Supreme Lord

Chapter 802

Perhaps the shock the Lord Xianchao brought to everyone today is too great and too much, so that when they leave and enter the Immortal Mansion, they will kneel down in the fairyland all around the countless cultivation people for a long time. came back to his senses.

In addition to shock, it is shock.

It is the kind of shock that touches the soul deep in the heart.

Sect, who originally rejected the Immortal Dynasty, did not reject it anymore at this moment, and decided to accept the inclusion of the Immortal Dynasty. Sect Disciple also secretly vowed to work hard in cultivation and strive to enter the Immortal Mansion one day. Becoming a true imperial court person is qualified to become a fairy official, and only by becoming a fairy official can you have the guardian of the fairy.

Besides the shock, many people are very excited and very excited.

Especially the great big shots in the northwest such as Primordial Sect and Huwei Wang Family. They were originally worried that Xianchao might not be the opponent of that Chi Young Master Yan this time, and witnessed Yingnianxian. After Jue’s powerful strength, they realized that worry was completely unnecessary.

No matter how powerful the fleshy body of Nachi Young Master Yan is, I am afraid it will be no match for Ying Nian Xianjue’s great sun light and 108 major natural color spirits, and they can see it, Ying Nian Xianjue did not give his full strength, and I don’t know how terrifying the true strength of Yingnian Xianjue is.

This is only an imperial prince. You must know that there are nine of them this time. Among them, Xingyao’s strength is deep and unmeasurable.

If only this is the case, it will not make them excited. In fact, I heard from Xingyao Xianjue that other Xianjue will come one after another in a few days. What does this mean? It shows that there are definitely more immortal officials stationed in Immortal Mansion in the northwest than expected, and the immortal officials who came are more noble than the other.

This time.

Even if the Chi Young Master Yan is really the descendant of King Chi Xiao, he will definitely die.

On a sand dune far away from the fairyland, two people stood.

Two young men.

One is composed and calm, and the other is dashing eyebrows. Both seem to be in their early twenties, but there is a vicissitudes of life in their eyes.

It is Wan Huaiyu and Qin Hao.

“They are not very old, and their cultivation is no more than thirty-forty years, but they have cultivated Primordial Spirit Dharma Idol one by one, and they are still bright Dafa, if it were in Ancient Era, this Things are simply unimaginable.”

Looking at the direction where the nine immortals were leaving, Qin Hao shook his head and sighed.

“Why?” Wan Huaiyu said with a slight smile: “Are you envious?”

“I can’t talk about envy. At best, it’s just a bit of emotion. They should all be Isn’t it the product of the Nine-Day Bright Plan Bright Road?”

Wan Huaiyu is nodded, a former bipolar monarch of Heaven Realm famous, he naturally knows some secrets that others don’t know.

The so-called Bright Project was created by Immortal World in Nine days.

At the end of Ancient Era, Jiutian had suffered several disasters, and many immortals were killed and injured. In addition, a catastrophe occurred later, and Jiutian collapsed, and I don’t know how many immortals died.

After the opening of the present and ancient times, in order to seize the opportunity, nine days need many immortals.

So there is the so-called Bright Plan, which means to cultivate as many fairies as countless bright stars in the night sky in Three Thousand Worlds in a short time.

“The Nine-Day Bright Plan, the bright road, seems to be flawless, but no matter how perfect it is, it can’t get rid of causation, so spoil things through excessive enthusiasm, after To achieve the Dao and become Immortal, waiting for their will It’s the abyss of myriad tribulations.”

Those old monsters with thousands of years of cultivation may envy the jealous prince of the immortal court, and feel that Heavenly Dao is unfair.

Actually, Qin Hao knows that Heavenly Dao has always been fair.

You will get as much as you pay. Even if you don’t get it now, you will get it in the future.

And he knows better that there are no shortcuts to cultivation. The more shortcuts you take, the more terrifying the disaster you will encounter in the future.

Cultivation cultivation, which seems to cultivate immortals, is a great way, but actually cultivates a heart.

If Dao’s heart is unstable, no matter how high the cultivation base is, there will be a result in the end, that is, scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

Evil repairing the demonic path is the best proof.

The evil repair of the demonic path is a shortcut to the road. Therefore, since ancient times, even if the evil repair of the demonic path is like a mouse crossing the street, there are still countless people on this road. As a result, only After embarking on this road, I realized that waiting for them is a road consigned to eternal damnation.

That is really consigned to eternal damnation.

In the Great Wilderness Heaven Realm, they have seen too many Old Demon scattered ashes and dispersed smoke contained in the cultivation absolutely, or cautiously frightened all day, because you don’t know when the disaster will come, neither I know what disasters are coming, let alone whether crossing tribulation is difficult.

Would you like to ask what is the end of the demonic path?

No one knows.

Because no one has been to the end, many Demon King, Demon King, Demon Imperial Capital died on the way.

As for good luck.

In the eyes of others, this thing may be a good thing that may come by with luck, but not by searching for it.

But in the eyes of Wan Huaiyu and Qin Hao, the so-called good fortune is a burden. The more good fortune, the greater the burden, the more terrifying things they will face in the future.

This is true.

In Ancient Era, Heaven Realm, there are not a few people who have great good fortune. They usually look very beautiful, but they only look. The calamity encountered in the dark is better than the demonic path. Many people with great good fortune are forcibly exhausted by the good fortune of their bodies. They are either cultivation deviation, or delirious, or hide from catastrophe, or their soul is swallowed, and the fleshy body is taken over and become puppets of good fortune.


The people of samsara reincarnation, Wan Huaiyu and Qin Hao, have not had any good luck in them so far.

Zhiran is all in one body, and it is a great way.

The two have always kept this sentence in mind.


Sunset, sunset evening.

It’s night.

The moon is bright.

The brightly lit Demon Moon Mountain and the discipline of the Demon Moon Palace are all discussing what happened in Immortal Mansion during the day.

Since half a month ago, after the people headed by Second Elder Feilu died in Xiaozhe Villa, the Demon Moon Palace has also recovered its former calm, without the threat of Second Elder and the others, Feiyan Palace Master and Fenghua, Feng Lie, and several other Old Ancestors discussed, they were ready to let Bitter Winter officially succeed to the lord of the Demon Moon Palace.

Before Bitter Winter takes the throne, one thing needs to be done, and that is to integrate the Heart of the Demon Moon, which is a symbol of the Palace Lord, and it is also something that all the Palace Masters of the Demon Moon Palace must do.

However, Palace Master Feiyan did not at all merge, not that he didn’t want to, but not at all merged successfully.

At this moment, Bitter Winter is retreating and fusing the heart of the demon moon, so she is also very worried in her heart and has been praying.

Several Old Ancestors such as Fenghua and Fenglie have been pacing back and forth in the great hall, because two full days have passed, and there is no news from the cold winter, which makes them very worried.

At this moment, a white silhouette unfathomable mystery appeared in the great hall of Demon Moon Palace.

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