Supreme Lord

Chapter 2547

“Old Demon, known as the black flame of the demon flames in the ancient era, Old Monster Feng known as everywhere, and the insidious, cunning, half-demon and half-fairy yellow skin, the mega-horse of the ancient eight-armed Yama…It’s really a motherfucker. Eyes!”

Above the lonely mountain, the Daxing Monk looked at the old Ancestors that had emerged one after another, and couldn’t help expressing such emotion.

Although he has never experienced the ancient times, it does not mean that he does not understand the ancient times. On the contrary, the monk of Daxing has a better understanding of the ancient times than others.

How many years came to clarify the beginning of the era of innocence and to clarify the truth about the end of the era of absurdity, the monk of Daxing was very busy, and it is no exaggeration to say that his understanding of the era of absurdity, Probably more than the Old Guy of those ancient times.

The deserted ancient times is a very long era, longer than any other era since ancient times.

Like the original sin Old Ancestor that popped up in the field, most of them can only be regarded as the Old Guy in the late period of the ancient period. Of course, there are also the Old Guy in the middle period of the ancient period.

For example, Heiyan Old Demon, and Old Monster Feng are all Old Guys of the late period of ancient times.

And Huangpizi has eight-armed Yama, which belongs to the Old Guy in the middle of the ancient period, especially Huangpizi, who has a high level of generation, I am afraid that few people in the field can match him, and his existence is definitely a demon. The ancestors of Tao.

“What makes Lao Na even more unexpected is that even the immortal dao giant Golden Wheel Old Ancestor has infected original sin…”

The monk carefully investigated the ancient times, I clearly know the status of the Golden Wheel Old Ancestor in the Desolate Ancient Times. Now 36 Cave Heavens Seventy Two The so-called immortal dao Old Ancestor in front of the Golden Wheel Old Ancestor can only be regarded as a petty child at best, even if it is the Xuantian immortal dao guarding the immortal dao The immortals of Yuanyuan had to respectfully shout Senior when they saw the Golden Wheel Old Ancestor.

He really can’t figure out why such a lofty existence of Golden Wheel Old Ancestor infects original sin, and it seems that the original sin on Golden Wheel Old Ancestor is absolutely not shallow, it is definitely not only original sin itself, not only original sin itself , May be the true body of the legendary original sin.

as everyone knows.

The new self consciousness conceived from original sin is the Dharmakaya of original sin.

At this time, the consciousness is still rather chaotic, just like the Dharmakaya, without distinction from the original sin.

The self conceived from original sin is the original sin itself.

At this time, consciousness already has the concept of self, which can represent original sin.

The original self is the original sin itself.

At this time, the consciousness already has the concept of the self, the original sin is me, and I am the original sin.

If original sin conceives the true self, it can be called the true body of original sin.

At this time, the consciousness has been the concept of true self, which means the true self, the true original sin.

The Daxing Monk has never seen the true body of original sin before, even once, so I dare not determine whether the golden wheel Old Ancestor has cultivated into the legendary original sin body.

At the same time.

Among the magic weapons of good fortune of heaven, there is a black liquid mountain.

Black liquid There is a cool and elegant woman in a black robe on the mountain, and an old fogey who is sloppy and rough.

Cool and elegant woman is black liquid Empress, and old fogey is old beggar.

Black liquid Empress still looks as calm as always, staring at the unpredictable vortex, while old beggar is drinking wine while watching the Old Ancestor pop up one after another. One side of the mouth is foul-mouthed.

Like the original sin Old Ancestor in the field, the old beggar is now excited, surprised, and more emotional.

After the end of the ancient times, the old beggar was beaten into the ruins. He also didn’t know the life and death of other people. Now looking at the old friends, enemies and opponents of the year, he has a kind of heart. The unspeakable feeling is like dreaming back to the ancient times, especially the ancient vestige in the ligu space has been recovered, and the Old Guy of the ancient times has emerged, which makes the old beggar have a kind of illusion. The market is just a dream, and now that the dream wakes up, the ancients are still there.

At this moment, the old beggar really wants to charge ahead and get a better look now, to join in the excitement, thinking about it, and finally holding it back.

I glanced at an Old Ancestor in the field. Old Beggar knew him. He was the immortal dao giant Golden Wheel Old Ancestor.

To be honest.

When he saw the Golden Wheel Old Ancestor popping up, the old beggar thought he had mistaken the person. After he repeatedly confirmed that it was the Golden Wheel Old Ancestor, he still couldn’t believe it was true.

Others may not understand the Golden Wheel Old Ancestor, but the old beggar understands the Golden Wheel Old Ancestor no longer. The two are old rivals in the ancient times and have fought countless times, although not He is a friend, but he is the most familiar opponent. At the same time, Golden Wheel Old Ancestor is also the most respected opponent in his life, not one of them.

He respects the principle of Golden Wheel Old Ancestor.

Respect the selfless fearlessness of Golden Wheel Old Ancestor, and respect the fairness and justice of Golden Wheel Old Ancestor.

Respect the justice of the Golden Wheel Old Ancestor, respect the chivalry of the Golden Wheel Old Ancestor, and respect the noble morality of the Golden Wheel Old Ancestor.

Some people say that Jinlun Old Ancestor has been contributing to immortal dao all his life.

This is not an exaggeration at all.

For immortal dao, Jinlun Old Ancestor paid too much.

That year.

When Wudao Zun slaughtered immortal dao, Golden Wheel Old Ancestor desperately guarded, even if the source of immortal dao was slaughtered by Wudao Zun, the other immortal dao Old Ancestor all gave up. Old Ancestor still persists.

I want to come to old beggar, anyone can infect original sin, but Golden Wheel Old Ancestor will not.

Other avenues Old Ancestor may have to infect original sin in order to inherit and survive.

But it’s only Old Ancestor on other avenues, and Golden Wheel Old Ancestor will never.

In the eyes of those avenue Old Ancestor, inheritance is the first, and avenue is the second.

In the eyes of Golden Wheel’s Old Ancestor, the avenue is the sky, bigger than anything else.

Old beggar can’t understand why Golden Wheel Old Ancestor invades original sin.

At this time, the black liquid Empress, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly said: “Someone infects original sin in order to plot Allah to dominate the beings of Heaven and Earth. Someone infects original sin to get rid of causality in the age of innocence. Fetter, dominate one’s own destiny. Someone infects original sin for inheritance and survival.”

paused, the conversation turned, black liquid Empress added: “But there is another kind of person who infects original sin for Destroy the original sin, in order to obliterate the original sin, in order to protect the highway, and also to protect Heaven and Earth.”


The words of black liquid Empress came, old beggar as if was struck by lightning, and all the doubts in my heart were solved instantly.

He also finally understands why the immortal dao giant like Jinlun Old Ancestor invades original sin, as the black liquid Empress said, it is not to plot the original sin of Allah, nor to get rid of any causal destiny , Not to survive the so-called inheritance, but to destroy the original sin.

As the saying goes, if one doesn’t enter the tiger’s cave, how will one catch a tiger cub.

Until now, there is a saying that if you want to destroy original sin, you must first infect original sin, and only by becoming original sin can you destroy original sin.

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