘

Almost everyone with a little knowledge knows that the streamer family is the famous Aristocratic family in this world.

To be respected as the Aristocratic Family of immortals, the ancestors of the family must be immortals who are famous throughout the world, and there is more than one immortal in the clan.

This is indeed the case.

The ancestor of the streamer family is the famous flying fairy streamer in the middle of Ancient Era. The family has been inherited for a long time. There have been six immortals before and after. The parents of this streamer horned eagle are also immortals of the immortal dynasty. Wait for the identity to be in the northwest, even in the Divine State of the crouching tiger hidden dragon, no one dares provoke.

Speaking of the reputation of the horned eagle fairy, although not as famous throughout the world as his ancestors, it is also a famous fairy in Divine State. He is not very old, but 16 years old. That’s it, but he is already a great master who has cultivated the phenomena. What’s more terrifying is that he has heard that the natural color spirit he has achieved is full of one hundred and 36 points.

You must know that he is also the prince of Xian Dynasty. Although he was also a great master of Dharma, he has been cultivation for dozens of years, and only has 108 Dao Cai Ling, and this eagle fairy is only twenty-eight years old. , There are one hundred and 36 color spirits. No one can imagine what nature and other powers such an exaggerated color spirit will possess.

People in the cultivation of the Northwest may not know what kind of person the Horned Eagle Immortal is, but those nine-star immortal officials know the more than 80 Immortal Mansion settled in the Northwest Immortal Mansion this time. Among them, whether they have come or have not come, the identity and background of the Horned Eagle Fairy may not be the strongest among them, and the cultivation base is not the strongest, but being a person is definitely the most proud, the most arrogant, and also The most arrogant.

He is not very tall. He wears a purple jade crown and a white clothed dress. He hangs a white cloak on the back. He stands with his hand held down. The imposing manner is like a sharp blade, especially his eyes. Northwest, his eyes are full of arrogant disdain.

Compared with him, the imposing manner imposing manner Ying Nian Xian Jue looked much more docile, standing next to Xing Yao, did not even dare to breathe in the air, he is such a proud Ruolan Xian Jue is no exception, holding the spirit fox, his temperament has been reduced a lot, and the other fairy jue did not dare to show off one’s military strength in front of the horned eagle fairy.


They are more afraid of horned eagles.

However, it was not the strength of the horned eagle that made them fear, nor his identity background, but the long Aozi behind the horned eagle who had not yet arrived.

Among the nine immortals, only Xingyao still looks gentle and gentle like before, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, sitting on a chair and sipping tea.

“Everyone, listen to me, I am the noble son of the Xian Dynasty, the streamer horned eagle. This time I am stationed in the northwest Immortal Mansion according to the will of the Xian Dynasty.”

The earth, imposing manner like a rainbow, thunderous, exploded over the northwest.

“Today I use the light of Immortal Mansion to inform you about something. A few days ago, a criminal who claimed to be the heir of the immortal dao sinner Gu Tianlang killed Immortal Mansion in the public. He was a blatant provocation. Immortal Mansion, no matter what his status or background, the immortal will never forgive him, not to mention he is just a descendant of the immortal dao sinner Gu Tianlang, even if he is Gu Tianlang himself, this immortal noble can’t kill him!”

hong long long! ka-cha!

Along with the momentum of the streamer horned eagle, thunder and explosion sounded one after another in the sky, and the people of the cultivation in the northwestern wilderness were dizzy.

“From now on, all Sects, gangs, families, and the Xianjue in the northwestern wilderness, no matter what you are doing, retreat, or cultivation, stop all for me and give me all Searching for the whereabouts of the criminal, I want at all costs to find the criminal surnamed Gu, and rectify it on the spot!”

“If there is a violator, kill without mercy!”

“If anyone does not listen to the order, kill without mercy!”

“If anyone knows and does not report, kill without mercy!”

“If you are a criminal with the surname Guna People who know each other immediately report to Immortal Mansion for interrogation, or else kill without mercy!”

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