Supreme Lord

Chapter 402

“hehe, is it…”

Ma Zhengtian smiled slightly, did not continue to entangle Tu Gao, not afraid, but didn’t want to oneself to somebody’s level with his lower one.

He knows very well that the reason Tu Gao is so arrogant is that in addition to relying on his own strength, he relies more on his Master, which is also the Sect Master of the Seven Stars.

In the eyes of outsiders, the Seven-Star Sect Master is a profound mystery expert, but he knows that the identity of the Seven-Star Sect Master is more than that, it is very special, so special that you can come and go freely. Secret Realm.

What is Tai Xuan Secret Realm.

Ma Zhengtian, Huo Dong, and the others all know, not only do they know, they have been secluded cultivation in these years, it is clear that Taixuan Secret Realm lives in a Venerable who possesses great magical power.

Even the samsara reincarnation who hides in the Jiuhua League respect their fear by 30%.

At the same time, many people in the Jiuhua League have been able to improve their cultivation base so quickly, they have all been guided by this venerable, from Alliance Leader and Elder to Huage Young Master and Taixuan Young Master. , Including Huo Dong, Wang He, Tu Gao, and Ma Zhengtian have also received the guidance of that Venerable.

They are even more aware that Taixuan Secret Realm is not accessible to all who can enter and exit at will, even the Alliance Leaders of the Jiuhua League and the great abilities of those samsara reincarnations.

Of course, the Master of Tugao and the Sect Master of the Seven-Star Sect are an exception. According to rumors, the Seven-Star Sect Master is the Honorary Disciple of the Venerable.

In a sense, it is not an exaggeration to say that the Seven Stars is a direct line of the Jiuhua Alliance, at least in the eyes of Huo Dong and Ma Zhengtian. It is also for this reason that Tu Gao dare He didn’t put anyone in his eyes, and because of this, he dared to speak wild words and despise the Scarlet Clouds.

“Ma Zhengtian, three years ago, I lost to you. Today, three years later, you are no longer my opponent.” Tu Gao arrogantly said with disdain: “Don’t think you inherited Totem, the dragon elephant. Then invincible in the whole world, tell you, when the Taixuan monument is opened, I will definitely make you look good!”

“Really? I am looking forward to it.”

” hmph!”

Tu Gao flicked his sleeves, coldly snorted, and left directly.

The audience was full of voices, everyone discussed spiritedly, and most of the discussions were major events that took place in the Quartet.

Almost all the major events in Sifang Dayu in the past year are related to Gu Qingfeng. First, the seven mysterious Cave Mansion of natural mutations, the Chixu Villa, the Ice Profound School, and the Black Crow. Secret Realm, Liuren Mountain…

Huo Dong was originally just curious, and he just chatted casually. In his capacity, he would naturally not put Gu Qingfeng in his eyes. As for what a shock Thousands of people have wiped out more than a dozen Nascent Soul experts in one stroke. This may be shocking in the eyes of others, but in his eyes it is not worth mentioning.

A few years ago, he used the strength of oneself to obliterate several Nascent Soul experts, and he even severely damaged the Nascent Soul bosses of thousands of years of cultivation. This was only a few years ago. Today, As long as he wants, it is nothing difficult to obliterate the Nascent Soul boss.

It’s the so-called Kneeling of the Twelve Chixiao People, which made Huo Dong quite curious. He smiled and asked: “Brother Ma, I heard that Gu Qingfeng has the background of your deficit head, and it may be someone A descendant of the Chixiao Banner Lord, I don’t know if it is true or false?”

“A descendant of the Chixiao Banner Lord? Hehe, Huo Dong, you think too much.”

oh?’ Huo Dong gave a light huh and asked: “How to say?”

Besides, Wang He also said with a smile: “Could you be another liar? It’s just that this time he is not a descendant of the emperor. It’s the descendant of the Red Cloud Banner Lord?”

“If it is really the descendant of a certain Red Cloud Banner Lord in our deficit head, do you think he will be the keeper of the Little Yunxia Sect?”


“Ha! That’s true.”

“So, the old man of Fengyun Huoyun two rudders and the people of Chixiao are fooled?” Huo Dong said with a smile: “Listen Said that because of this a few days ago, the twelve Chixiao people from the storm and the fire cloud were still very unhappy with you thunderclouds and electric clouds?”

Ma Zhengtian raised his eyebrows and asked: “Huo Dong, when are you? I’m so interested in our deficits.”

“Brother Ma, don’t get me wrong, I’m not at all.” Huo Dong stood with his hand held down, like a gentleman, and said: “I’m just right Gu Qingfeng is just a little interested.”


Ma Zhengtian looked at Huo Dong, as if he could see through his mind, and said: “Huo Dong, I know you What do you want to do, but I advise you to dispel it.”

“Oh? I don’t know what Brother Ma said?”

“What is your first Young Master like? It’s not that I don’t know, why bother to pretend to be confused in front of me.”

At first, Ma Zhengtian was still wondering why Huo Dong was so interested in Gu Qingfeng, until Huo Dong asked about Heavenly. Fire Yunfengyun’s two rudder and Thundercloud and Dianyun caused unpleasant things. Ma Zhengtian immediately realized that Huo Dong wanted to win over Gu Qingfeng.

He opened strife and veiled struggle with Huo Dong for many years. He knew Huo Dong’s personality very well. He knew that this man was very ambitious, and he especially liked to win over. He knew that after a hundred years, the situation in the Quartet will inevitably be Reorganization, now the Jiuhua League clearly wants to support the Seven Stars faction. He, the first sect leader, has to think about the future so that he can stand more firmly in the Jiuhua League. For this reason, Huo Dong has been secretly wooing everyone Great Sect.

The value of an expert with superior strength is definitely much greater than a poor, humble sect.


Huo Dong asked about the previous Heavenly Fire Yunfengyun and Leiyun Dianyun’s fallout. He wanted to determine whether this happened, and he also wanted to explore the reality and reality. He also wanted to know how Leiyun Dianyun was against Gu Qingfeng. Attitude.

It seems that Wang He also saw Huo Dong’s thoughts. He still played with the bald eagle on his shoulder, said with a smile: “The picture is not here. Master Huo Young doesn’t need to hide it. Now, if my guess is correct, Huo Young Master wants to win over Gu Qingfeng, right?”

Huo Dong not at all concealed it, and asked with a smile: “What? Does Young Master Wang have the same intention? “

“I heard that Gu Qingfeng is not simple, and I am indeed interested. If it can be used for my own use, it will be very good, but… Since Master Huo Young has this mind, I How can I beat you.”

“Ha! Young Master Wang is humble.”

“I advise you to think clearly before making a decision, then Gu Qingfeng was previously Killed many people in the Jiuhua League, and offended many families in the League. Of course, this is not a problem for First Young Master Huo. You can settle it with a word, but Murong Family, you have to think carefully , After all, a side branch of the Murong Family was almost completely destroyed by Gu Qingfeng in Chixu Villa.”

Wang He at a moderate pace slowly said: “There are also some old monsters from the Murong Family. Murongxian and the others are in retreat in Taixuan Secret Realm, and they don’t know about it. Now they have all left the customs, they should all know about it. With Murongxian’s temperament, he will definitely not let Gu Qingfeng go, and he will definitely He broke his body into pieces in public.”

As soon as the conversation turned, Wang He looked towards Huo Dong and said with a smile: “You know better than anyone, the Jiuhua League wants to support It’s not just the Seven Stars faction, there is also a Murong Clan. If you draw Gu Qingfeng over, hehe… Murong Clan I’m afraid…”

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