Supreme Lord

Chapter 2486

The old beggar always thought that Holy Land did not trust Xuanyuan Wuji and suspected that Xuanyuan Wuji might be the causal incarnation of others, so he refused to hand over the origin of the Holy Dao and even suppressed Xuanyuan Wuji.

He didn’t understand until now that it is not important that Holy Land trusts or distrusts Xuanyuan Wuji. What is important is that Xuanyuan Wuji does not trust himself.

Just like what black liquid Empress said, Holy Land didn’t want to gamble on Xuanyuan Wuji, but Xuanyuan Wuji didn’t want to gamble.

“I don’t know if Xuanyuan Wuji is the causal incarnation of others. If it is, it is a good thing for us.”

Black liquid Empress asked, “A good thing? “

“Stupefied, isn’t it? Without Xuanyuan Wuji on the avenue, there will be great hope for the opening of the era of no way.”


black liquid Empress laughed again, and the laugh was more unfathomable mystery.

This made the old beggar very mad, and said: “I said big black liquid girl, can you tell the old man, what are you laughing at? What is the funny thing about the old man?”

“Holy Land wants to gamble on Xuanyuan Wuji, but Xuanyuan Wuji doesn’t want to gamble, so why not do you, you want to gamble on You Emperor, does he want to gamble if he is troubled?”

black liquid Empress These words made old beggar speechless.

Old beggar Angshi hopes in his heart that Gu Qingfeng will ask the Lord of Original Sin, thus opening the era of innocence, but unfortunately, Gu Qingfeng seems not at all interested, even if there is no interest at all.

This makes the old beggar very depressed and helpless. He can’t do much to help.

He finally understood why the black liquid Empress was laughing again and again.

On the main road, Xuanyuan Wuji suspects that he is a causal incarnation, so he doesn’t want to gamble, nor dare to gamble, and cannot afford to gamble.

On the original sin side, Gu Qingfeng did not suspect that he was a causal incarnation, but was purely uninterested, so he didn’t want to gamble.

Think about it carefully, this is indeed a very ridiculous thing.

Not only is it funny, it’s also ironic.

Just as ironic as the emperor is not anxious Court Eunuch.

Originally, Beggar thought that things might turn around. Gu Qingfeng is not interested in Allah of Original Sin now, which does not mean that there will not be any in the future. Even more how, there is a monk who has been around to brainwash Gu Qingfeng.


After listening to Gu Qingfeng’s true feelings just now, he was completely hopeless.

The words that Gu Qingfeng said, no matter whether it is in the words or out of the way, there is only one message, that is, he is really not interested in Allah of Original Sin, and it will be impossible in the future. The only hope is as soon as possible. After all this, whether he died or lived, he didn’t care.

But then again, this is not particularly bad news for the old beggar.

Because Gu Qingfeng’s voice is not difficult to hear, he has resigned to his fate, in other words, if original sin really chooses him to be God, he will not refuse.

Gu Qingfeng just wants to end all this as soon as possible. As for whether the avenue can be guarded, and whether the era of innocence will be opened, who will ask the Lord of Original Sin, even if he asks himself, he doesn’t care at all.

Under this situation, old beggar can only hope that Allah of Original Sin will come to Gu Qingfeng.

I can only hope.

Apart from this, there is no way.

At this time.

Black liquid Empress suddenly said: “Have you ever thought about a possibility.”

“What is possible?”

“Youdi may It’s also the causal incarnation of others.”

The voice of black liquid Empress came, and the old beggar suddenly as if was struck by lightning, the whole person was not good, after a long time, he slowly spoke Said: “You mean…that kid is the causal incarnation planted by others to protect the avenue?”

“Perhaps to protect the avenue, or to completely obliterate the original sin.”

“This…impossible, right?”

Black liquid Empress expressionless said: “Nothing is impossible, this world since ancient times has never been impossible.”

Old beggar is completely speechless.

Although he didn’t want to, he had to admit that what the black liquid Empress said was the truth.

The eternal catastrophe Heaven and Earth evolves, the endless samsara reincarnation Now, the past lives and the present life see cause and effect, whoever lives depends on the sky!

This is a sentence recorded in the Book of Destiny. In front of this sentence, no one can guarantee that he is a causal incarnation planted by others.

No one can guarantee that he is who he is, let alone that he is who he is.

Old beggar tried to think about it, even if the original sin catastrophe was a fate, the purpose is to completely obliterate the original sin, as long as Gu Qingfeng doesn’t want to die, then defying heaven changing fate is not impossible.

But if Gu Qingfeng is really a causal incarnation planted by others, for the purpose of protecting the avenue or completely obliterating the original sin, then the so-called era of innocence may really become an extinct legend.

Because once Gu Qingfeng successfully aspires to Allah of Original Sin, the initiative is completely in his hands. If he wants to live, he can live. If he wants to die, no one can stop him. If he wants to guard the road, This avenue can be kept. On the contrary, if he wants to completely destroy the original sin, then the original sin will definitely not be preserved.

The more I think about it, the older Beggar breaks down. He took a deep breath and asked: “Black liquid big girl! No! Black liquid Empress! You are deliberately scaring the old man, right? You must be! It must be deliberately scaring the old man, telling you that the old man is not scared, you say these impossible words, you can not scare the old man at all.”

Although the old beggar said so, but His tone, expression and eyes all revealed a deep worry and fear without exception. He stared at the black liquid Empress, expecting the black liquid Empress to tell him, it was just a joke.


black liquid Empress turned around and stared at him, still expressionless, and said without emotion: “I am not at all deliberately scaring you, nor am I kidding, because it is indeed very Possibly.”


The old beggar fiercely shook his head, blushing and yelling: “Absolutely impossible! That many Old Guy all pin their hopes on Is it difficult for the kid surnamed Gu to be blind? Besides, even the ancient nameless puts hope on this kid, even if everyone is blind, can the ancient nameless always be blind?”

“One thing, I think you might have misunderstood it. The ancient nameless indeed puts hope on Youdi. Although I don’t know what the ancient nameless hope is, I can guarantee that the ancient nameless place is absolutely It won’t be the hope that you emperor will aspire to Allah of Original Sin and start the era of innocence. It’s definitely not.”

“You…you…you…” Perhaps the words of black liquid Empress are too exciting for old beggar. So that the old beggar was a little uncomfortable when he spoke, and he stammered: “What do you mean? You mean the hope that black liquid Empress puts on, it may be… the surname Guna kid is a causal incarnation, when he Ask the Lord of Original Sin and awaken the true self, so as to…thus… completely get rid of original sin?”

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