Supreme Lord

Chapter 2507

“Gu just wanted to ask Brother Gu, what are his plans?”

Gu Qingfeng didn’t understand what Gu Changfeng meant, and asked: “What do you mean by planning? What do you mean by that? “

“Gu’s meaning since Brother Gu has decided not to fight for Allah, what are your plans? How will you face the current situation?”

Gu Changfeng knows very well in his heart that the crux of the problem now is not whether Gu Qingfeng wants to fight for the original sin of Allah, because no matter whether he fights or not, whether it is the avenue or the original sin will not let him go, unless someone can replace Gu Qingfeng, better than Gu Qingfeng’s. The variables are greater and the threat is greater than Gu Qingfeng.

At present, it seems that no one can replace Gu Qingfeng, and Gu Qingfeng is destined to face the obliteration of the avenue and original sin.

“I don’t have any plans, take one step and look at one step, what else are you planning, or would you point me to a clear way?”

“You praise Gu, how am I There is this kind of ability.”

Gu Qingfeng and Gu Changfeng talked without a word, and they talked about some irrelevant topics. Gu Qingfeng always feels that Gu Changfeng seems to have hidden meaning, but I don’t know it. It’s inconvenient to say, it’s for other reasons, and he seems like hesitating to talk.

Gu Qingfeng said: “I said Lao Gu, if you have anything you want to say directly, tell me what you are still hiding and doing.”

“You can see it. ?”

“I am not blind.”


Gu Changfeng took a deep breath and said: “Actually, this review Someone came to find you on a special trip.”

“Come on a special trip to find me? What do you mean? What, are you really planning to kill me?” Gu Qingfeng said with a smile: “I’ll talk about it again. Even if you want to kill me, you don’t have to be so anxious, right? No matter what, it’s not too late to wait for the two of us to drink two glasses of fine wine.”

“Brother Gu is joking, although you and I stand on the ground It’s different, but Gu knows that Brother Gu has no choice at all. Besides, Brother Gu is not interested in Allah of Original Sin. How can Gu do it with you?”


Gu Qingfeng said: “You also said that I have no choice. Even if I am not interested in Allah of Original Sin, it does not mean that Allah of Original Sin is not interested in me. Maybe I will really ask Allah of Original Sin in the end.”

“At least, Brother Gu is not the Lord of Original Sin, is he?”

Gu Changfeng’s implication is very simple, whether you Gu Qingfeng is the biggest threat, It’s the biggest variable. As long as he doesn’t aspire to Allah, Gu Changfeng will not do it.

“What if I really aspire to Allah of Original Sin in the end.”

“Brother Gu has no choice, and Gu also has no choice, if it is destined for you and me. People must fight for life and death, then we only have our destiny.”

“haha! There is no choice, and a good destiny.”

Gu Qingfeng laughed, Raised the wine jar and banged it with Gu Changfeng, showing respect.

“Gu came here this time, there is something I want to tell Brother Gu.”

“What’s the matter?”

“Black Mountain old monster also entered Gu Qingfeng shook his head. I don’t know about this. The name of Black Mountain old monster is like thunder piercing the ear. It’s a pity that Gu Qingfeng shook his head. Never seen it from beginning to end.

“The Blue Lantern Ghost Emperor, as well as the old monsters of L’E, are also here, including Xitian Buddha Emperor Miao Tathagata, as far as Gu knows, the son of the original sin of Heaven and Earth, and the variables of original sin , Most of them have entered here by coincidence.”

“Is there any problem with this? It’s normal.” Gu Qingfeng asked: “After all, Li Gong Yuan will be born here, and Li Gong Yuan will be born here again. Contains the secret of original sin, it may also be the spirit of legendary original sin, but anyone who plots the existence of the original sin will come and fight for it.”

“Gu brother, you must know that it is not just the origin of the original sin, Gen. Palace, Zhen Palace and other desolate ancient nine palaces are about to be born, why are they all squeezed into the desolate ancient space of the Li Palace?”

Listening to Gu Changfeng’s words, Gu Qingfeng seemed to understand a bit, and said:” You mean, they are all coming for me?”

Gu Changfeng stared at Gu Qingfeng, and then nodded heavily.

“Aren’t these bastards idle pain in the balls? Shouldn’t they go to grab the origins of the ancient nine palaces? Why did all the motherfuckers come over and start my mind? In order to obliterate me, even motherfucker Isn’t the origin of the Desolate Ancient Nine Palaces gone? Isn’t this losing the watermelon to pick up sesame seeds? Lord, even if the threat is the greatest, it’s not big enough to make them give up the origin of the Desolate Ancient Nine Palaces? Have their brains been kicked by the donkey. “

“Naturally, they will not give up the origin of the barren ancient nine palaces in order to obliterate Brother Gu. As Brother Gu said, although Brother Gu’s existence is a threat to them, it is not As far as it is big enough to make them abandon the original source of the barren ancient nine palaces.”

“Since this is the case, what are they doing here?”

Gu Changfeng asked in surprise: “Gu brother still Don’t know?”

“What don’t you know? Are you saying that they all came to kill me? If you didn’t tell me, I really don’t know.”

” no! Gu is not talking about this.”

“Then what are you talking about?”

“What Gu wants to say is that they are going to kill you and Fighting for the origin of the ancient nine palaces does not conflict.”

“If they all come to obliterate me, how can they fight for the origin of the other ancient nine palaces?”

“Brother Gu shouldn’t I really don’t know that they each have a powerful External Body Incarnation, right? And their External Body Incarnation is spread all over the ancient nine palaces.”

When I heard the words External Body Incarnation, Gu Qingfeng fiercely patted his own Head, speechless saying: “motherfucker, how did I forget the External Body Incarnation thing? Do you mean that their origins came to deal with me, leaving the External Body Incarnation to fight for the origin of the ancient nine palaces?”

paused, Gu Qingfeng shook his head and said: “No, compared to me, the origin of the ancient nine palaces is more important. They should leave the origin to fight for the origin of the nine palaces and use External Body Incarnation to deal with me.” /p>

“Gu also thinks so.” Gu Changfeng said: “Whether it is the son of original sin or the variable of original sin, they have already begun plotting the god of original sin, especially the sons of original sin, such as Black Mountain old monster, and Qing Lamp ghost The emperor, in order to conspire with the Allah of Original Sin, they have been working hard for many years and they have been deployed for many years. Not to mention the huge power. The External Body Incarnation of cultivation is also terrifying to the extreme. It is not the original sin body, or the body outside itself, and some even the original sin itself. “

Gu Qingfeng frowned when he heard it, and said: “You mean that their External Body Incarnation has cultivation success the original sin itself, or the original sin itself?” “

“That’s right! “

“Good fellow! Can motherfucker regard External Body Incarnation as the original sin itself or itself, the ability of this group of Old Guys is really terrifying! “

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