Supreme Lord

Chapter 2577

When everyone predicts that the changes in the palace will affect the catastrophe of the original sin, here is destined to rise winds, scudding clouds, and it is also destined to be an occasion.

Whether it is the conspiracy of Allah, or the guardian of Heaven and Earth Grand Dao, whether it is the Nine Heavens Holy Land or the Nine Nether forbidden land, whether it is the ruins of the ruins, whether it is the destiny of all kinds, or the son of original sin , Whether it is the number of the elders, the variables of the original sin, etc., are also destined to gather here.

They may be late, but they will never be absent.

First there are countless original sin dharma bodies, then the original sin itself, itself, and even the ancient Old Ancestors who have cultivated the original sin body have all appeared.

Then, Black Mountain old monster, Lu’er old monster, Qingdeng Ghost Emperor, these avenue overlords, and Tai Chi Wuliang, etc. exist beyond all expectations.


The Western Heaven Buddha Emperor Miao Rulai finally appeared.

The name of the person, the shadow of the tree.

The name of the Buddha of the Western Heavens, All Heavens Myriad Realms, is known to everyone.

Even though it is Old Guy who has been suppressed in Guixu for countless years, Miao Tathagata is one of the names they have heard the most.

Since the ancients, experts have emerged in large numbers. Every era has at least one Megatron land, the incomparable Heaven’s Chosen Child.

For example, the Great Sun Emperor, such as Black Mountain old monster, such as Langya Lord Cangyan, such as Demon Sovereign Blood River, such as Youdi Gu Qingfeng, such as Emperor Changfeng, such as Emperor Fusheng, etc., all called The epoch-making Heaven’s Chosen Child is also the overlord of Heaven and Earth.

But after the ancients, who is Heaven’s Chosen Child in Heaven’s Chosen Child, who is the hegemon of the hegemon, and who is the star of the celebrity.

Neither the Great Sun Emperor, nor the Demon Sovereign Blood River, nor the Gu Qingfeng nor the Floating Emperor.

It is the Miao Tathagata Buddha of the West Heaven.


Miao Tathagata.

In terms of fame, the Miao Tathagata may not be as good as the Great Sun Emperor.

On bloodthirsty, the Tathagata may not be as good as Demon Sovereign.

In terms of madness, the wonderful Tathagata is not as good as Gu Qingfeng.

In terms of prestige, Miao Tathagata is not as good as a floating emperor.

But if you talk about the gift of heaven, the choice of heaven, and the Heaven’s Chosen, whether it is the Great Sun Emperor or the Demon Sovereign Blood River, whether it is Gu Qingfeng or the Floating Emperor, all of them are not as good as the wonderful Tathagata, not only. It can even be said that there is no comparability at all.

Although the Great Sun Emperor and Demon Sovereign Blood River are more famous, they only gained fame after they became famous.

In contrast, Emperor Fusheng is even worse.

The Great Sun Emperor and Demon Sovereign were both Direct Disciple cultivated by Heavenly Paradise when they were young. They are also the gods of genuine, and they are born with great advantages.

Floating emperor was born in the secular world. He is a mortal mortal who is a fleshy body. He is completely cultivated by his own efforts. In the future, he will also be a cultivation step by step. .

Gu Qingfeng is even more needless to say, not to mention that it is better than the Great Sun Emperor and Demon Sovereign Blood River, even the floating emperor is not comparable. Although the floating emperor is a mortal with a fleshy body, it is in ten-thousand does not have one’s aptitude and perception.

When Gu Qingfeng was young, he didn’t even have the qualifications to worship the secular Sect. He could only be a handyman in Sect because of his poor aptitude. He could have subsequent achievements. It was completely because of Heaven and Earth. The word step by step is forced to become like this.

In contrast, the wonderful Tathagata.

According to reports, when the Miao Tathagata comes out of the mother’s womb, a natural phenomenon is born. The wind and clouds change, the colors of nature bloom, and the bright light covers it, East-Rising Purple Qi, Dragon and Phoenix Symbols of Auspiciousness, sacredness descends, whirling changes.

These signs are comparable to the birth of a saint, I am afraid that even the birth of a saint does not have such a miraculous sign.

What’s even more wicked is that this wonderful Tathagata is born and can walk, and every step taken, the lotus flower blooms under the foot, and after seven steps, seven lotus flowers bloom, and each lotus flower is like a whirling world. Called Lotus Blooming at Every Step.

Is it just that?

Of course not.

It is said that after seven steps of Miao Tathagata, one finger to the sky, one finger to the ground, talking to himself, uttering eight words, above heaven under earth, Only I Am Supreme.

Some people say that the Miao Tathagata is the reincarnation of the Tathagata.

This is not a big deal.

Know that the word Tathagata is the supreme title of Buddha and Tao.

For example, the five famous kings are.

Fudo Mingwang is the Great Day Tathagata Buddha, and the third king Mingwang is the Aye Tathagata Buddha, the Jundali Mingwang is the treasured Tathagata Buddha, the Great Prestige and Virtue Mingwang is the immeasurable life Tathagata Buddha, and the Vajra Yaksha Mingwang is Do not have time to achieve Tathagata.

Apart from this, Tathagata also has another meaning. In Buddhism, good causes are accumulated and finally become a Buddha, so the name Tathagata, which is the true body Tathagata, and even the word Tathagata It also represents the past and the future.

It is said.

Miao Tathagata landed and became a Buddha, and he became the legendary 81 Amitabha.

Miao Tathagata repairs Relic, which is the legendary 36 Nirvana Vajra Relic.

Miao Tathagata Asura Han, who repaired the legendary eighteen guardian arhats.

Miao Tathagata cultivates Bodhi, which is the legendary nine reincarnation bodhi.

Miao Tathagata repairs King Ming, who also repairs the legendary Five Kings.

Miao Tathagata cultivates the great day, and what he cultivates is the great day of Buddha that can save all things in the legend.

Passed on.

81 Amitabha, represents the boundless Dharma of Buddhism.

36 Nirvana, Vajra Relic, represents the will of Undying and Inextinguishable.

Eighteen Dharma-protecting Arhats represent the fearless and dauntless spirit of Buddhism.

Nine reincarnation bodhi, representing the endless beliefs of Buddhism and Taoism.

The five kings of the Ming Dynasty represent the supreme guardian of Buddhism.

A round of Buddha’s great day represents the transcendence of all things in Buddhism!

Why is the Miao Tathagata able to dominate the chaotic Buddhist Eight Sects in the West in a weak year?

The basis is 81 Amitabha, the basis is 36 Nirvana Relic, the basis is the eighteen dharma arhats, the basis is the nine reincarnation bodhi, and the basis is the great day of one round of Buddha.

What is Heaven’s Chosen Child.

This is Heaven’s Chosen Child.

What is godsend and what is godsend.

This is God’s gift, this is God’s choice.

Ascending to the skies with a single leap.

What Wushuang’s aptitude, what Wushuang’s perception, is not worth mentioning in the face of Godsend Tianxuan.

After the ancients, Miao Tathagata is the only one who can be called Heaven’s Chosen Child, and it is the existence of a man chosen and gifted by heaven. There is no one!

Everyone knows that Emperor Tairi is the overlord of immortal dao, Black Mountain old monster is the overlord of the demon road, and Demon Sovereign is the overlord of the demonic path.

But no one has ever said that the Great Sun Emperor can represent the immortal dao and the Black Mountain old monster can represent the demon way.



They can’t represent immortal dao at all, nor can they represent the evil way.

The reason is very simple. Whether it is the Great Sun Emperor or the Black Mountain old monster, they do not at all dominate the origin of the avenue. They can’t be called the master of the avenue, and naturally they cannot represent the avenue where they are.


Miao Tathagata does not dominate the origin of Buddhism and Tao, but everyone thinks that he is qualified to represent Buddhism and Tao.

Because of the existence of 81 Amitabha, 36 Nirvana Relic, eighteen Dharma-protecting Arhats, nine reincarnation Bodhi, and the great day of one round of Buddha in Miao Tathaya, the origin of the Buddha is destined to be dominated by him, except He, anyone else is impossible and has no right to dominate the source of Buddhism and Taoism.

This point.

Even if it is a great monk, I have to admit it.

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