Supreme Lord

Chapter 2530

Gu Qingfeng shrugged, noncommittal.

“Guy boy, Lao Na didn’t make jokes with you this time, let alone scare you. This time, it’s not like loud thunder, but only tiny drops of rain, like the previous few times. They are starting to move. This is true whether it is the original sin or the avenue.”

Looking at Gu Qingfeng, he still has an indifferent attitude. The monk sternly said, “You brat knows what is going on in the ancient nine palaces.” Is it?”

Gu Qingfeng casually asked: “What’s the situation?”

“There is such a mysterious and strange vortex in the other deserted nine palaces and the Ligong side, now Although the source of the nine palaces has not yet been born, it has been taken over by people. As long as there is no accident, the source of the nine palaces will eventually fall into the hands of those people.”

“Is there anything like this?” Gu Qingfeng curiously asked: “Now that the source of the nine palaces has not yet been born, how did they occupy it? How can you be sure that the source of the nine palaces will fall into their hands.”

“Boy, do you think they came from the Great Ancient Era, No! What has been laid out for so many years from the ancient times to the ancient times? For this moment!”

Gu Qingfeng asked: “Who are they referring to?”

“Who else can, of course, the Old Guy who has been plotting the original sin for a long time, there are the Black Mountain old monster, the blue lantern Old Ancestor and other children of the original sin, oh yes, there is also a wonderful Tathagata too.”

“Black Mountain old monster occupied the Gen Palace, the blue lantern Old Ancestor occupied the Kun Palace, and the Miao Tathagata occupied the Gan Palace. Don’t you know how big the old guy’s game is and how deep it is? Over there, all of them are from the Black Mountain old monsters, and on the Kun Palace are also from the Green Light Old Ancestor, and the Qiangong are also experts under the Miao Tathagata seat.”

Gu Qingfeng said with a smile: “putting it that way, have these guys discussed it in advance? One person occupies a source of the nine palaces?”

“Does this matter need to be discussed? Each other tacitly agree that’s all , They all understand a truth, as long as they avoid each other, those other people shouldn’t worry at all.”


The Daxing Monk said again: “You Don’t think that these Old Guys have only cultivated In addition to the expert under the seat, the so-called expert under the seat is more of a deterrent effect. The real action has to rely on themselves. Therefore, each of these Old Guys does not know how much External Body Incarnation has been impregnated. “

“Don’t underestimate these Old Guy’s External Body Incarnation, tell you a terrifying news. Lao Na thought that only Miao Tathagata’s External Body Incarnation had been integrated into the original sin True Blood, and then I learned about motherfucker Black. Mountain old monster and Cyan Deng Old Ancestor’s External Body Incarnation have also been integrated into True Blood. “

“What’s more terrifying is that Lao Na speculates that Black Mountain old monster and Cyan Deng Old Ancestor are definitely more than one External Body Incarnation integrated into the original sin True Blood. There may be two, or even three, or even more. , As for Miao Tathagata… The External Body Incarnation that has been integrated into True Blood of the original sin is only more than Black Mountain old monster. “

Without waiting for Gu Qingfeng to speak, the Daxing Monk continued: “Don’t ask Lao Na where they have so much True Blood of original sin. Lao Na doesn’t know. Now this question is not important anymore. The important thing is , Whether it is Black Mountain old monster or Cyan Deng Old Ancestor, or Miao Tathagata, their External Body Incarnation has all entered the palace. “

“I believe you don’t need to say it, you brat can also guess what they are doing when they enter the palace. Old Guys like them use their deity to occupy the source of the other nine palaces, but use External Body Incarnation to deal with you! “

“There is also…” The Daxing Monk pointed to the magic weapon in the sky, and said: “Although the other deserted nine palaces also have the silhouette of the Old Ancestor, they are very rare. Said few, almost all of them gathered here. “

“As far as Lao Na knows, the immortal dao Xuantian Elder personally came forward and informed the 36 cave heavens seventy two blessed land, and also informed the Emperor Yao, the emperor floating, the great emperor of Changfeng, etc. The Dao’s destiny, there are also the variables of the catastrophe, and the Holy Dao also notified Xuanyuan Wuji and Holy Land Nine Holy Son, maybe they have already entered the palace. “

“The terrifying thing is that Heavenly Dao, who has always been unfathomable, has moved. Almost all Shangqing Sect experts have entered the palace. It is said that this is the purpose of Shangqingdong, and it is still alone. The will of Zhan himself. “

“The first few times when immortal dao encircled you brat, it was loud thunder, but only tiny drops of rain. A large part of the reason is because Heavenly Dao hasn’t moved. Immortal dao didn’t allow Heavenly Dao. Dao’s pulse, dare not to act blindly without thinking, and now Heavenly Dao’s Dugu Qizhan has personally made an order that all Shangqing Sect experts enter the palace, and their attitude is already obvious, just to deal with you brat. “

“Therefore, immortal dao and Holy Land didn’t hesitate anymore, they started to fight, put down their body and personally asked those avenue overlords to enter the palace. “

“Gu boy, this time is definitely not a joke, definitely not. “

The Daxing monk told Gu Qingfeng all the news he inquired about in one breath, although it was only the news that he inquired, but judging from the current situation, the accuracy of the news is pretty close, and It may be worse than imagined.


There is one thing, the monk has been hesitant to tell Gu Qingfeng.

Because He deduced that the changes in the palace will affect the catastrophe of the original sin, it can also be said that it will affect the candidate of the gods of the original sin, and even affect the fate of Heaven and Earth.

It’s just that he doesn’t know this time to leave the palace. What will happen.

Is this change going to be Gu Qingfeng’s scattered ashes and dispersed smoke in the exile?

Although there are 10,000,000 epileptic monks unwilling, but from the current Judging from the situation, Gu Qingfeng is likely to die here completely.

Those who plot the original sin’s sons and the original sin variables all think that Gu Qingfeng is the destined god of original sin, and they can only obliterate Gu Qingfeng. There is a chance to aspire to Allah of Original Sin.

And those in the great road also think that Gu Qingfeng is the destined Allah of Original Sin. Only by obliterating Gu Qingfeng, this great road of Heaven and Earth will be saved.

This time Li Gongyuan is present, it is both the only chance and the last chance to obliterate Gu Qingfeng!

Everyone knows that in order to obliterate Gu Qingfeng, the right time, the right place and the right people are indispensable.


In the previous encirclement and suppression campaigns, there was either a lack of time, or geography, or lack of humanity.


If there are days and days, the origin of the nine palaces is born, It is the best time.

If you want geography to have geography, this space full of ancient vestige is the best geography.

It doesn’t matter if people are in harmony with others. It is the original sin or the great road, whether it is the son of original sin or the destiny of the great road, whether it is the original sin variable or the deciding number, everything that should or should not come is here, this is the best harmony.

Destiny also has destiny.

Each Old Ancestor Fang has already deduced that the changes in the exile will affect the catastrophe of original sin. This shows that the causal situation of the catastrophe of original sin has reached a turning point. In other words, even if Gu Qingfeng is really hit The doomed original sin of Allah may not be impossible to change.

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