Supreme Lord

Chapter 2374

“But then again, Gu boy, this time you sang this big show, isn’t it for testing?”

“Testing what?”

“The temptation to stare at the existence of you brat secretly, who wants to obliterate you in order to protect Heaven and Earth Grand Dao, who wants to obliterate you in order to plot the original sin, Allah wants to obliterate, and also try to find out who is hitting selfish calculations on you brat!”

“That’s right! There is such a thing.” Gu Qingfeng nodded, said with a smile: “You old bald donkey was the one who came out of the test!”

“Here again I said Gu, can we be more serious, Lao Na has no intention of joking with you!” Daxing monk asked: “Seriously, is you brat tempting?”

“I Speaking of great action, do you really think that your father is idle pain in the balls, you can do it all right, toss yourself, and test you? Just you are worthy of your father’s trial? It’s too damn to take yourself seriously.”

The Daxing monk twitched his lips, his old face blushed, and he could hear it. Gu Qingfeng also brought himself in by these words, turning around to mock him.

For this.

The big monk can only pretend to be a fool.

Actually, he also thinks that Gu Qingfeng shouldn’t be able to make such a big move just for temptation.

Based on his understanding of Gu Qingfeng, Gu Qingfeng doesn’t care who wants to obliterate him in order to protect Heaven and Earth, and who wants to obliterate him in order to plot the original sin. He doesn’t care, who is on him. Planning to make a plan, but also making some calculations.

If Gu Qingfeng really cares and really wants to test, he would have tried it a long time ago. It is impossible to wait until now.

In this way, the Divine Consciousness beyond the avenue really wanted to swallow your self-consciousness?”

Gu Qingfeng shook his head and responded: “Perhaps. “

“What’s maybe?” The monk wondered if he had heard it wrong, and asked incredulously: “You brat don’t even know if others swallow your self-consciousness?”

“I really don’t know.”

Looking at Gu Qingfeng doesn’t seem to be a joke. The Da Xing Monk resisted the doubts in his heart and asked: “What was the situation at the time, you Brat, can you tell me in detail, Lao Na can more or less analyze it for you.”

“How to say.”

Gu Qingfeng continues inside the Void in the palace Go deeper, thinking about what happened at that time.

At that time, he only felt that the ominous thing began to stir, and it felt more and more intense.

Then he began to suppress it, but it didn’t work at all.


It’s not that it can’t be suppressed, nor is it impossible to suppress, but it has no effect.

Because of when the ominous things began to stir, Gu Qingfeng’s mind also began to stir.

He doesn’t know whether the mind is affected by the ominous thing, or whether the ominous thing is affected by the mind, he doesn’t even know whether the ominous thing is beginning to stir or his mind is beginning to stir .

What’s even more incredible is that as the beginning to stir of the ominous thing becomes more and more intense, he can no longer tell whether he is not himself or not, like himself like an ominous thing, it feels like he is an ominous thing Things and ominous things are just like him, as if they didn’t distinguish each other at all.


His self-awareness is very clear from beginning to end, and he knows it clearly when he slaughters those avenue experts who are dormant in the dark. To say that the ominous thing swallows his consciousness, it looks like Gu Qingfeng This is fundamentally impossible. At that time, he and the ominous thing were indistinguishable from each other, as if they were an existence in themselves. If this is the case, what about swallowing them, how can they swallow their own consciousness.

“And then?”

The Daxing Monk continued to ask suspiciously.

“Nothing happened.”

“What does it mean there is nothing, you didn’t say anything.”

“Nothing happened, you let What did the Lord say?”

Gu Qingfeng’s voice came, and the monk opened his mouth, and he stopped talking. He couldn’t help but froze there, with mixed feelings in his heart.

When I found out that Gu Qingfeng was not right at the time, the monk of Daxing was very anxious.

After discovering that the Gu Qingfeng madman might be swallowed by the Divine Consciousness magical thoughts outside the avenue, the Daxing monk was desperate and despaired.

He believes that in addition to himself, those who lie in the dark and pin their hopes on Gu Qingfeng also have the same heart of death as him, even the ancient namelessness is no exception. .

But what did Gu Qingfeng say?

It said nothing happened?

People like myself are almost scared to death by him, this kid motherfucker seems to be okay.

It’s not that the Daxing Epilogue doesn’t know that Gu Qingfeng is free and easy by nature. On the contrary, he knows it better than anyone else.

But no matter how free and easy, you can’t be so free and easy, right?

This kid didn’t even care about such a big thing.

“So old boy, even if you don’t know if the Divine Consciousness magical thoughts have swallowed you off the main road, you should know what it is now? Or, you swallowed it?”

“Lord, I have already told you just now. From the very beginning, there is nothing to eat or not to devour. There are many things…I can’t tell you, I can I don’t understand, how can I tell you?”


The monk is completely speechless, slowly put out a breath, saying: “When will you brat? The Divine Consciousness beyond the avenue of fusion should always be known?”

“In a wild ancient vestige, but also in a very evil wild ancient vestige.”

“What an evil law?”

“What an evil law? Let me tell you this, the Lord thoroughly experienced what is called spatial disorder in that barren ancient vestige.”


To this day, Gu Qingfeng still clearly remembers that mysterious and weird ancient vestige, it is really evil.

The first time he went in, he saw a mountain with many bones on the mountain. There was a Cave Mansion hidden in the mountain. Inside the Cave Mansion there was an extremely mysterious and abstruse eye of the cave mansion. , And there was a dying Elderly beside him.

When Gu Qingfeng found Cave Mansion, the dying Elderly wanted to take possession of his fleshy body, but he was obliterated.

Then Gu Qingfeng jumped into the eye of Cave Mansion, wanting to go in and see what profound mystery is inside.

After jumping in, I didn’t find any profound mystery. What’s strange is that Gu Qingfeng re-entered this mysterious ancient vestige with unfathomable mystery.

What’s even more evil is that when he enters the Cave Mansion again, the Elderly who was previously obliterated by him is still there, and is still dying. The most evil thing is that Elderly still thinks The body possession of his fleshy body was eventually obliterated by Gu Qingfeng, and the obliteration was clean.

After that, Gu Qingfeng once again entered the eyes of Cave Mansion, and then once again entered this mysterious ancient vestige.

After entering Cave Mansion, the Elderly motherfucker who had been obliterated twice by him was still there.

So he obliterated the Elderly again.

In this way, I experienced the same thing again and again. I don’t know how many times I experienced it. Gu Qingfeng was about to collapse at that time.

“He always thought that the so-called space disorder is just a legend, did not expect really exist, that time is considered a long experience.”

After listening to these words of Gu Qingfeng, The Daxing Monk seemed calm, and he was not surprised. On the contrary, he gave Gu Qingfeng a scornful look and said: “You only know?”

“Why? Listen to you? Have you experienced it too?”

“Lao Na has not only experienced it, but also experienced something more evil than you brat.”

“What an evil law?”

“Lao Na once stumbled and fell into a space turbulence in an ancient black hole. Do you know how long Lao Na has been trapped in it?”

“Tell me.”

“How long I have been trapped, Lao Na is not quite clear, anyway, at least 100,000 years.”

Gu Qingfeng said with a smile: “What’s so evil about this, the ancient black hole is full of space turbulence, stumbled Falling in, if you are unlucky, it is not uncommon to say that you have been trapped for 100,000 years. It is not uncommon to be trapped for millions of years.”

“Indeed, you brat said well.” Seriously said: “But you brat knows that after Lao Na finally got out of that space turbulence, how long has it been outside?”

“How long? Isn’t it 100,000 years?”


“Hehe! Gu boy, if 100,000 years have passed outside, then this is too common and normal. How dare Lao Na say something more evil than what you have experienced.”

“Yes, how long did you say?”


“Ninety thousand years?”

” No!”

“Ten thousand years?”

“Not right!”



“Should it be a hundred years?”


Daxing monk said with a sneer: “Tell you, old Na I have been trapped in that space turbulence for 100,000 years. The time outside is neither 100,000 years nor 10,000 years, let alone a thousand years or a hundred years, but a thought!”

I heard that I was in the sky deep Gu Qingfeng stops immediately, deep frown s, a pair of gloomy eyes filled with surprise, and asked: “Are you sure it is a thought? “

“Nonsense! At that time, Lao Na and my Senior Brother Bai entered the ridiculous black hole. Lao Na stumbled and fell into space turbulence. After being trapped for 100,000 years, Senior Brother told Lao Na that it was only a thought. “

“Good fellow! “

Gu Qingfeng was astonished and said: “It’s pretty wicked to hear you say that. This motherfucker is not space disorder anymore, it’s time space disorder!” “

“Any evil things can happen in the ancient black hole, like Lao Na fell into space turbulence and was trapped for 100,000 years. Only a thought has passed outside. This is Lao Na’s life. You brat know that ? Soon after the end of the ancient times, when Ancient Era was opened, ancient black holes also appeared. One of them entered the ancient black hole and fell into space turbulence. He only fell for a moment. When he appeared, Ancient Era all appeared. His mother is over, and Ancient Era has just opened…”

Gu Qingfeng heard a numb scalp, and said: “This is too damn exaggerated. It just slipped and fell into space turbulence for an instant. , In this moment of effort, directly from the beginning of ancient times to the beginning of ancient times? I missed an era at this moment! “

“Evil, right? Can’t believe it? Tell you brat, if Lao Na hadn’t experienced it personally, Lao Na would not believe it was true. “The Daxing monk reprimanded: “Now you finally know why Lao Na advised you brat to be careful when we first entered the ridiculous black hole. This is also your brat good luck, just falling into a turbulent flow of space. You brat fell into a chaotic turbulence of time and space. Maybe you fell into a moment of effort. When you brat came out, you missed an entire era. “

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