Supreme Lord

Chapter 2570

Disruption is also equal to layout.

It’s the other people’s game that is disturbed, but it’s your own.

Others want a stable character in their layout. The more stable the situation, the better for them.

The layout of green robe Old Ancestor asks for a messy character, the more chaotic the situation, the better for him.


The chaos caused by the immeasurable Tai Chi is very likely to make the chaos that green robe Old Ancestor breaks and then set up even more chaos.

This is the last thing green robe Old Ancestor wants to see.

More importantly.

The appearance of Tai Chi immeasurable will not only make the situation chaotic, but also make the changes in the palace even more confusing.

as everyone knows.

The changes in the palace will affect the catastrophe of original sin.

The problem is, no one knows what this so-called change in the palace refers to.

Most people suspect that this change may have something to do with Gu Qingfeng, and the game is also aimed at Gu Qingfeng.

Now the immeasurable Tai Chi emerges abruptly without warning, and all of a sudden, many of the original sins of Old Ancestor are lost in their hearts. Before that, almost everyone thought that Gu Qingfeng was recorded in the book of destiny. The original sin of God, all the signs seem to be so foretelling, but with the immeasurable appearance of Tai Chi, Gu Qingfeng may not be the God of original sin recorded in the Book of Destiny.


Gu Qingfeng is known as the biggest original sin variable in Heaven and Earth in ancient and modern times.

But if his so-called biggest original sin variable hits the impermanent Tai Chi immeasurable, its weight will be more or less discounted.

It’s not even an exaggeration to say that if Emperor Musashi, the siblings, achieved Tai Chi immeasurable in the ancient nine palaces, then everyone might think that the number of Tai Chi is the God of Original Sin recorded in the Book of Destiny. The original sin Old Ancestor may also choose to support Tai Chi immeasurable.

The reason is simple.

The meaning of the four words Tai Chi Wuliang is too great.

Yin and Yang are one, Dragon and Phoenix Symbols of Auspiciousness, black and white are mutually definite, and are the variables of original sin. It can be said that Tai Chi immeasurable is the most perfect existence of Heaven and Earth in ancient and modern times. !


There is no one.

It is more perfect than any existence, and it is not an exaggeration to call it the best of the past and the present.

As everyone thinks, if the original sin chooses a God among all living beings, then the most perfect one will be chosen. At least, if other people are innocents, they will do so.

This is like Seize Body For Rebirth. Everyone wants to have a perfect fleshy body.

Gu Qingfeng’s existence is certainly powerful, not to mention the original sin, the Fleshy body is also immortal, dominating all the forbidden avenues, apart from this, nothing else, it is just an original sin at best. The variable, even the biggest original sin variable, is still the original sin variable. It is the same as Yin and Yang, Dragon and Phoenix Symbols of Auspiciousness, and black and white. Compared with Tai Chi, which is both a catastrophe and an original sin variable, it is far different. Say there is no comparability at all.

No matter how powerful the good fortune is, no matter how unparalleled aptitude, no matter how outstanding the perception is, it will be eclipsed in front of the boundless Tai Chi, not worth mentioning.

Black liquid on the mountain.

The old beggar looked at the androgynous yin and yang people, and muttered: “It’s really a plan that cannot keep up with the changes. Human’s calculation are inferior to the heavens calculation. Lao Tzu counts, how can he not count it at this juncture? Motherfucker came up with a Tai Chi immeasurable, which is incredible.”

“Black liquid Empress, have you ever predicted that Tai Chi immeasurable will appear?”

The voice of old beggar came , Black liquid Empress is also a yin and yang person staring at the hermaphrodite. After a while, he shook his head slightly and said: “Tai Chi is boundless, it is inherently impermanent, how can I push it.”

“Good fellow Putting it that way you didn’t expect them to achieve Tai Chi immeasurable?”

The old beggar fiercely swallowed, first looked at Gu Qingfeng on the lonely mountain, and then looked at the yin and yang of hermaphrodite Man, said: “This time we should bet on the wrong treasure and bet on the wrong person, right? Lao Tzu looked up and down, no matter how you look at Tai Chi Wuliang, there is greater hope than the kid surnamed Gu to aspire to God of Original Sin.” /p>

black liquid Empress responded coldly: “If you think that you bet on the wrong treasure and the wrong person, you still have time to exchange it.”

“I don’t mean that, I just want If the motherfucker doesn’t get it right, there will be a Tai Chi immeasurable.”


Old Beggar can’t figure it out. He wants to understand even more than this, what the immeasurable Tai Chi that suddenly appears at this knot of bones means, and what impact it will have on this catastrophe of original sin, or What does Tai Chi represent behind the immeasurable.

“You can’t figure it out, and I can’t figure it out.”

black liquid Empress whispered softly as if muttering to himself: “Who can figure it out… I’m afraid no one I can figure it out.”

At the same time.

On a lonely mountain.

Gu Qingfeng’s people have been looking at the androgynous yin and yang people.

About Musashi Emperor, this pair of compatriots siblings, he once listened to the Daxing Monk and knew that it was cultivated by the immortal Weng who guarded the origin of the immortal dao.

Regarding the legend of Tai Chi immeasurable, he also heard the monk talk about it more than once. Gu Qingfeng was surprised to see that his compatriots siblings really achieved the ancient taboo legend of Tai Chi immeasurable.


Besides being surprised, there is also a complex thought that is unclear.

At this time.

The Daxing Monk said: “Gu boy, Lao Na remembers, you seem to have said that you suspect that you may be the causal incarnation of the innocent god, and the meaning of your causal incarnation is not to aspire to the original sin Allah, but for the purpose of concealing the illusion, the purpose is to make those great roads mistakenly believe that you are the Allah of Original Sin recorded in the Book of Destiny, so that they can all deal with you, thus protecting the true Allah of Original Sin.”

“Originally, when you said these things, Lao Na didn’t believe it very much, but now… when Tai Chi Wuliang came out, Lao Na thought it might be true. To say that you brat might not like to listen, the existence of Tai Chi is incredible compared to you brat. There are so many, it is the most well-deserved Heaven and Earth, unparalleled in ancient and modern times. If Lao Na is a godless, he will definitely choose Tai Chi Wu Yi to be the Lord of Original Sin.”

“Lao Na now thinks more and more This may be the case.”

“Since you brat appeared, everyone thought that you were the Allah of Original Sin recorded in the Book of Destiny. The Old Ancestors on the road stared at you, and the Old Ancestors of Original Sin stared at you. Regardless of whether you are guarding Heaven and Earth Grand Dao or conspiring with Allah, they will regard you as the number one enemy. If Lao Na’s guess is correct, the situation they set will be aimed at you.”

“You are responsible for all sins, you are responsible for all evils, and you are responsible for all the black pots. Now everyone knows that the changes in the palace will affect the catastrophe of the original sin. At this point of view, it happens to come out. An immeasurable Tai Chi, Lao Na is sure that not only the Black Mountain old monster they didn’t expect, but even the ancient nameless known as causal incarnation and messenger of fate did not expect Tai Chi immeasurable to appear.”

” Whether it’s Old Ancestor, or Old Ancestor, they’ve all laid out their plans, some are still laid out on you, and even laid out on your cause and effect. In the end, the original sin recorded in the book of destiny is not you brat at all. It’s Tai Chi Wuliang. If you deal with Tai Chi Wuliang at that time, it will be too late.”

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