Supreme Lord

Chapter 819

More than four hundred years ago?

hairless brat?


Toss to half life?


A person appeared in Tao Hua’s mind, his complexion changed drastically, staring at Gu Qingfeng who was sitting in the pavilion drinking, as if he had seen something incredible, he said in amazement: “You mean You are Gu… No! Impossible! Absolutely impossible!”

“What’s impossible about this.”

Gu Qingfeng was not in a hurry, and drank peach blossom wine leisurely.

“The scattered ashes and dispersed smoke that Gu Tianlang was tried by immortal dao more than 300 years ago, I saw it with my own eyes.”

Gu Qingfeng’s response with a smile Said: “What you see with your own eyes may not be true.”

“Even if Gu Tianlang’s samsara reincarnation, but you brat is not at all any muddy breath, nor is it a samsara reincarnation person, how could it be possible? It’s Gu Tianlang!”

“Who told you that scattered ashes and smoke dispersed must have samsara reincarnation?”

Who told you?

Who else would say this?

This is the well known truth, and it is also the Life Law. Everything in life cannot be violated, and it is also inseparable from Life and Death Samsara.


Peach Blossom Old Road feels something wrong, Life Law is not to be violated by others, but it doesn’t mean that Gu Tianlang can’t be violated. That kid has only been in this world cultivation for two hundred years, and he is a good person. Which one obeys the law? No! No one, nine lives and nine deaths, and aspired to the throne of Immortal Demon Warriors, that kid himself is an incredible existence.

After the scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, others may really die.

Some people may be able to samsara reincarnation.

But for Gu Tianlang, he may really not die, or he may not really need samsara reincarnation.

But this doesn’t make sense. Even if he is not dead, there is no samsara reincarnation. This kid is also the body of the fairy and the throne. How can it be re-cultivation and the golden core cultivation base? This is completely It is against the avenue…

“This matter between Heaven and Earth has never been absolute. If I remember correctly, this sentence was what you said to me back then.”



Peach Blossom Old Road pointed to Gu Qingfeng, a little confused, a little confused, his eyes seemed suspicious, but not sure, he pondered for a moment, and then asked: “You If it is really Gu Tianlang, then the kid will answer a few questions from Lao Tzu.”


“Where did Lao Tzu see you for the first time?”

“It’s here in Peach Blossom Secret Realm.”

“Under what circumstances.”

“When I had nowhere to go, I had just repaired 81 golden cores. Very unstable and in danger of violent death. It was your old fellow who saved my life. However, afterwards, your old fellow tried to figure out my 81 golden cores, and you did not toss me…Of course, you Did not give me less advice. The most memorable thing is that your old fellow taught me a set of cultivation technique.”

“What kind of cultivation technique?”

“If I remember correctly, it should be Supreme Master Profound Art.”


Peach Blossom Old Road held his breath, but stared at Gu Qingfeng firmly, the doubt in his eyes was a little less. I’m sure a little bit more.

“And I still remember that when you left, your old fellow gave me a peach blossom charm, which later saved my life, and that you borrowed me a drop of blood, I I ask you why, you said to confirm one thing, I don’t know if I’m right?”

If you say that the Supreme Master Xuan Gong just made Tao Hua Dao hold his breath, then be Gu Qingfeng Gu Qingfeng The suspicion in Tao Hua Dao’s eyes disappeared completely when he said the peach blossom symbol, a drop of blood.

Even though he couldn’t believe it, he couldn’t accept it.

But he knew that the mysterious, strange and unknown youngster in front of him must be Gu Tianlang.


If not, impossible knows the peach blossom symbol, and even impossible knows the drop of blood.

“You…you…” Perhaps the truth is too shocking, making Tao Hua Taoism really hard to believe. Pointing at Gu Qingfeng, what I want to say, but I can’t tell you how, you, you, you, you have spent a long time before He blurted out: “You really are Gu Tianlang that kid!”


“Cang Heavens!”

Sitting on the ground, looking at Gu Qingfeng blankly, he muttered: “you brat…really not dead…really alive!”

“You are not dead, what am I worried about? “

After repeated confirmations, Tao Hua Lao Dao finally believed that Gu Qingfeng is Gu Tianlang, such a terrifying fact for him, which made Tao Hua Lao Dao very excited and extremely excited, pestering Gu Qingfeng to ask no Stop, ask about the trial by immortal dao back then, and Gu Qingfeng not at all said more, just said that he was not dead, and went to the Heaven Realm for a stroll. After the ancient calamity, he survived by chance and felt a little homesick. So come back and take a look.

The two were drinking and chatting. In this chat, they talked about one day, one night, and most of the things they talked about were myriad. There were everything in the world.

Peach Blossom Road is very curious about Gu Qingfeng’s situation, especially his fleshy body, which is no stronghold one cannot overcome, and that evil golden pill, but no matter what he asks, Gu Qingfeng They all said they didn’t know.

“You brat is still as slippery as you were back then, asking you to know nothing, cut, what’s so great, you think I’m rare?”

Fool, he doesn’t believe that Gu Qingfeng just went to Heaven Realm to go around as simple as a stroll. Although I have not known Gu Qingfeng for a long time, he also knows that this kid is definitely an unstoppable master. He went to Heaven Realm. What an ulterior motive.

What else did you say about the ancient calamity?

More nonsense.

This kid walks the heavens-defying road when he is in this world, against immortal dao, against demonic path, against the avenue of immortals, and against Heavenly Dao.

Can such a great crime survive the catastrophe?

You should know that when ancient calamity happened, it could be said to purify Heaven and Earth and judge all the evils between Heaven and Earth.

A fluke?

In the face of the catastrophe of destroying heaven extinguishing earth, it is absolutely impossible to have a fluke.

Even motherfucker Heaven Realm nine days Three Thousand Great Daos collapsed, why did you survive by luck?

Everyone has samsara reincarnation, so why don’t you have one?

He has too many doubts and curiosities about Gu Qingfeng in his heart. However, if Gu Qingfeng doesn’t elaborate, he can’t help it.

In the past, military force could still be used to persecute, but after experiencing the fight just now, even if he gave Tao Hua Dao three guts, he did not dare to do anything with Gu Qingfeng.

“Old way…Some things are inconvenient for me to say more, and saying too much is not good for you to me.”

“Jing nonsense, your bad things What does the old man have to do?”

“Hehe, what does it have to do with you?” Gu Qingfeng laughed, holding up the glass and drank it, and said: “Old man, there are some things that I didn’t understand before. It doesn’t mean that I don’t understand now. You really think that my father is idle pain in the balls, and he came all the way to talk to you.”

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