Supreme Lord

Chapter 2489

Is original sin conscious?

The answer is yes, there must be.

The one who slaughtered the Three Thousand Great Daos in the Desolate Ancient Era and started the Era of Innocent Wudao was transformed by the consciousness of original sin.

And once Gu Qingfeng aspires to Allah of Original Sin, he will inevitably face the swallowing of original sin consciousness.

The reason is simple.

Original sin’s choice of Allah does not mean that whoever the original sin chooses to be Allah, whoever is the master of the original sin, can dominate the original sin. On the contrary, the original sin chooses whoever to be the Lord is not only the owner of the original sin, it’s very big You may become a puppet of original sin, to be exact, not even a puppet, because after your consciousness is swallowed, for original sin, your existence is just a memory, nothing more.

The original sin is not so much choosing God, it is better to say that the original sin is looking for an incarnation suitable for him.

And in order to find a suitable incarnation, the original sin can be said to be scattered beans turns into soldiers.

Are you exaggerating?


No exaggeration at all.

Heaven and Earth in ancient and modern times, as long as the original sin person can almost be called the incarnation of original sin, whether it is the original sin retribution body that loses consciousness, or the original sin law body that regenerates consciousness, even the original sin itself , Including original sin itself, without exception, is the incarnation of original sin.

If the consciousness of original sin is his true deity.

Then the so-called original sin itself is the self-incarnation that he conceived.

The so-called original sin itself is the self-incarnation that he conceived.

As for the Dharmakaya of Original Sin, it may be the vain incarnation that he conceived.

Those so-called original sin retribution bodies do not even have the original sin me, at best they can only be regarded as the puppet incarnation conceived from original sin.

In other words.

Whether it is the original sin variable, or the child of original sin, and whether it is the original sin itself, or the original sin itself, once the god of original sin is sought, no one can avoid the swallowing of original sin’s true self consciousness.

In this case, why have since ancient times and that many expert invaded the original sin and conspired with Allah?

There are three answers.

One of them.

Most people think that as long as they aspire to the Allah of Original Sin, they can become the true master of original sin, dominate the source of original sin, and become the noble deity.


As they get deeper and deeper on the road of original sin, from the retribution body of original sin, to the law body of original sin, to original sin itself, and even original sin itself, perhaps they have realized that even if they finally aspire to the god of original sin, they will also go around It is not possible to devour the original sin consciousness, but it is too late.

As long as you embark on the path of original sin, you will never be able to turn back. The original sin is the original sin in the whole life, and the original sin is the original sin from life to life.

For example, old beggar, tiger power immortal, Aoki immortal, and many other original sin Old Ancestors are like this. They don’t know that even if they ask the god of original sin, they can’t avoid the devouring of original sin and true self. Naihe has no way out, only expecting others to aspire to Allah.

The third.

There are still a small group of people who want to take a gamble, knowing that they can’t get around the swallowing of the true self, but they still plot to the true Lord of the original sin. Their bet is to ask the true Lord of the original sin, and the true self of the original sin Consciousness smashes to the end, either you swallow me, or I swallow you, unsuccessful will be benevolent.

Although after aspiring to Allah, the hope of reverse devouring is very slim, but there is always hope. As long as there is hope, even if there is a little hope, many ambitious beings want to bet on it. A handful.

When they think about it, there is no retreat anyway. Instead of that, they might as well go gamble vigorously. If you lose, you will lose, but if you win the bet.

Old beggar didn’t want to die with the true self consciousness of original sin. He didn’t have the confidence to swallow the true self of original sin and replace it. There was not a little bit of it, so he could only pin his hope on Gu Qingfeng. From the observation of Gu Qingfeng, I feel that whether it is the arrogance and unyielding in the bones, or the persistence and stubbornness in the consciousness, Gu Qingfeng is still very hopeful to defying heaven changing fate reverse devouring.

It was only afterwards that Gu Qingfeng’s unfathomable mystery came out of Divine Consciousness beyond the avenue, which made the old beggar’s confidence in Gu Qingfeng plummet.

In the face of an original sin, Gu Qingfeng’s win is not big, but it is not too small.

But if you add a Divine Consciousness beyond the avenue, Gu Qingfeng’s winning side is too small.

What makes the old beggar even more entangled is that if Gu Qingfeng is really the causal incarnation planted by the ancient and unknown, then when the time comes Gu Qingfeng asks God for the original sin, it is not only the original sin and the self, but also There are avenues, as well as unknown.

These three existences are more terrifying. If Gu Qingfeng is a rabbit, then these three existences are tigers, leopards and wolves. Faced with one of them, Gu Qingfeng has a very good chance of winning. Small, if he faces three at the same time, does Gu Qingfeng still have a chance to win? I am afraid that Gu Qingfeng’s self-awareness will be swallowed up by the three existences and there will be no residue left.

Then when the time comes, Allah of original sin is either the true self of original sin, or it is outside the main road, or it is unknown.

If she is unknown, she will undoubtedly take this opportunity to completely wipe out the original sin.

The origin of the original sin is disintegrated. Will these so-called people of original sin disintegrate with the disintegration of the original sin? I don’t know at present, even if they will not disintegrate with the disintegration of the original sin, I’m afraid not in the future. It will be better. Those Old Ancestors on the avenue will definitely not be able to tolerate them, even in order to completely get rid of the original sin, in order to prevent the original sin from recovering, maybe they will be obliterated if they do not stay.

As for the purpose of aspiring to Allah of Original Sin outside the great road, old Beggar didn’t know and couldn’t imagine it.

If the true self-consciousness of original sin finally aspires, the so-called original sinners may not end well, because they exist because they have to choose a suitable one. Now that a suitable incarnation has been found, the original sinners of them are useless. Not only are they useless, but they are still a threat to the true self.

After all, ancient and modern Heaven and Earth have that many sons of original sin, and that many variables of original sin, original sin itself and original sin itself. These existences may threaten the Lord of original sin.

Using your toes to imagine that you know that the true self of original sin has occupied Gu Qingfeng’s fleshy body, it will certainly wipe out or swallow all the people of original sin, as long as you have infected original sin, even if you lose consciousness I am afraid that the original sin retribution body will not escape.

After much deliberation, only Gu Qingfeng himself aspired to the Allah of Original Sin, and those people of original sin can save a small life.

Gu Qingfeng has no ambition. Even if he seeks the Lord of Original Sin, he is compelled. Because of this, after Gu Qingfeng seeks the Lord of Original Sin, he will not wipe out other sinners.

The question is, can Gu Qingfeng aspire to Allah of Original Sin?

How do I feel hopeless.

The old beggar now only hopes that Gu Qingfeng is not a causal incarnation planted by the ancient and unknown. Since then, there is no threat of the ancient and unknown, Gu Qingfeng hopes to aspire to the Lord of Original Sin.

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