Supreme Lord

Chapter 2502

Since this place exists, it means that there will be most likely space, and the Origin of Space should not have collapsed.

If it collapses, this place might have become space turbulence long ago.

The problem is.

If there is real space, and the origin is not broken, why can’t you feel the breath of space?

Gu Qingfeng was walking forward while thinking about this question, looking at the flowers, trees, and mountains without any vitality here, he couldn’t help but startled inside.

According to common sense, whether flowers, plants, trees, mountains and rivers are good, if they lose their vitality, flowers, plants, trees will collapse, mountains and rivers will also dry up, and they will become Desert over time.

However, these flowers and trees are still intact after losing their vitality. Gu Qingfeng wonders if the space in this place is the same. Origin of Space lost its vitality, but it did not fall apart. Although the space structure and even Space Law stopped functioning, they did not collapse.

Gu Qingfeng thought about it, it seems that this is the only possibility.

In other words, this place may be a dead space, just like a person is dead, but fleshy body not at all rots.

Shook his head.

Gu Qingfeng is not sure, after all, this situation is the first time he has encountered it.

At this moment, Gu Qingfeng noticed something strange. When he stopped, he turned and looked over, and suddenly found a line of seven or eight people in the air flying towards this side.

He thought he would be a person of original sin, so he didn’t expect that these seven or eight people were all the people of the Great Dao, and each of the cultivation base profound mystery should be the Great Dao of Heavenly Paradise Old Ancestor.

I don’t know if I haven’t seen it clearly before. When the Old Ancestor of Seven or Eight Avenues recognized Gu Qingfeng, they were stunned in mid-air. Their expressions became more complicated. They looked at each other. Without saying a word, he turned his head and left.

Gu Qingfeng didn’t take it seriously, and continued to wander around.

For some reason, when his unfathomable mystery came to this place, he had a feeling of deja vu in his heart, and this feeling was very strong.

It’s not because everything in this place and the ancient vestige of the ligu have no vitality, but a feeling of inexplicability.

He is sure that this deserted ancient space that never goes away should be the fusion of the deserted ancient vestiges in the Li Palace.

Although he didn’t know what was going on in this place, he didn’t even know whether it belonged to Li Gong, but one thing is certain, if Li Gong was born, he would definitely be born here.

Because after I came to this place, the feeling of being connected by a summon was stronger than when I was in Li Gong.

Although Gu Qingfeng had expected it a long time ago, if Li Gongmoto was born, he might not be able to resist it at all.

When he came here, he realized that he had overestimated himself and underestimated the feeling of interpersonal connection. Now that Li Gongyuan has not yet been born, he can’t help but want to find it.



It doesn’t exist at all.

I can’t refuse, and I can’t resist it, just like what is right and right, more like the original intention, the original intention is to find the source of Li Gong.

It’s like a person with a good nature who will not die and save him. This is his nature and his nature. If he is not saved, he can’t survive his heart. That level.

Now Gu Qingfeng feels this way. To be precise, it is even stronger. His original mind does not allow him to refuse or resist, just as if there is no rejection of this concept in his own dictionary.


Gu Qingfeng sighed then said, muttering to himself: “Is it all destined to be stumped?”

After all, he shook his head and couldn’t help laughing.

Go on, looking for the feeling.

I met many people along the way.

There are both the Old Ancestor on the main road and the Old Ancestor on the original sin. Some are in groups of three or four, and some are alone. When they see Gu Qingfeng, they almost always turned their heads for the first time. Just leave, as if Gu Qingfeng’s existence is a plague.

At first, Gu Qingfeng was still wondering how these old avenues Old Ancestor and the original sin Old Ancestor were deeper than the other when they left the palace. How come they all showed up here, and then I thought about it. Realize that this place has nowhere to hide.

Although this desolate ancient space has its origin, structure, and laws, it is dead but not scattered. In a sense, it means there is no space.

Since there is no room, they naturally have nowhere to hide, and they can’t even show up.

Of course.

There are also some Old Ancestors who use Magical Powers to cover themselves in order not to reveal their identity, and some go directly into the magic weapon.

I want to come to Gu Qingfeng, these Old Ancestors doing this is really a bit of cover one’s ears whilst stealing a bell.

When I was in the palace before, as long as I was hiding inside the Void, my identity would not be exposed under normal circumstances. The void of the palace is changing all the time. It is hard to find your identity even if I find you .

It’s different here.

The space here is dead, even the laws are not working, let alone any changes.

The use of Magical Powers to envelop yourself is of no avail. At best, it can only blind the fleshy body. As long as the other party takes out Divine Consciousness to probe, you can know the spiritual breath on your body. If you know the spiritual breath, you can immediately Recognizing your identity, even if you don’t know it, at least you can get an idea of ​​you through your spiritual breath.

Even if you get into the magic weapon, it doesn’t make much sense. Even if you use Formation to cover up and use Magical Powers to get a blind eye, it only increases the difficulty of exploration. When you encounter a true expert, a Divine Consciousness swept over. , Everything can be clearly understood.

Gu Qingfeng doesn’t know how big this deserted ancient space is. He also doesn’t bother to take out Divine Consciousness to investigate. On the contrary, there are so many Old Ancestors on the road, which really makes Gu Qingfeng was surprised.

In such a short time, he almost ran into more than ten waves of Old Ancestor on the avenue. In each wave, there were many people. There were also many original sins of Old Ancestor. It has more than two hundred numbers.

More than two hundred Old Ancestors may not sound like a lot, but you should know that these were just chances that Gu Qingfeng came across while strolling around. The ghost knew how many Old Ancestors were involved.


Gu Qingfeng found that someone seemed to be fighting in the distance. He immediately jumped up, stepped out, shrank to a ruler, and blinked.

There are three people fighting, all of whom are original sinners, and they are all original sin law bodies.

The three of them looked like they were snatching something. Gu Qingfeng squinted his eyes and took a closer look, and found that the three of them were fighting around a flower.

It was a very strange flower without any color. It was completely transparent. Both the petals and the stem were transparent, just like a flower carved from crystal.

The flowers glow with brilliance, and brilliance is also transparent, and at the same time exudes a strong breath of original sin.

Just a glance, Gu Qingfeng knew that this is a flower of original sin.

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