Supreme Lord

Chapter 2555

This sky full of breath of original sin, sky full of original sin light, and flowers of original sin blooming everywhere, and many other signs indicate that the vortex of the palace must contain the spirit of original sin transformed by the soul of Wudaozun.

If the spirit of original sin is really hidden in the vortex of the ligu, then the spirit of terrifying released must also be the spirit of Wudaozun.

Because only the spirit of Wudaozun can make all people who invade the original sin fear.

This means that the spirit of Wudaozun is enough to affect the heart of the original sinner.

Just now.

green robe Old Ancestor can make all the original sin dharma body fighting spirit excited in just a few words, so it means that most likely the words of green robe Old Ancestor also contain the spirit of Wudaozun!

Since the spirit of Wudaozun can inspire fear in the heart of the original sinner, it must also be able to inspire the fighting spirit of the original sinner.

Only the spirit of the noble deity can bring fear to the original sinner, and only the spirit of the noble dear can make the spirit of the original sin fierce.

Think of this.

The big monk couldn’t help but suck in a cold breath and said, “Yes, it must be, Gu boy, you’re right. Green robe, the old turtle grandson, should be immersed in the essence of original sin. No! It’s not that it should, but it must have been incorporated into the essence of original sin! But…but…where did he get the essence of original sin?”

The External Body Incarnation of the Daxing Monk is all over the ancient nine palaces. , He was pretty sure that the essence of original sin had not appeared at all since the birth of the nine palaces.

Not only the ancient nine palaces, Great Ancient Era, Ancient Era, Ancient Era, until now in ancient times, he has never seen the essence of original sin.

is it possible that is the ancient times?

Although the Daxing Monk has not experienced the ancient times, he has been investigating all kinds of the ancient times.

In the rumor, when the era of innocence began, the pure and rich breath of original sin shrouded Heaven and Earth like chaos, and the light of original sin flickered like lightning, covering the mountains and plains. The flowers of original sin are blooming, and the essence of original sin is flying like a spirit, and the true blood of original sin is falling like snow and rain.

Back then, I only heard that everyone was fighting for True Blood of the original sin. I have never heard of anyone fighting for the essence of the original sin.

is it possible that everyone only knows that you can become a child of original sin by incorporating the True Blood of original sin into yourself, but you don’t know that if you integrate the essence of original sin into yourself, you can get the spirit of the innocent?

I don’t know.

Because the Daxing Monk has never experienced the beginning of the era of innocence, the information obtained through investigation alone cannot be guessed for a while.

In the field.

The green robe Old Ancestor stood in the void, constantly emitting triumphant laughter, a gloomy green robe glowing with gloom, really chilling.

Divine Predictor stared at green robe Old Ancestor, and said solemnly: “green robe, you really opened my eyes!”

The Rat Lord is also a gloomy face, shouted: “Green robe, have you mastered the secret of original sin!”

“jié jié jié jié!”

green robe Old Ancestor laughed more unscrupulously, more proudly, and more frantic .

“He did not grasp the secret of original sin.”

It was not someone else who said this, but the eight-armed Yama. He stood with his hands in his hands, dressed in a black robe, and his face covered. Senran stared at Green Robe Old Ancestor and said: “He has incorporated the essence of original sin into himself!”

Thousand waves were stirred up for a while.

The eight-armed Yama’s voice fell and immediately caused an uproar. The original sin Old Ancestor present at the scene thought for a moment, and finally understood why green robe Old Ancestor could instigate all the original sin dharmakayas in the Ligong space with a few words.

Just as the eight-armed Yama said, he must have incorporated the essence of original sin into himself, and cultivated the original sin spirit of Wudaozun.

“jié jié jié jié! Worthy of being an eight-armed Yama, or your unique vision, jié jié jié jié! Yes, Old Ancestor did incorporate the essence of original sin into itself! jié jié jié jié!”

green robe Old Ancestor did not hide anything, but generously admitted. After confessing, he laughed more frantically.

For this.

The original sin Old Ancestors in the field, whether they cultivate the original sin itself, the original sin itself, or the original sin, are big eyes staring at small eyes, you see me, I see You, your expressions have changed again and again, each of your eyes is more complicated, there is envy, jealousy, and hatred!

When the era of innocence began, although Heaven and Earth was filled with the breath of original sin, the light of original sin flickered wanton, the flower of original sin bloomed, and the blood of original sin filled the sky. Like rain, the essence of original sin danced everywhere.

The problem is that the opening of the era of innocence is too short. There is only a moment, a fleeting moment, and many people have no reaction at all. When they come back to his senses, the era of innocence will be unfathomable mystery. Collapsed.

Don’t say a touch of the essence of original sin, nor a drop of original sin’s blood, even a flower of original sin, even a bunch of brilliance of original sin, not even a ray of original sin’s breath. Then there is no more.

Although both Lord and Divine Predictor got a drop of True Blood, they didn’t grab it at the moment when the era of innocence started. Both of them were later, one was stolen from others. Yes, one is from someone else plot against.

The eight-armed Yama actually grabbed a drop of the blood of original sin at the moment when the era of innocence began.

It is not that he does not know that the essence of original sin is transformed by the spirit of Wudao Zun. If he integrates it into himself, he can get the supreme spirit of Wudao Zun. Unfortunately, the era of no Tao opens The time is too short. Even though he is powerful, he can only grab a drop of True Blood at the moment when the era of innocence opens.

If he is allowed to choose between the essence of original sin and True Blood, he will choose the essence of original sin without the slightest hesitation.

In his thoughts, the essence of original sin is much more precious than True Blood. After all, one is transformed by the spirit of Wudaozun, and the other is just the blood flowing from Wudaozun within the body.

A fleshy body from Wudaozun, and a soul from Wudaozun.

One is the original sin body on Wudaozun, and the other is the false self on Wudaozun.

Get the spirit of Wudaozun, perhaps the hope of aspiring to Allah of Original Sin will be greater.

It’s a pity.

Unfortunately, there has never been an if between Heaven and Earth since ancient times.

Because there is no if, the eight-armed Yan Luo looks at the green robe Old Ancestor here, so he will be jealous and hate!


It is not only their original sin Old Ancestor who envy and hate them. At this moment, the old beggar on the black liquid mountain, after learning that the green robe Old Ancestor actually incorporated the essence of original sin into himself, how much envy Envy, there is more jealousy than jealousy, in addition to envy, jealousy and hatred, more is regret!

Different from other Old Ancestors, when the old beggar started in the era of innocence, he not only grabbed a drop of True Blood, but also a touch of the essence of original sin.

In the end, he neither integrated True Blood into himself, nor did he integrate the essence of original sin into himself.

It’s not that there is no chance or time, but not that courage!

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