Supreme Lord

Chapter 2528

In the void.

All kinds of good fortune, all kinds of magic weapons are also countless, each of these magic weapons is more evil than one mysterious, like a sword like a mountain, also like a great cauldron like a mountain, and like a pillar of heaven There are colorful clouds and a flying bottle gourd in the treasure tower, some hanging in the sky like a big sun, or a full moon with faint moonlight, and twinkling like stars.

There are so many magic weapons, everything you need, and the magic of magic weapons is jaw-dropping and breathtaking.

The magic weapon can be big or small, as big as the sun and moon, and as small as dust.

Even a flower and a grass can be a world, not to mention those great magic weapons made from many precious and rare purifications. Although Gu Qingfeng does not like and is not used to using magic weapons, he has lived in this life. There are countless magic weapons that you have seen. There are all kinds of weird magic weapons myriad only you can’t think of, and you can’t make them without expert.

About magic weapons, there is a very famous saying that everything can be practiced.

It means that World’s All Living Things can be refined into magic weapons.

Those who refine living people into zombie puppets don’t say anything. Gu Qingfeng has also seen an Old Demon refine a world into his own magic weapon.

The magic weapon is not to be underestimated. There are some powerful magic weapons that can destroy all living beings in a world with a finger, and the more powerful magic weapons, Heaven and Earth Reversal, and swallowing heaven devouring earth are definitely not exaggerated.

Like the previous Holy Land Holy Son Xuanyuanhao, the sacred ruling bow in his hand, the Great Sun Judgment Arrow is the invincible Dao magic weapon. If not, I won’t shoot the green robe Old Ancestor on the spot. Shot of scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

Every piece of the Supreme Treasure in the legend has the power of destroying heaven extinguishing earth, what is the divine bow, the Eastern Emperor Bell, Xuanyuan Sword, Pangu Axe, Monster Refining Pot, Clear Sky Tower , Shennong Cauldron, Kongtong Seal, Kunlun Mirror, Nuwa Stone.

It is said that the legendary Xuanyuan Sword is in the hands of the Emperor Floating, who is known as the hero of modern and ancient times.

Speaking of Emperor Fusheng, Gu Qingfeng had a two-sided bond with him when he was in the deserted black hole.

The first time was in a ruin, the second time was in turbulence.

We met twice, although there was not much conversation, but Emperor Fusheng gave him a good impression.

I don’t know if this guy is here.

I heard Gu Changfeng said that in addition to the floating emperor, the emperor of the sun, Martial Saint Xuanyuan Wuji representing the holy way, and the heavenly general representing Heavenly Dao will also come.

I don’t know true or false.

If it is true, when the time comes, it will be lively.

Passed on.

Dugu Qizhan is hailed as being in harmony with the heavens, Xuanyuan Wuji is hailed as one hand shrouding the heavens, Da Ri Yaohuang is hailed as shining the world, and the floating emperor is hailed as the unparalleled world.

The four are known as the Four Heaven-supporting Pillars of the ancient and modern Heaven and Earth, and some people call them the guardians of the ancient and modern Heaven and Earth Grand Dao.

In many people’s minds, even Holy Land would not be Holy Land without Xuanyuan Wuji, and immortal dao would be a piece of loose sand without the Great Sun Emperor.

Gu Qingfeng has no interest in the Holy Land Nine Holy Son and Heavenly Dao Nine Heavenly Son of Naluo Shizi, but rather interested in these four Heaven-supporting Pillars. If they come this time, he would also like to Will these four people.

Looking at the dazzling magic weapon in the sky, and then at the countless original sin dharmakaya gathered in the vortex all around the palace, Gu Qingfeng felt particularly funny.

Although most of these original sin dharma bodies use Magical Powers to shroud themselves, they are not at all hidden.

And those in the avenue, I don’t know if they discussed it in advance, or have such a tacit understanding, they all hide in the magic weapon.



Gu Qingfeng just took a look, and there really is no one in the street outside.

These original sin dharma bodies are all gathered in the vortex of the ligu, he can understand that they all want to seize the source of the ligu.

Those people in the main road don’t have to hide everything in the magic treasure even if they don’t try to rob Li Miyamoto.

It’s hard to say that the breath of original sin here is too rich and pure, putting those people in the avenue under a lot of pressure?

In Gu Qingfeng’s view, the rich and pure breath of original sin here may have an impact on the people in the avenue, but the impact is not very big, at least not too big to be unbearable, even more impossible Will scattered ashes and dispersed smoke under the envelope of the breath of original sin.

You must know that the people in the avenue are happier than the other when they are in the emptiness of the palace. Although the breath of original sin in the emptiness of the palace is not as strong and pure as here, it is not much worse. These people in the avenue Since he can bear the breath of original sin in the emptiness of Li Gong, he will certainly not be affected much here.

Furthermore, when the Li Palace was empty, the Holy Son of Xuan Yuan Hao from Holy Land covered the sky with a powerful holy light. Not to mention, inside the Void. The scattered ashes and dispersed smoke of the original sin retribution.

It is enough to prove that the people in the avenue should not be afraid of the breath of original sin here.

Gu Qingfeng is thinking that all the people in these avenues are hiding in the magic weapon. Most likely it should be negotiated. Knowing that these people of original sin will definitely fight to fight for the origin of the Li Palace, so they are ready to sit atop a mountain to watch the tigers fight, another fisherman’s benefit.

Or as Gu Changfeng said, these people in the avenue are ready to take the opportunity to kill themselves together.

This is also good.

At least for Gu Qingfeng, it’s not a bad thing. Not only is it not a bad thing, it’s a good thing. After saving hands with the people of original sin today, I will follow the road tomorrow. The person hands-on.

He had a problem with this person since he was a child. He just doesn’t do it. As long as he does it, everyone who is involved will not be forgiving, and it will be straightforward.

The reason is simple.

He doesn’t like trouble, and he doesn’t like constant trouble. If there is trouble, he will solve it completely and directly pull up by the roots.

Anyway, Gu Qingfeng is now intolerant of heaven and earth. The original sin is afraid that he will steal the original sin. Allah has been glare like a tiger watching his prey, and the avenue is also afraid that he aspires to the original sin. Allah has been cautiously on guard .

Since Heaven and Earth are incompatible, and since Dadao’s original sin wants to wipe it out, Gu Qingfeng also took this opportunity to kill him.

As for whether it can be killed, and whether it can be killed, it is killed in the end, or destroyed.

To be honest.

Gu Qingfeng doesn’t know.

He never considered these issues.

For him, together with murderous intention, killing dominates everything, leaving life and death alone.

Just then.

A familiar voice came into Gu Qingfeng’s ears.

“Gu boy! He damn it! Lao Na finally found you!”

When I heard this voice, Gu Qingfeng knew who it was without even looking.

Is a monk.

Wearing a shabby gray monk robe, a shabby gray cap, and a pair of shabby gray monk shoes on his feet, holding a shabby gray fan in his hand, he opens his chest and reveals A round belly, a greasy and chubby face filled with unpredictable smiles, squinted eyes, smiling hehe, like a legendary Maitreya Buddha.

Who is it if you are not a great monk!

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