Supreme Lord

Chapter 2564

“green robe Old Ancestor! hehe…”

Cang Yan stood up and walked to the pavilion, holding his right arm in his left hand, holding a white jade cup in his right hand, with a beautiful face hanging on it With a faint smile, a pair of eyes like the sun and the moon, and the yin and yang, staring at the green robe Old Ancestor in the field, with a kind of disgust in his eyes, and said: “I really don’t like this very much. Guy, it can be said to be extremely annoying.”

Cang Yan already knew that he was surrounded by the 36 holes of seventy two blessed land, it was the green robe Old Ancestor who fanned the flames behind his back, and the purpose was to prevent her from claiming fate , To destroy the fate of her previous life cloth, if she had not been prepared in the previous life, and not only arranged a fate, I am afraid that samsara reincarnation would have been killed by green robe Old Ancestor long ago.

After learning of this, Cangyan has chased and killed green robe Old Ancestor more than once, but unfortunately, they are all the same as Black Mountain old monsters, although they have killed the External Body Incarnation of green robe Old Ancestor, But he did not find his true body.

Including her most beloved man, so is Demon Sovereign Blood River.

Demon Sovereign Blood River has been chasing and killing green robe Old Ancestor since he knew that behind the whole thing was the ghost of green robe Old Ancestor, from the Great Ancient Era to the present, However, until now, I have not found where the true body of green robe Old Ancestor is hidden.


It is not just Black Mountain old monster who want to unearth the true body of green robe Old Ancestor, but also Cang Yan and Demon Sovereign Blood River, Great Sun Emperor, and even Xuanyuan Wuji I have been looking for the true body of green robe Old Ancestor.

I just searched for so many years, from nine days I found Nether, searched all the heavens, searched for All Heavens Myriad Realms, and even Heaven Beyond the Heaven endless ruins. I also searched above. In heaven under earth, no one has unearthed the true body of green robe Old Ancestor in all places outside the sky. No one knows where the true body of green robe Old Ancestor is hidden, just like the true body of green robe Old Ancestor. There is no the same.


In this catastrophe of original sin, as long as green robe Old Ancestor plots the Lord of Original Sin, then his true body will definitely show up.

Cang Yan believes that when the time comes, it is definitely not just himself who seeks revenge for green robe Old Ancestor. As long as his deity dares to show his face, he will not end well. When the time comes, don’t say Asking the original sin of Allah, whether it can live for a moment is a question.

“Anonymous, there is a question, I still don’t understand why you can tolerate the green robe Old Ancestor this kind of feces stick has been from the ancients to the modern times?”

Eternal Wuming not at all responded to this question, but stood quietly, gazing at the endlessly changing vortex.

“Stupefied you can’t find his real body, hehe…”

Cang Yan said again, although the ancient nameless still did not respond, Cang Yan was Already guessed the answer.

Maybe no one else can find the true body of green robe Old Ancestor, but it doesn’t mean that you can’t find it forever.

If there is a person in Heaven and Earth who can find the true body of the green robe Old Ancestor, then this person must be unknown.

Since this is the case, why has Eternal Wuming never shot green robe Old Ancestor?

The answer is simple.

Either the eternal nameless hope green robe Old Ancestor will come out to disrupt the situation.

Either the mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind, the green robe Old Ancestor disrupted the game, it is precisely the unnamed game.

Everyone knows that eternal namelessness is the incarnation of cause and effect, the messenger of fate. Therefore, we will definitely stand on the side of fate, and will certainly slaughter the original sin, guard Heaven and Earth Grand Dao, and guard Heaven and Earth Grand Dao is tantamount to keeping the fate of cause and effect.

Only Cangyan knows that although the ancient nameless is known as the messenger of cause and effect incarnation, it does not mean that the ancient nameless will always stand on the side of destiny, nor does it mean that the ancient nameless will definitely guard Heaven and Earth Grand Dao.

Because destiny may not be on the side of Heaven and Earth Grand Dao.

If not, the Book of Destiny will not record that God was found by the original sin, the Great Way has fallen, Heaven and Earth are reborn, and the era of innocence opens.

According to the record in the book of destiny, the great avenue falls, the era of no way is to comply with the destiny of heaven, and the protection of Heaven and Earth Grand Dao is to defying heaven changing fate.

It can be said that the opening of the era of no way is to comply with the destiny, after the fall of the great road, the causal destiny will also disappear. Isn’t it that destiny destroys oneself? It seems a little unreasonable in theory.


So far, no one knows whether to start the era of innocence is Suncheon’s fate, or Suncheon’s fate is to guard Heaven and Earth.

Others don’t know, I’m afraid they don’t even have an eternal name.

Take ten thousand steps back.

Even if destiny really stands on the side of Heaven and Earth, and guarding Heaven and Earth Grand Dao is also a destiny, the ancient unknown may not do it.

Because the ancient nameless hates fate.


The ancient nameless, known as the messenger of cause and effect incarnation, hates fate, hates fate more than anyone, and wants to get rid of fate more than anyone.

It sounds ironic.

But it is true.

Although Eternal Nameless has never said that, as her confidant and friend, Cang Yan can feel it, and it feels very strong.

Otherwise, the eternal unknown would not want to gamble on Gu Qingfeng.

If you want to ask what the ancient nameless bet on Gu Qingfeng, Cangyan may not be able to answer. What is certain is that the bet is neither the Great Dao Heaven and Earth nor the so-called era of innocence.

No one knows what Eternal Wuming is betting on Gu Qingfeng.

If it were other things, Cang Yan might be able to guess one or two, but she really couldn’t guess this thing.

Thinking of Gu Qingfeng, Cang Yan turned his eyes and looked towards a lonely mountain in the distance. He looked at the lonely mountain, while drinking wine, while chatting with the monk without a word Gu Qingfeng, Cang Yan couldn’t help but smile, a helpless and speechless smile.

Like Angu Wuming, she also placed her bet on Gu Qingfeng.

Unlike the ancient nameless, she bet that Gu Qingfeng asks the Allah of Original Sin, thus opening the era of innocence.

To be honest.

Cang Yan’s interest in the era of innocence is not very big, not only not great, and it can even be said that she does not want to start the era of innocence. It is the game of Heaven and Earth Grand Dao. In other words, she is more inclined to guard Heaven and Earth Grand Dao than in the era of innocence.

If she really wanted to plot the original sin of Allah, it would not be as simple as samsara reincarnation just asking for the imperial power and destiny of the immortal and demon.

She gambled on Gu Qingfeng to ask the original sin of Allah to open the era of innocence, only because of one person.

A man she loves, Demon Sovereign Blood River.

Demon Sovereign hopes to get rid of the shackles of cause and effect and dominate his own destiny. Therefore, he yearns for the era of innocence. Based on many years of investigation on Gu Qingfeng, he decides to help Gu Qingfeng at all costs to seek the original sin.

Back then, Demon Sovereign could be enchanted for her by the blood flowing into a river. Today, Cangyan will abandon Heaven and Earth for her beloved man and join the era of innocence.

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