Supreme Lord

Chapter 2572

In the field.

The sound of Dragon’s Roar, Phoenix’s Cry has never stopped. It continues to sound, oscillating the sky of original sin’s breath, blurring and distorting, and oscillating the sky of original sin light as faintly discernible.

The androgynous yin and yang man walked slowly, every step he took was accompanied by the sound of Dragon’s Roar, Phoenix’s Cry, every step he took was like a change of yin and yang, and every step he took was like Darkness and Light intertwined. , Everyone can feel a vast and endless terrifying coercion.

The face that resembles a man and a woman has an expression of above heaven under earth Only I Am Supreme. The eyes like the sun and the moon are filled with incredible pride, sweeping the audience and opening their mouths. And Tao.

“Er and others are just a group of mobs, and they also deliberately want to ask the original sin Allah, hehe, really ridiculous, overestimate one’s capabilities.”

Its voice is like a person, like a man like a woman, like Yin is like yang, so weird and weird, so evil and evil.

What he said was neither arrogant nor arrogant.

You must know that the original sinners in the field, whether it is the original sin body, original sin itself, original sin itself or even original sin, are enough to be called Old Ancestor of original sin, and they are also experts of all ages, not from Returning to the ruins is from the ruins, even more how, as well as the three avenue overlords of Black Mountain old monster, L’Er old monster, and Qingdeng Ghost Emperor.

If even they are just a bunch of mobs, then there will be no capable people in Heaven and Earth.


Speaking again.

These Old Ancestors are indeed not worth mentioning in front of the four words Tai Chi Wuliang, even if they have cultivated the true body of original sin, even if they have been integrated into the true blood of original sin, they have been integrated into the essence of original sin, and they are as powerful as Black Mountain. The generation of old monsters is no exception. Even the so-called original sin variable, even known as the biggest original sin variable Gu Qingfeng, is eclipsed in front of the four words Tai Chi Wuliang.

Whether they admit it or not, it is the same fact.

Tai Chi Wuliang is definitely the best in Heaven and Earth in ancient and modern times.

“jié jié jié jié!”

The three avenue overlords of Black Mountain old monster chose to be silent, but the green robe Old Ancestor still jumped up and down as always, even if the immeasurable appearance of Tai Chi might disrupt His layout, green robe Old Ancestor is still smiling.

“In front of Tai Chi Immeasurable, I am really waiting for a group of mobs! jié jié jié jié!” green robe Old Ancestor cup hand to hold fist, squinting eyes, bright light in his eyes, evil in the corners of his mouth Evil, said: “The little green robe is here to see you. I haven’t asked your surname and name.”

“I am the immeasurable.”

Good fellow.

This immeasurable Tai Chi is really mad and boundless, dare to claim to be the four words immeasurable respect.

Throughout the past and present, there are kings, kings, emperors, and emperors.

And the two words above are represented by Paragon.

Since ancient times, only the Sect Founder who pioneered the avenue, or the Sect Founder who pioneered the era, are qualified to be hailed as the master.

For example, to create the Avenue Three Purities Sect Founder, the Avenue discipline is called Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable.

There is also the God of Original Sin who created the Age of Innocence, and later generations will also call him the Supreme Lord of Innocence.

This immeasurable Tai Chi prides itself on immeasurable respect, undoubtedly comparing himself to the Three Purities Sect Founder who pioneered the road.

“jié jié jié jié, Blessed Ancestor… Good! Good! Good! Your Excellency is absolutely qualified and can definitely bear the four words of Blessed Ancestor.” I wonder if green robe Old Ancestor deliberately In the flattery of the Blessed Venerable, he bowed his hands and shook his head, almost kneeling on the ground and bowing his head in worship.

Suddenly, when the conversation turned around, green robe Old Ancestor asked, “I just don’t know what Old Ancestors on the avenues above, especially the Old Ancestors of Xuantian immortal dao, what do they think, jié jié jié jié !”

“They? Hehe.”

The yin and yang people who claim to be Immeasurable Supreme have never seen in the sky Old Ancestor, the avenue hidden in the magic treasure of nature, Disdain: “In the eyes of my Blessed Supreme Being, it is just a group of mobs, nothing more.”

“Good! Good! Good!”

green robe Old Ancestor applauded While saying good three times in succession, he complimented: “It’s worthy of being Immeasurable, really awesome! Small admiration! Admiration extremely!”

Speaking, green robe Old Ancestor cup hand to hold fist again Said: “I just don’t know, what is your intention when you show up this time? Is it to plot the sin of Allah? or for Allah slaughter the sin? No matter if the Lord is to plot the sin of Allah, or for Allah slaughter the sin, the little green robe I would like to be a pawn of the Lord, and charge for the Lord!”

I don’t know if green robe Old Ancestor really wants to be in the seat of the Lord Blessed, or for the purpose of this trip. flattery.

This is not important either.

The important thing is the original sin Old Ancestor present. There is each one, including the Black Mountain old monster. The three avenue overlords also want to know what this self-proclaimed yin and yang person of the immeasurable superior wants to do. , Is for plotting the Allah of Original Sin, or for killing Allah of Original Sin.

This question is critical.

Originally, when Blessed Venerable appeared, everyone thought that he might be directed at the spirit of original sin in the source of Li Gong, but after thinking about it carefully, I felt something was wrong, directed at the spirit of original sin. Coming here does not mean that it will be snatched, it may be for destruction.

After all, this self-proclaimed yin and yang person is different from the original sin Old Ancestor present. Although he is a variable of original sin, he is also a definite number.

In other words, his existence may be for plotting the Allah of Original Sin, or it may be for destroying Allah of Original Sin.

If you think of the origin of the Immortal Supreme, it is even more likely, as everyone knows, this yin and yang person who claims to be the Immortal Supreme, his predecessor is a pair of compatriots siblings, and it is the immortal dao of Xuantian. The discipline that helped immortal Weng personally tuned, almost everyone who knows Xuantian immortal dao knows that Xuantian immortal dao those immortal Wengs can say that they have exhausted everything in order to cultivate this pair of compatriots siblings, even immortal dao Supreme Treasure Nine Heavens dragon The sword was given to them.

Others may not know how this pair of compatriots, siblings, achieved Tai Chi immeasurable. It does not mean Xuantian immortal dao. I don’t know, it may be achieved with the help of Xuantian immortal dao gang of immortal Weng. Tai Chi is boundless.

And the immortal dao of Xuantian immortal dao is well known for the purpose of cultivating the boundless Tai Chi. It is certainly not the era of innocence, but to guard Heaven and Earth Grand Dao and be the master of the avenue.

From this point of view, the appearance of Blessed Lord seems to be to destroy the spirit of original sin and prevent the beginning of the era of innocence.

The problem is.

If it is really to destroy the spirit of original sin, the immeasurable deity does not need to appear now, and now, besides making the original sin present, Old Ancestor regard it as a thorn in the eye, it will protect Heaven and Earth Grand Dao There is no effect, not only does it have no effect, but it will also disrupt the situation in the field, let the situation become more chaotic, and even more out of control.

The Old Ancestor who plots the original sin of Allah in the field is afraid of chaos, and the avenue is more afraid of chaos. The more chaotic the situation, the more disadvantaged it is.

Why are those avenues Old Ancestor hiding in the magic weapon of good fortune of heaven? The purpose is to deter all the original sin Old Ancestor, so as to stabilize the situation and control the overall situation.

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