Supreme Lord

Chapter 2386

What is obsession.

It’s very simple.

All clinging thoughts are obsessions.

If you give birth to a single thought and encounter difficulties, you will shrink back and give up. This is not called obsession.

Once the true obsession is born in the heart, it will take root and will not give up because of any difficulties, even life and death are no exception.

Don’t underestimate obsession.

Since ancient times, I don’t know how many Dao experts died because of obsession.

This thing is like Heart Demon. Once it is born, it will swell bit by bit. It can’t be driven away or dispersed, it can’t be suppressed, it can’t be seen through, and it can’t be broken. .

If you can see through, obsession is not obsession.

Love is a kind of obsession.

Desire is also a kind of obsession.

Different personalities have different obsessions.

If you are a very ambitious person, you will often have the obsession of desire.

If you are a person with deep affection and righteousness, you will often give birth to this obsession.

For example, Emperor Fusheng is like this, his obsession is love.

In the past few years, in order to cut off the love thread, reincarnation and reincarnation time after time, but the love thread became more and more chaotic, and the obsession became deeper and deeper.

Up to now, the love thread obsession has not been cut off, let alone, but a new obsession has appeared again, and there is more than one new obsession.

Love silk can be regarded as his old obsession, already deeply rooted.

He once and again samsara reincarnation cut obsession, in a sense, this is also a kind of obsession.


Zhan obsession itself is a kind of obsession.

Apart from this, Emperor Fusheng has been searching for cause and effect.

Because he wants to figure out how his deep-rooted passions and obsessions appear, when it is the ego, the id, or the true self. This kind of constant love has already appeared Obsession.

Seeking cause and effect, finding the true self.

This is a wisp of obsession again.

Up to now, Emperor Floating has been completely hesitated, and he does not know what to do to completely cut off his obsession.

From the moment he started to cut his obsession, he felt like he had fallen into a vicious circle, more like falling into a causal Sea of ​​Bitterness. He wanted to go ashore, but he got deeper and deeper.

What’s worse is that he can’t see any light in front of him, and there’s no way behind him. Even if he wants to stop now, he doesn’t want to continue to cut his obsessions, because he cuts obsessions already. Cut yourself into a certain number of disasters.

Although Emperor Peacock’s obsession was not cut in love, the situation is almost the same as that of Emperor Floating. He also tried to cut the obsession with samsara reincarnation time and time again, and failed to cut the obsession. A new obsession was born, and I also felt that I was trapped in a vicious circle of causality, Sea of ​​Bitterness, I also cut myself into a certain number, and I was also confused.

“Are you really not going to take a gamble?”

The Great Peacock asked again.

The Emperor Fusheng glanced at him, and casually responded: “Why don’t you bet?”

“I want to bet!”

“I just want to That’s it.” Emperor Floating’s expression is always that calm, his eyes are as well as his words, and he said: “Who doesn’t want?”


Who doesn’t want to bet.

Emperor Fusheng also wanted to take a gamble. The problem was that he couldn’t afford it. After so many years of obsession, samsara reincarnation made him carry too many heavy things on his body. Family, love, affection, friendship, too much hope, now he is already involuntarily.

He doesn’t want to lose, nor can he lose, let alone lose.

This is the case with Emperor Fusheng, and Emperor Peacock is no exception.

Although he asked the Floating Emperor again and again whether he would bet or not, in fact, he was asking himself rather than the Floating Emperor.

In order to cut his obsession, he has also carried too many heavy things on samsara reincarnation time and time again. Maybe it’s not family love, but there is too much hope. Now he is also involuntarily involuntarily and thinks too I don’t dare to gamble, I don’t want to lose, I can’t lose, and I can’t afford to lose.

“If… I tell you, the ancient nameless is also betting.”

The Peacock Great Emperor said.

The Emperor Fusheng asked: “What is she betting?”

“Although I don’t know what she is betting, I’m sure she must be betting, and it’s definitely not this. Heaven and Earth Grand Dao.”

hearing this.

The floating emperor was silent.


The Great Peacock laughed, laughed especially at himself, and shook his head slightly: “Even the ancient nameless who is known as the messenger of cause and effect incarnation dare to gamble, you and I But I dare not.”

lifts the head, looking at the chaotic void, Peacock the Great continued to sigh: “If we can’t afford to lose, I think the ancient namelessness must be more than us, but… …She dare to bet, we dare not.”


The smile on the corner of the Peacock Great’s mouth became stronger, and the self-deprecation in the smile became stronger, saying: “Look Fate really takes us to death, and eats us to death.”


The Great Peacock laughed repeatedly and laughed more and more at himself.

“We really deserve to be determined.”


Emperor Fusheng was silent, and Emperor Peacock gradually became silent.

I don’t know how long it took, Peacock Great turned around and looked at Emperor Fusheng, and said: “Have you ever thought about a problem.”

“What’s the problem?”

“If you don’t bet, but you still lose in the end, what should you do?”

The Emperor Fusheng responded calmly: “If you lose, then you lose, what if it is wrong.”

Emperor Peacock asked with a smile but a smile: “If you gamble, you can’t afford to lose. If you don’t bet, you can afford to lose?”

“If you bet, you win. I have a guilty conscience.” Emperor Fusheng said softly: “If I don’t gamble, but lose, I have a clear conscience.”


Peacock Great Emperor He smiled again and said: “That’s why you will become the destiny.”

The Emperor of the Floating Emperor said: “Don’t you stump you?”

“Me too.” Peacock The emperor shrugged and said: “That’s why I said that we really deserve to be counted. Neither you nor me can pass the hurdle in my heart.”

took a deep breath, and slowly Spit out slowly, Peacock Great Emperor said with a smile: “Cultivation cultivation is the heart, the way is the way, the heart is before, the way is behind, the heart is inside, and the way is outside. If the heart is the soul, the way is the body.” /p>

“I admire Youdi’s state of mind more and more. All beings above heaven under earth are staring at him. He can be regarded as not seeing them. Many beings above heaven under earth place their hopes on him. He can also be regarded as not knowing, even if all the signs indicate that he is the God of Original Sin recorded in the Book of Destiny, he can also be regarded as having not happened.”

“The Divine Consciousness of the Three Sons of Original Sin is within him. The body, he can ignore it, even if the Divine Consciousness magical thought appears on him within the body outside the avenue, he can also ignore it.”

“No matter how messy the cause and effect are, he has never asked for it. .”

“Clearly knowing that it is a causal game, he will continue to jump in.”

“He never thinks about winning or losing, because he never cares about winning or losing.”


“What is do as one pleases, this is do as one pleases.”

“What is going with the flow, this is going with the flow.”

” At first glance, the so-called do as one pleases, letting it go is like resigning to fate. Of course, only when the state of mind really reaches do as one pleases letting it go, maybe he is heaven and he is fate.”

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