Supreme Lord

Chapter 2532

The Daxing monk sighed.

What I sigh is the dissatisfaction with Gu Qingfeng in my heart, and the regret for Gu Qingfeng.

What I sigh is powerlessness, what I sigh is helplessness in my heart.

What I sigh is the injustice of Heavenly Dao, and the injustice of fate.

What I sigh is that Heaven and Earth does not regard everything as a dog. What I sigh is that all living beings are all chess pieces and ants.

He opened another jar of fine wine, and drank his glass again.

“I said it would be great, right?” Gu Qingfeng had a feeling of didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, and said: “Motherfucker, how do you drink this wine like seeing me off? .”

“Let’s see Lao Na off for you, come and drink another altar.”

“Roll the calf!”

Gu Qingfeng waved his hand. , Said: “You are sincerely cursing Lao Tzu.”

“It doesn’t matter if you curse or not, the result will be the same anyway.” The monk looked a little lost, and said expressionlessly: “But , This result is not too bad for you brat, maybe it is a relief, after all, you have always wanted to end all of this, now you have forgotten your wish, and you will not leave any regrets.”

The Daxing monk each minding their own business drank wine and said, “If you have any last wishes or explanations, you may as well tell Lao Na now that Lao Na will help you if he can do it. If you can’t do it, I will do everything possible to help you complete it.”

“Also confessed my last wish, motherfucker! You old bald donkey really thinks about it.” Gu Qingfeng sneered and said: “If If you want to die, Lord won’t stop him, anyway, Lord doesn’t want to die, nor intends to die.”

Hearing this, the Da Xing Monk was taken aback first, as if he didn’t expect Gu Qingfeng. Saying that, I was surprised: “You don’t want to die? If you heard me right, don’t you always want to end all this as soon as possible? As long as you can end all of this, you don’t care about life or death. Why, it’s difficult for you to get the hang of it now? “

“That’s right, the master is indeed resuscitated. Although it was a bit late, it is always resuscitated. Master does not want to die now, so he doesn’t want to end it in a hurry.”

The Daxing Monk was a little unbelievable, and asked: “Is it serious?”

“Of course.”


The monk frowned deeply and stared at Gu Qingfeng incomprehensibly. He knew better than anyone. Gu Qingfeng had previously decided that he wanted to do everything as soon as possible regardless of his life or death. It was not just a simple talk, but his heart was Thinking so, and planning like this, how come this good guy suddenly changed his mind?

Stupefied this guy has realized that this time hard to avoid calamity, and started to fear death?

Is this possible?

Obviously impossible.

Gu Qingfeng, this guy not only transcends life and death, but also sees through the mundane world, the four are empty, even more how there is never the word fear in the dictionary of life, and there is no fear of death at all.

In that case, what made him change his mind?

I don’t know.

The Daxing Monk couldn’t think of a reason for a while.

If it was before, knowing that Gu Qingfeng had changed his mind, the Daxing Monk would be excited and excited, but this time, he was neither excited nor excited, at best he was only surprised, and After the surprise, he was relieved.

said: “It’s late, everything is late. If you brat had planned early, there may be hope, even if you plan at the moment before you are involved, as long as you are not involved in this deserted ancient There may also be hope in the space of the palace, but now… everything is too late.”

“Is it late?” A smile crossed the corner of Gu Qingfeng’s mouth. This smile is not a leisurely smile. It’s not a smile of do as one pleases, but a kind of arrogance, a kind of evil spirit, a kind of self-confidence, a kind of domineering smile, saying: “Master, I think it is not too late, not only is it not too late, but just right. “

“no! Gu boy, you don’t understand what Lao Na means.”

The monk said: “What you are facing now is not a problem of delay. It’s not a question of whether you want to die, but…”

“What is it?”

“It’s…” The monk clenched the teeth Heng, said: “Well, Lao Na simply tells you directly.”

“What’s the matter?”

“Lao Na predicted that this change in the palace will affect the catastrophe of original sin If Lao Na can perform it, those original sin Old Ancestor and Dadao Old Ancestor will certainly be able to perform it. It is precisely because they have all performed it, so this time they will all gather here.”

“Whether it is the original sin or the avenue, they have been waiting, waiting for a heaven, waiting for a geography, waiting for a person to reconcile, but now, the right time and place, people and now have appeared, if they are in destiny, destiny now also appears , If they are waiting for the situation, the situation has also appeared. If they are all waiting for a sign, then the sign has also appeared. Everything and everything has appeared. All the signs indicate that this time hard to avoid calamity. “

“You don’t expect the Old Ancestor who secretly supports you to take action. Once the general trend, none of them will show up for you brat. They don’t care whether you can claim the Lord of Original Sin, they only care about nothing. Whether the Taoist era can be opened or not, it doesn’t matter to them who opened it or not.”

“Don’t count on the eternal namelessness, even if you are really her causal incarnation, even if she comes forward to protect you, this She can’t keep the time, even more how. From various circumstances, you may not be her causal incarnation. It may be the causal incarnation of Wudaozun.”

“Don’t expect Wudaozun to help. You, if you are really his causal incarnation, then all this may be an eternally unnamed and meticulously arranged game, the purpose is to obliterate the cause and effect of your incarnation i ncarnation. “

“Lao Na has thought about many, many possibilities, no matter which possibility it is, you brat will not escape death. “

“Maybe this is your fate. “

As soon as the Daxing monk finished speaking, Gu Qingfeng laughed and said: “Sorry, I have never believed in fate. I didn’t believe it before, I don’t believe it now, and I won’t believe it in the future. “

“Old kid! “Daxing monk shouted: “Lao Na persuades you to start something. This is not a question of whether you believe or not, nor is it a question of whether you accept or not. Even if you don’t believe in destiny or accept it, you still cannot change your destiny. If destiny can be changed, it is not destiny. “

“Who said that fate can’t be changed, how can you know if you don’t try it.” “Said with a smile from Gu Qingfeng casually: “In the eyes of the Lord, destiny is used to change. The unchangeable is called the law, and the change is called the destiny. In the past, the grandfather was young and didn’t understand this truth. Now it is more or less. understood. “

With squinting eyes and a smile at the corner of his mouth, Gu Qingfeng looked at the Daxing monk and said: “Daxing, I don’t know if you have seen anyone change their destiny before, if you haven’t seen it before. , Lord this time open your eyes, and by the way have a long experience. “


Gu Qingfeng laughed heartily up.

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