Supreme Lord

Chapter 2525

After coming out of the nirvana space, Gu Qingfeng continued to wander in this dying palace space.

The breath of original sin here is pure and strong.

And as the breath of original sin becomes more and more intense, Gu Qingfeng gradually feels that the flowers and trees in the palace space that look like the scenery in the painting are all alive.

He thought it was his own illusion, took out Divine Consciousness, and didn’t expect it.

Whether it is the mountains and rivers, or the flowers and trees, they are all resurrected like dead, no longer dead, but gradually revived.

How could this be?

The difficulty is related to the pure breath of original sin here?


Gu Qingfeng feels that it should be related to the impending birth of Li Gong Yuan.

He has been trying to find the source of Ligiya, but unfortunately he can’t find it. There are rich and pure breaths of original sin everywhere, and it is getting stronger and stronger. It feels like the source of Ligiya will always be Just like birth.

Carefully sensing that the mountains, rivers, flowers, and trees that are beginning to come back to life gradually appear in the palace space, Gu Qingfeng found a very interesting thing.

Because at this moment, his fleshy body is also in the same situation. The acupuncture points, meridian, blood, muscles and bones on his body are gradually recovering like the mountains, rivers, flowers and trees in the palace space.

What makes him even more interesting is that his fleshy body was also lifeless before, and the ancient vestige in the ligu space seems to be the same.

Is this a coincidence?

Think about it carefully, the reason why my fleshy body has become lifeless is because when Wudaoshan appeared, Gu Qingfeng lit the fire of original sin, and then slept for ten thousand years. When he woke up again, the fleshy body became like this, and then he tried to recover the fleshy body more than once, but failed.


Gu Qingfeng has always heard people say that after igniting the original sin karma in Wudao Mountain, he awakened the origin of original sin and opened the catastrophe of original sin.

He thought this sentence was a bit nonsense.

Now he realizes that this statement is most likely to be true.

If not, his fleshy body impossible is as lifeless as these ancient vestiges.

Now that Ligiyamoto is about to be born, the ancient vestige is beginning to recover.

After awakening the self, the original sin of within the body is restored, and the fleshy body also comes to life.

Gu Qingfeng once heard the monk say that it was in the ancient times, the era of innocence opened for a moment and then collapsed, and then all the ancient vestige became like this, as if The’life’ of these barren ancient vestige were all involved in the era of innocence that opened at that moment, leaving only the current empty shell, so they were dead and lifeless.

Gu Qingfeng estimated that when he ignited the original sin karma in Wudao Mountain, did he have close contact with the source of original sin at that moment, and then the so-called “life” was also involved in the era of innocence.

I don’t know.

But one thing is basically certain. Perhaps it was that I ignited the original sin karma in Wudao Mountain that year, so that he awakened the origin of original sin, which led to the catastrophe of original sin.

Thinking of this, Gu Qingfeng couldn’t help laughing.

I have to say, this pot is really a bit big, so big that Gu Qingfeng can’t handle it.

Just imagine, if the final avenue is really slaughtered, let’s leave aside for the time being Gu Qingfeng will finally aspire to Allah of Original Sin, even if he did not aspire to Allah of Original Sin, he awakened the origin of original sin, the catastrophe of original sin He also opened it. In other words, he carried the black pot of Slaughter Avenue, and he had to carry it without carrying it.

If it was he who deliberately lit the original sin karma, deliberately awakened the origin of original sin, and deliberately started the catastrophe of original sin, he would have learned this pot.

The problem is that after he climbed the Wudao Mountain that year, then…there was no more…I don’t know how he ignited the original sin karma.

To this day, he still clearly remembers that after climbing the Wudao Mountain, he felt that the original sin was in summon himself, and he could even feel the original sin devouring his own consciousness bit by bit, as to how to ignite the original sin He really didn’t know the karma, because his consciousness had already been blurred.

Gu Qingfeng pondered that he awakened the origin of original sin and started the catastrophe of original sin. Most likely, he was caught in the trap of others and fell into a situation of cause and effect.

It is either destiny or original sin, or eternal namelessness or innocence. Of course, it may also be other unfathomable experts.

Gu Qingfeng is no longer the Gu Qingfeng of the year. After experiencing so many things, he knows very well that the people he met on his way were neither accidental nor coincidental. They were neither Lao Shi Zi Ming. It is destined to be in the sky, and it is not an encounter in this life after five hundred times of looking back in the previous life. Everything may be a causal situation carefully arranged by others.

Yun Nishang is, the wind is month by month, Tang Hsiao is, Su Wei is, and Jun Xuanji is.

Daxing monk is.

Including the old man who taught him the truth, the great master who taught him the Dharma, and the Master who taught him the true sense of human nature, he regarded him as the three nobles in his life.

It is very likely that even Huode’s Old Guy who is like a relative to Gu Qingfeng is also the same.

Even Gu Qingfeng has a kind of Little Jin’er who is unclear and willing to do everything for her, maybe it is.

“oh! ……”

Thinking of this, Gu Qingfeng sighed and said with emotion: “Everything is false.”

“False False, all false!”

“False! All false, everything is false!”

“No wonder that many people want to kill Three Thousand Great Daos, yearning for the era of innocence, just set up this causal situation after another for you, and everyone wants to slaughter the Three Thousand Great Daos, there is no great road, moral chaos is not chaotic, I don’t know, but at least there is no cause and effect. It will be arranged by others, and destiny will no longer be ruled by others.”

“Gu Changfeng has a good saying, the pure road is worth guarding, the pure cause and effect are also worth following, and the pure destiny is also worth it. Accept, but if the road is no longer pure, cause and effect have become a means for some people, and fate has become a judgment for some people, is it worth guarding, obeying, and accepting?”

To be honest.

Before this, although Gu Qingfeng did not intend to guard the avenue, nor did he intend to aspire to Allah of Original Sin, but if he had to make a choice between the avenue and the no way, he might choose the avenue .

He doesn’t know what kind of era the era of no way is.

Although the avenues are in intrigue with each other, immortals are not immortals, Buddhas are not Buddhas, although they are bad, they are not so bad that they are hopelessly bad. At least, the lives of the common people are still reasonable. .

Of course.

He thought so before.

Now if he is allowed to choose between Dao and Wudao, he may choose Wudao.

Cause and effect are the foundation of the Dao. If even the cause and effect rot, then the Dao is really hopeless.

Instead of rotted bit by bit, it is better to pull up by the roots now!

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