Supreme Lord

Chapter 2372

Gu Qingfeng just laughed, especially evil and weird.

Now Gu Qingfeng laughs, but he laughs particularly bold and free.

The talented Gu Qingfeng is not like Gu Qingfeng, but the current Gu Qingfeng is very much like the old Gu Qingfeng.

Just now when Gu Qingfeng was not like Gu Qingfeng, the Daxing Monk was dumbfounded and unbelievable.

Now when Gu Qingfeng is like Gu Qingfeng, the Daxing Monk is still dumbfounded and unbelievable.

The difference is.

The monk just now can’t believe that Gu Qingfeng’s self-awareness has been swallowed up. To be precise, he cannot accept such a cruel reality.

Now Gu Qingfeng is still Gu Qingfeng, but the monk still can’t believe it.

Maybe until now is too nervous, or it may be too desperate, or the surprise came too suddenly, and the hope came too strong, so that when the monk found that Gu Qingfeng was still Gu Qingfeng , I couldn’t believe it was true at all, just like a dream.

“You…are you really the old kid?”

The Daxing monk stammered and asked.

“Nonsense! Otherwise, who else can Laozi be?”

“Your ego, no… hasn’t been swallowed?”

bang, open Gu Qingfeng A jar of fine wine, and a few sips, said with a smile: “The ego of the Lord is so easy to be swallowed. If any mess can swallow the ego of the Lord, then the ego of the Lord is probably gone long ago. “

“Then why did you just…”

“It was just the Lord teasing you to play, you old bald donkey is serious? Hahaha!”

” p>


If you had doubts about Gu Qingfeng just now, then at this moment, the only trace of doubt in the heart of the monk will follow. Gu Qingfeng opened the jar of fine wine and it disappeared.

All the tension, all the despair, all the unwillingness, all the pain are also in this brief moment scattered ashes and dispersed smoke. In other words, there are countless excitement and countless Excited.

The excited Daxing Monk’s body couldn’t stop trembling. Excited, his face was flushed, and his eyes were red. With a plop, the Daxing Monk sat in the sky and stared. While talking to Gu Qingfeng, he muttered to himself: “I finally won the motherfucker bet, I won! I finally won!!!”

Tight nerves, nervous spirit, on the The mind of verge of collapse, the soul on the verge of collapse, including the stone that has been hanging in the heart, finally fell in this brief moment.

The big monk could no longer hold it, and he slumped in the void.

Because until now, he is supported by the only trace of hope that is as slim as possible, and supports all the hopes he has placed on Gu Qingfeng, including his future, as well as His little life.

The pressure can be imagined.

It’s like a person carrying a mountain and stumbling forward. This mountain makes him unable to lift his head and straighten his waist. Every step is difficult, and it is more terrifying. , There is darkness ahead, no light can be seen.


Gu Qingfeng is still Gu Qingfeng. For the monk, it is like crawling out of the abyss of despair with every effort, and he is exhausted on the spot.

He is so.

The old beggar hiding on the black liquid mountain, just like he had just climbed out of the abyss of despair, was tired and slumped on the black liquid mountain, gasping for breath looking out of breath.

Even the black liquid Empress, who has always been calm, closed his eyes. Even if he took a deep breath, he still couldn’t calm the excitement.

At the same time.

In a pavilion in the void.

I have been paying attention to Gu Qingfeng’s blue face, and in this brief moment the deep exhales one breath saying, she originally stood with her arms folded, but finally sat down and muttered to herself Said: “It’s been a long, long time since I have experienced such an exciting thing. This kind of thinking about heaven and hell, struggling in hope and despair, is really uncomfortable and too tormenting.”

next to.

The ancient namelessness is still the same as before, standing quietly in the pavilion, ordinary and ordinary, she is still as ordinary as ever, as usual, whether it is her expression, or her heart is always the same In this way, there has never been any change, as if everything that happened just now has nothing to do with her, and like the fate of Goddess, silently watching the fate of the world.

“It seems that I am really not suitable for betting!”

Cang Yan poured herself a glass of wine, shook her head slightly, with a smile on her mouth, as if she was mocking herself Poor’s bearing capacity, said: “Especially the gambling method of pinning hope on others, it feels like pinning my destiny on others.”

After drinking the wine, he said a meaningful sentence: “I still like to control my own destiny.”

in the sky.

Looking at the Daxing monk who was tired and paralyzed in the void, Gu Qingfeng walked over, squatted down, said with a smile: “I said Daxing, right?”

“Not so?” The monk looks like he has experienced a catastrophe of life and death personally, his face is gray, brow beaded with sweat, gasping for breath and said: “you brat know or not…your motherfucker… Almost… Almost scared Lao Na to death!”

Gu Qingfeng handed over a jar of wine and said: “Is it so serious?”

The monk accepted the wine. , Opened it directly, raised his head, filled most of the jar in one breath, and then raised the jar and poured the remaining half jar of wine on him along the bald head, staring at Gu Qingfeng, and said very seriously. : “Believe Lao Na, if you brat’s self-awareness is really swallowed, this matter is definitely more serious than you think.”


Gu Qingfeng stood up, twisted his neck, stretched his waist, and said: “Listening to what you said, it seems that you have to be careful in the future. Otherwise, if you die, wouldn’t it be true? It’s a big deal?”

“Can you brat motherfucker stop making this kind of joke in the future, it will really scare people to death, you brat can’t understand Lao Na’s mood at all, it is simply…it is…”

The Daxing Monk has been a long time ago, and he didn’t say why, because the mood is too complicated and painful, and he doesn’t know how to describe it.

“I’m kidding? I’m not joking. If it weren’t for today, I wouldn’t know that my life is so important. Let’s not say, this feeling is pretty good. I live such a big life. It’s the first time to live out a bit of humanity.”

Gu Qingfeng drank a jar of fine wine, looked at the void, cup hand to hold fist, and said: “Many thanks, everyone. Although you don’t know what the purpose behind your concern is, it’s a fact that you care about your little life. Since it is a fact, the Lord will thank you for your little life. “

“How about! Come out together to meet? Have a little wine? Talk about life?”

The old beggar hiding on the black liquid mountain heard Gu Qingfeng’s words , Couldn’t help getting up, and said: “What does this guy mean? Why do you want to invite us to drink?”

“Old beggar, you are not scared to be stupid , Can’t you hear the words?” black liquid Empress said: “You can’t tell me that he is deliberately ridiculing us?”

Listening to the words of black liquid Empress, Only then did the old beggar react and grinned: “motherfucker! This kid is really not authentic, dare you to have been singing a big show? Deliberately pretending to be swallowed by Divine Consciousness beyond the road to frighten us? What is his purpose? What is it? Just to see who wants him to die and who wants him to live? Who puts hope on him?”

“If this is the case, is this kid’s means? Too ruthless? However, the look of his madness just now doesn’t look like a pretend, the power emerging from him is indeed beyond the road!”

black liquid Empress nodded , Said: “Indeed, he shouldn’t pretend on purpose. The ancient tyrant power in him does belong to the outside of the great avenue, and… with my understanding, setting up a situation to test us, he Shouldn’t be able to do it, he doesn’t bother to do it.”

“As for who wants him to die, who wants him to live, who puts hope on him? Do you think he cares? “

“If he cares, we are impossible to stare at him in secret.”

“This is true.”

Old Beggar said in agreement. “With this kid’s ability, if he doesn’t want us to stare, I’m afraid we really can’t keep an eye on him.”


Gu Qingfeng waited for a while.

Seeing no one responds, he laughed and said: “Yes, since everyone refuses to show up, please continue to stay in the middle of the day. When you think of it, I will be waiting for you at any time! “

“It’s getting late, Lord, there is still something to do. Let’s go one step ahead, everyone!”


Gu Qingfeng laughed heartily, raising his foot to leave.

As soon as Gu Qingfeng was about to leave, the monk did not care about the tired and paralyzed body. He got up and was about to catch up with him. Suddenly, he remembered something and shouted to the void: “Now If it weren’t for Lao Na to give up her own life, I’m going to interview Gu Xiaozi for you, I’m afraid you are still waiting for the suffering, don’t say thank you, Lao Na doesn’t care.”

“What Lao Na wants to say is that we all like locusts tied to one rope. We don’t ask everyone to work with a common purpose. We just ask everyone not to stabbing a knife in the back.”

“Especially some People, I hope you Senior can be magnanimous!”

While talking, the monk ran away, and disappeared in a short while.

In the void.

Perhaps the black liquid Empress and the old beggar didn’t know what the Daxing Monk meant by these words, but Cang Yan knew that the Daxing Monk’s words were deliberately spoken to the ancient unknown.

“It seems that Daxing is still brooding about what happened last time.” Cangyan asked, “Yes, I forgot to ask, how did you deal with his incarnation? ?”

“I suppressed it.”

“Is it just suppressed? I thought you would use that incarnation to make him remember.”

“As long as his incarnation is in my hands, I think Dahang will definitely converge.”

“Hehe, indeed, an incarnation of Dahang will fall into you In the hands of him, even if he doesn’t want to, he will never dare to do it like before.”

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