Supreme Lord

Chapter 2579

The monk’s mind is getting more and more confused now, and it is getting less and less clear who is the God of Original Sin recorded in the Book of Destiny.

When he wants to come.

If Gu Qingfeng’s existence is just a bait placed on Wudaozun.

Then Tai Chi Wuliang may be the God of Original Sin recorded in the Book of Destiny. Because of this, Wuming Wuming also laid out a certain number in Taiji Wuliang.

What’s the matter with the wonderful Tathagata?

Taiji Wuliang and Wonderful Tathagata are both the original sin Allah recorded in the Book of Destiny. Therefore, the eternal namelessness should be placed on them.

If it is the other way around.

Gu Qingfeng is not a bait, it is indeed the God of Original Sin recorded in the Book of Destiny. Then there is no reason for the ancient namelessness to not set Gu Qingfeng’s body with a certain number.

Take ten thousand steps, even if Tai Chi is immeasurable and wonderful Tathagata, including Gu Qingfeng is not the original sin Allah recorded in the book of destiny, they are all so-called bait, and there is no reason for eternal namelessness. Only in Tai Chi immeasurable Yu Miao Tathagata arranges a certain number, but ignore Gu Qingfeng, the biggest original sin variable.

This doesn’t make sense at all.

Which Dragon Sect array is displayed on Wudaozun? What are the counter-measures that the ancient namelessness is playing? Da Xing Monk really can’t guess.

The only certainty is that all the original sin variables of Heaven and Earth in ancient and modern times may be the Dragon Sect array placed on the top of Wudaozun. The original sin Allah recorded in the Book of Destiny is one of them, and the others are Bait.


All the ancient and modern Heaven and Earth should be determined, and it should be the game that has been unknown to deal with Wudao Zun.

As for existences like Tai Chi Wuliang and Miao Tathaya that are both the original sin variable and the definite number, the monk pondered that it might be the ancient nameless suspect that one of them might be recorded in the book of destiny. The original sin variables, therefore, laid out on them in advance.


The Daxing Epilogue still can’t figure out why the ancient nameless would ignore Gu Qingfeng.

After all, all signs indicate that Gu Qingfeng is the God of Original Sin recorded in the Book of Destiny.

Stupefied the ancient nameless 100% sure that Gu Qingfeng must not be the God of Original Sin recorded in the Book of Destiny?

Thinking about it, Da Xing Tan Seng only thought of two possibilities.

One of them, either eternally unknown, 100% sure that Gu Qingfeng must not be the God of Original Sin recorded in the Book of Destiny, including other variables of original sin is no exception, but it is impossible to determine the immeasurable Tai Chi and the wonderful Tathagata, so Layout only on the two of them.

Think about it, this possibility seems very low.

Come on.

If you can see that Gu Qingfeng and other original sin variables are not the God of Original Sin recorded in the Book of Destiny, there is no reason to not see the immeasurable Tai Chi and the wonderful Tathagata.


Even if Eternal Wuming can see that one of the immeasurable Taiji and the Miao Tathagata must be the God of Original Sin recorded in the Book of Destiny, she will not be so stupid that she only lays out the two of them. This is not to tell Wu directly. Dao Zun, she has seen through the layout of Wu Dao Zun.

If the Daxing Monk is unsung, even if one of the Taiji Wuliang and Wonderful Tathagatas is seen as the Allah of Original Sin, she will definitely lay out all the variables of original sin, thus confuse Wudao Honorable.

Especially Gu Qingfeng, the biggest variable, even if it is bait, he must be deployed.

It happened that the ancient nameless did not do this.

There must be some secret in this.

It’s a pity.

The Daxing monk wants to break his head but can’t understand it.

He can only sigh, sighing that Divine Immortal is fighting, that he, a mortal, can’t even understand the moves.

Compared with the two Divine Immortal existences called Divine Immortal on Wudao Zun, the great monk can only be regarded as a mortal. One of these two represents original sin and the other represents destiny. Their respective layouts, one layout catastrophe variable, one layout should be fixed, one layout defying heaven changing fate, and the other layout defying heaven changing fate, it is really dazzling, you can’t understand or see through.

Here, Daxing Sengseng scratched his ears and cheeks anxiously, pacing back and forth like an ant on a hot pan. On the other hand, Gu Qingfeng drank wine, looked at Miao Tathagata, and looked at Tai Chi immeasurable, like Like watching the lively passers-by, rubbing his chin, said with a smile: “Yes, yes, Interesting.”

“I said Gu, it’s all the damn thing now. Burning eyebrows, you brat are still in the mood to watch the excitement? While Limiyamoto is not born, we still need to find out who is the Allah of the Original Sin recorded in the Book of Destiny as soon as possible!”

“What can I do? I figured it out, when Li Gong is born, don’t you know who is the God of Original Sin recorded in the Book of Destiny?”

“you brat…motherfucker, really…”

The Daxing Monk is very speechless. He naturally knows that when Li Gongyuan is born, he will know who the original sin Allah is recorded in the Book of Destiny. The problem is that by that time, everything is too late.

Don’t look at the current calm and tranquil, once the Limiyamoto source is born, the world will be in chaos immediately. When the time comes, the layout of those original sin Old Ancestor, the layout of the Old Ancestor, the layout of the Wudaozun, eternal Unnamed layouts, and so on, all layouts will emerge, and all will emerge.

If Gu Qingfeng is the God of Original Sin recorded in the Book of Destiny, when the time comes, you may fall into various layouts without the opportunity to react. No matter how strong you are, no matter how high your cultivation base is, it will not help. Once you fall into the heavy layout, you will be extremely passive and can only be slaughtered.

If Gu Qingfeng is not the God of Original Sin recorded in the Book of Destiny, the situation will only be worse.

According to the past experience of the monk’s own layout, irrelevant chess pieces are used for use. People will not care about your life or death at all. Not only will they not care, they will also let you send them. Die to break the opponent’s game.

I want to come to the Daxing Monk, if all the original sin variables are the chess pieces laid out on the Wudaozun, then the role of these chess pieces is definitely not just to confuse the ancient and unknown.

Think about it, just the spirit of original sin can affect the heart of the original sinner.

So what about the Spirit of Original Sin?

Now the consciousness of these original sin Old Ancestors is still very clear, and they can bear the influence of the spirit of original sin, but once the spirit of original sin is born, who can guarantee that their consciousness will be clear?

Maybe the spirit of original sin is born, it will immediately trigger the layout of Wudaozun, so that all the original sinners present, whether it is the original sin body or the original sin itself, and whether it is the original sin itself or the original sin body , Maybe even the son of original sin and even the variables of original sin will be affected, confused, and may even lose my consciousness.

Just when the Daxing monk was extremely worried, Gu Qingfeng’s rather playful voice came.

“Daxing, how messy do you think the current situation is?”

“It must be as chaotic as it is.”



Gu Qingfeng said with a smile: “If I add another fire, will it be more messy?”

Gu Qingfeng’s words make the Daxing monk a little incomprehensible, what Call for another fire?

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