Supreme Lord

Chapter 2504

“Since you have such a big ambition, you can fight for it.”

Gu Qingfeng tone barely fell, let him happen unexpectedly, only to see far The Dharma Body of Original Sin turned out to be one-knee kneels without warning, and cup hand to hold fist said: “If your Excellency is willing to aspire to Allah of Original Sin, you will be able to help you and be a pawn, even if it is scattered ashes and dispersed smoke. Don’t hesitate.”

His kneeling is really a bit abrupt, making Gu Qingfeng a little confused.

I want to come in Gu Qingfeng, and almost everyone who has embarked on the path of original sin It can be divided into three categories.

The first category, the purpose is very clear, is to go to the original sin Allah.

The second category, the purpose is also very clear, is to go to the era of innocence.

The third category is based on cause and effect.

Gu Qingfeng didn’t know the true identity of the Dharmakaya of Original Sin in the distance, but through a few words of conversation, he gave him the feeling that the other party didn’t seem to be aiming at the Allah of Original Sin to embark on the path of original sin. On the contrary, the other two original sin dharma bodies who saw Gu Qingfeng immediately left were more like being directed at Allah of Original Sin.

Because their purpose is very strong, when they saw Gu Qingfeng, they knew that they could not grab the flower of original sin, they left immediately, so as to find other flowers of original sin, and would not waste a little bit time.

Only this Dharmakaya of Original Sin did not leave in time, instead he asked Gu Qingfeng if he really did not intend to aspire to Allah of Original Sin, and through conversation, Gu Qingfeng could feel the other party’s strong yearning for the era of innocence.


Not a simple yearning, but a desire.

For this, I even knelt down to Gu Qingfeng and begged Gu Qingfeng to ask the Lord of Original Sin, and said that he was willing to be a pawn, even if scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

To be honest.

He is the first time he has encountered the person who longs for the original sin of the age of innocence.

Those old Ancestor who came out of Guixu, although many hope that the era of innocence can be opened, but they are just hope. Most of them are conspiring to original sin and allah can only retreat. Secondly, there are also some who have no way of retreat and can only hope that the era of innocence will begin. Others are purely for two-handed preparations, guarding the avenue while infecting original sin to prevent the avenue from being lost.

There are not many people who are so longing for the original sin in the age of innocence.

“Why do you desire so much for the era of no way?”

Gu Qingfeng asked a question he was curious about.

“I don’t want to be constrained by cause and effect, let alone be determined by heaven!” The other party stared at Gu Qingfeng and said: “I want to control my own destiny!”

“Okay. “Gu Qingfeng asked: “I have a question, I want to ask you, you are so sure that after starting the era of innocence, you will be able to transcend the shackles of cause and effect, and control your own destiny?”

” I…”

The opponent was speechless, and he was silent for a moment. He shook his head and said, “I am not sure about it.”

“This will not end, even the era of innocence will begin. Will you be able to transcend cause and effect and dominate your own destiny afterwards? You don’t know, why are you so persistent?”

“Dare to ask your Excellency, if you are stumped, you can be sure that after the era of innocence begins, Karma must not be detached, and oneself must not be able to control fate?”

The other party asked back, Gu Qingfeng shook his head and laughed, he was really not sure.

“After the era of innocence has begun, whether you can transcend cause and effect and dominate your own destiny, I may not be sure, but I am sure of one point.” The other party solemnly vowed said: “This is A chance, perhaps only one chance to dominate your destiny, for this only chance, you must gamble anyway!”

“If you want to gamble, you can gamble yourself, anyway I don’t know how to gamble.”

“Why! Why on earth!”

The opponent almost shouted.

“Didn’t I tell you just now, I’m not interested in betting on this, whether you want to transcend cause and effect, or dominate your own destiny, that’s all your business. I think cause and effect are pretty good. It’s not bad that fate is determined by heaven.”

“You don’t dare to bet! It’s not that you are not interested in gambling! You simply don’t have the courage to gamble!”

Gu Qingfeng shrugged and said nothing. “Well, you can see through, I’m really afraid of losing, and I really can’t afford to lose!”

The opponent is coldly snorted, stood up, shouted with disdain, “All said Youdi regardless of the law and of natural morality, anything can only be thought or not, never dare or dare, today I know that the emperor of Megatron is just as timid as a rat who dare not even gamble. It is really disappointing. Extremely.”

“Sorry, I disappointed you.”

“In this case, I won’t delay your precious time anymore, so goodbye and say goodbye!”



The other party left without looking back.

Looking at the back of the other party leaving more and more blurred, Gu Qingfeng shook his head, laughed, and said: “It’s an interesting person.”

Although the original sin body just now The words were quite fierce, and in the end he even said to ironic that Gu Qingfeng was as timid as a mouse. However, Gu Qingfeng not at all was angry because of this, but he still admired the other party very much.

It’s not because the other party dared to ridicule him in front of him, but because he admired the other party’s persistence, and admired the other party’s Lingyun lofty ambition.

Gu Qingfeng said just now that he has no ambitions. This is not deliberately self-effacing. He is really lacking ambitions. When he was young, his wish was to sleep until he woke up naturally, drinking and drinking until he was unconscious. Bask in the sun, occasionally molesting a beautiful woman, watching a lively, this is the biggest wish.

This is true when I was young, and it is the same when I am an adult. I have lived and died several times, and I have never changed.

Because he knows he has no ambitions, he admires those who have ambitions.

Especially, the mind is still detached from cause and effect, and the destiny is so ambitious that Gu Qingfeng admires it.

We must know that those Old Ancestors who have returned to the ruins, although they also yearn for the era of innocence, also want to transcend cause and effect and dominate their own destiny, but they are only yearning.

In other words, they may work hard for the opening of the era of innocence, or even do their best, but they will never sacrifice their lives in order to open the era of innocence.

The original sin dharma body was different. He really longed for the era of innocence, and also really longed to transcend cause and effect, and dominate his own destiny. For this reason, even scattered ashes and dispersed smoke would not hesitate.

This is what Gu Qingfeng admires most.

He always believes that if you live, you should work hard for your dream like the original sin law body just now. If you realize your dream, it would be great, if you can’t realize it, at least you will not regret it, let alone Will leave regrets, after all, you have paid the full price for it.

If possible, Gu Qingfeng also wants to work hard for his own dreams, and he will not hesitate to take a small life for his dreams. The problem is that he thinks about it and doesn’t know what dream he desires. If you say that you sleep until you wake up naturally, drink and drink until you are unconscious, and living freely is a dream, he feels that he has realized his dream now. He sleeps when he wants to sleep, and drinks when he wants to drink. It is still free, although he has fallen into original sin. The catastrophe made him a little helpless, but the impact was not that big, at least he could make do with it.

Besides sleeping and drinking, what dreams do you have?

No more!

Really gone.

Gu Qingfeng really wants to have a decent dream. The key is that he doesn’t.

This is also the saddest place for Gu Qingfeng.

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