Supreme Lord

Chapter 2583


Perceived to perceive.

Perceived it may not be able to change.

If you cannot change or get rid of the identity of the chess piece, there are only two options in front of you.

Either accept fate or bet on fate.

As anyone, I’m afraid he will not accept his fate easily. The only choice is a gamble.

How to bet?

The answer is obvious, at all costs ask the original sin Allah.

Only by aspiring to Allah of Original Sin, may we be able to get rid of the identity of a chess piece, and only by aspiring to Allah of Original Sin, we may be able to defying heaven changing fate.

Even if the aspiration of the original sin is only their ultimate destiny, they have to gamble.

Because apart from this, those original sin variables have no other choice.

Just then.

Profound Nether Old Ancestor, who was silent for a while, burst out laughing again.

Laughing is very strange, but also very unfathomable mystery.

The breath of the original sin of laughter was boiling and distorted by it, and everyone in the field who also laughed was a little confused, not knowing what he was laughing at.

“Youdi deserves to be Youdi, admire! Admire! hahaha!”

When the voice of Profound Nether Old Ancestor came, the original sin Old Ancestor in the field had each one, and his face looked like They are all instantaneous changes, even the three avenue masters of the Black Mountain old monster who have been changing since they appeared, even the green robe Old Ancestor with a gloomy smile, including the arrogant regardless of the law and of natural after the appearance. Morality, Tai Chi Wuliang, who didn’t put anyone in his eyes, had a slight change when he heard Profound Nether Old Ancestor suddenly mention the word Youdi.

Don’t talk about them.

Always sit cross-legged on the palms of the sacred Great Buddha Hand, clasp your hands together, and close your eyes slightly, with the expressionless wonderful Tathagata. When I heard the words Youdi, my brows couldn’t help but frown. For a moment.

When Profound Nether Old Ancestor mentioned Youdi, the field suddenly became extremely quiet.

Not only the original sin Old Ancestor in the field, but also the magic weapons of good fortune that have been flashing in the void before seem to be quiet in this brief moment.


Death silence.

The entire ligu space has become absolute silence, as if time has stopped passing, everything is frozen in this place, and I don’t even dare to breathe.

It feels like the word Youdi is like Death God.


Not Death God, more like a taboo.

A kind of taboo that no one dared to mention, just as if only mentioning this taboo, it will encounter accidents.


The word Youdi is a taboo no matter the Old Ancestor of those original sins or the Old Ancestor of the avenue.

Especially at this moment, at this juncture, the existence of Youdi is even more taboo than taboo.

Gu Qingfeng has always stood on a lonely mountain in the distance.

Although the lonely mountain is unremarkable, the existence of Gu Qingfeng Divine Consciousness cannot be detected, but everyone knows that he is drinking on the lonely mountain.

The original sin Old Ancestor in the field, whether it is a avenue overlord like Black Mountain old monster, or the weird and evil green robe Old Ancestor, or the arrogant Tai Chi immeasurable, including Miao Tathagata, since their appearance, No one paid any attention to Gu Qingfeng, and didn’t even look at it.

It is not because they all put Gu Qingfeng in their eyes, so they chose to ignore it.

On the contrary.

None of them dare not put Gu Qingfeng in their eyes, because Gu Qingfeng’s existence is so special, so special that no one dares to provoke him at this juncture, so they are very good The tacit choice pretended not to see Gu Qingfeng.

Gu Qingfeng is the biggest original sin variable.

It is also the most promising to aspire to the existence of Allah.

All signs also indicate that Gu Qingfeng is the God of Original Sin recorded in the Book of Destiny.

The change in the palace will affect the catastrophe of original sin, and most people think that this so-called change may refer to Gu Qingfeng.

The reason why these original sin Old Ancestors stood quietly in the field is that the Old Ancestor obediently and honestly is hidden in all kinds of magic weapons.

One is because Li Gongyuan has not yet been born.

The second reason is that Gu Qingfeng has always stayed above the lonely mountain.

Once Gu Qingfeng has any movement, the seemingly stable situation in the Li Palace space will immediately become chaotic.

And no one can predict this kind of chaos.

Neither the original sin Old Ancestor nor the Avenue Old Ancestor want chaos.

Now the original sin Old Ancestor and Dadao Old Ancestor seem to have formed a tacit understanding, that is, try to stabilize the situation until Li Gongyuan is born, and see if the spirit of original sin contained in it is closely related to Gu Qingfeng .

If they are closely related, then there is no doubt that Gu Qingfeng is the God of Original Sin recorded in the Book of Destiny.

When the time comes, whether it is plotting the existence of the original sin of Allah or guarding the existence of Heaven and Earth Grand Dao, it will at all costs obliterate Gu Qingfeng.

Now they are all waiting.

Wait for the birth of Li Miyamoto.

Only when Ligiyamoto is born, can they determine who the God of Original Sin recorded in the Book of Destiny is.

If Li Gongbenyuan has not yet been born, and Gu Qingfeng will stand up and spoil the situation, then it will be a very tricky matter for the original sin Old Ancestor and Dadao Old Ancestor.

How powerful is Gu Qingfeng’s strength, no one has any foundation in his heart, and no one can say that he is sure to kill Gu Qingfeng.

Black Mountain old monster does not have a great avenue overlord, nor does it have a wonderful Tathagata, nor does Taiji Wuliang. If he has this certainty, after he appears, he who is arrogant to regardless of the law and of natural morality, even Black Mountain old monster and Miao Rulai are not in the eyes, but they choose to deliberately ignore Gu Qingfeng.

I am afraid that even Xuanyuan Wuji, who claims to be in harmony with the sky, one hand shrouding the heavens, may not be sure to obliterate Gu Qingfeng. If you are sure, Gu Qingfeng, the biggest original sin variable Will not live now.

Because everyone is not sure, it is necessary to wait for an opportunity, a so-called tacit understanding.

This time and this tacit understanding is Limiyamoto.

Only when Li Gong is born, and only when it is determined whether Gu Qingfeng is the God of Original Sin recorded in the Book of Destiny, Old Ancestor and Old Ancestor can form a tacit understanding.

Before it is impossible to determine whether Gu Qingfeng is the God of Original Sin recorded in the Book of Destiny, no one dares to oppose Gu Qingfeng. Everyone knows that to provoke Gu Qingfeng at this juncture, it is likely to dig his own grave .

Even the green robe Old Ancestor, who has been trying to disrupt the situation in the field, dare not even claim to be the number one shit chopper in Heaven and Earth.

The reason is simple.

green robe Old Ancestor, he can control the chaos.

But if Gu Qingfeng is disrupting the situation, then this situation is beyond his control.

Everyone thought that Profound Nether Old Ancestor would deliberately ignore Gu Qingfeng like everyone else. No one thought that Profound Nether Old Ancestor would take the initiative to provoke Gu Qingfeng after a moment of silence.

This moment.

Everyone held their breath and became nervous, and their hearts were restless. Everyone looked towards the lonely mountain in the distance.

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