Supreme Lord

Chapter 2370

In the field.

The grey and white smoke all over the sky seems to be disappearing bit by bit.

No longer burning like a raging fire, and no longer sweeping like a stormy sea, it has become more and more emptiness, more and more ethereal.


It doesn’t look like the gray smoke is dissipating, it’s more like gathering.

That’s right!

It is gathering.

The gray and white smoke all over the sky gathered in the center of the image, forming a slowly rotating vortex, as if it was conceiving something.

At the same time.

The void that was originally pitted in the Li Palace is gradually healed. The cracks and holes in the Li Palace are getting smaller and smaller and less obvious, especially as the gray smoke slowly gathers and the Li Palace is broken. The speed of the void healing is getting faster and faster.

When the gray smoke no longer enveloped the void, and all gathered into a vortex, the Ligong void almost recovered as before. Looking around, there are no more cracks, any holes, not even one. , As if the void had never been broken, not even a trace was left.

I don’t know how long it has been.

The void finally recovered.

It still looks like the void of countless changes containing infinite profound mystery.

The gray smoke in the sky also disappeared.

Only a gray-white vortex is slowly rotating.

Vortex turns more and more void, and turns more and more ethereal.

Vaguely, one silhouette seems to be seen in the gray vortex, a twisted and fuzzy silhouette.

As the gray-white vortex becomes more and more void and ethereal, the originally distorted and vague silhouette becomes more and more clear.

Is a man.

A man dressed in white clothed looks plain.

The man stood in the void, bowed his head and closed his eyes.

It’s faintly discernible like a reflection in the water.

Three thousand ink-like long hairs danced wildly with the gray vortex spinning.

The white clothed clothed with snow is also hunting as the gray vortex spins.

See this man.

The old beggar hiding on the black liquid mountain flushed with excitement, shouted: “It’s the kid! Look! It’s the Youdi kid! Black liquid big girl! No! Black liquid Empress, it seems You are right, the self-consciousness of that kid really hasn’t been swallowed! This kid is still alive! Alive! hahaha! The old man knows that this kid is very lucky and will not be swallowed! ha ha ha ha !”

Old beggar was so excited, his fists clenched, his body was shaking, his eyes were a little red!

The black liquid Empress wrapped in a black robe, that glamorous face changed again and again, even though she tried her best to conceal it, her eyes still couldn’t conceal her inner excitement.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, as if she was restraining her inner excitement, and said: “Old beggar, I advise you not to be happy too soon, now I’m sure whether your self-consciousness is It’s still too early to swallow. You should know that if the Divine Consciousness beyond the great road swallows the emperor’s self-consciousness, it is tantamount to occupying his fleshy body. The manifestation of the fleshy body of the emperor does not represent his Self-awareness has not been swallowed!”

hearing this.

The excited old beggar fell silent for a while.

Before, he himself fell into the abyss of despair.

Later, the speculation of black liquid Empress pulled him out of the abyss of despair, but maybe two words made old beggar fall into the abyss of despair again.

At this moment, watching Gu Qingfeng’s silhouette gradually appeared. For the old beggar, he crawled out of the abyss of despair again. He never thought that the words of black liquid Empress once again made him renew Fall into the abyss of despair!

This kind of reincarnation in hope and despair is really uncomfortable. The tortured old beggar feels more painful than being suppressed in the ruins.


speaking of which.

Black liquid Empress does not deliberately want to attack the old beggar.

Rather than saying her words, time and time again, the renewed hope in old Beggar’s heart was extinguished.

It’s better to say that she extinguished the hope in her heart time and time again.

Because she knows that the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment, and the greater the disappointment, the greater the despair.

She doesn’t want to despair!


Even if she speculated that Gu Qingfeng’s self-consciousness might not have been swallowed up, he did not dare to have much hope.

Even if Gu Qingfeng’s fleshy body reappears with her own eyes, she still warns herself again and again not to hold any hope!

After she didn’t want to hope, what awaited herself was endless despair.

She may also be able to wait and lose.

But she didn’t want to wait, and didn’t want to lose!

“Black liquid big girl, you better pray that the self-consciousness of this kid is not swallowed up, otherwise, I will tease the old man again and again, and the old man will never spare you! “

Old Beggar is really fed up. His heart can’t stand the torture of wandering in hope and despair. He feels that he is about to collapse.

In the field.

The gray-white vortex has become faintly discernible, like a wisp of blue smoke, but the silhouette of Gu Qingfeng is getting clearer and clearer.

Not far away.

There is another person who has been staring, and still staring in the bright place, and has never left.

This man is wearing a shabby monk robe, a shabby monk hat, shabby monk shoes on his feet, and a shabby fan hanging around his waist.

Who is it if you are not a great monk?

When witnessing the Gu Qingfeng madman slaughter and dormant in the avenue expert in the sky, when witnessing the silhouette of Gu Qing disappearing bit by bit into the gray smoke of the sky, it is no exaggeration to say that The monk is desperate than anyone!

It’s just that after the despair, when he gradually accepted the cruel reality, his heart calmed down.

When he calmed down, the hopeless man rekindled hope.

Like black liquid Empress and old beggar, he also thought of someone.

Unknown forever.

black liquid Empress suspects that the ancient Wuming has been carefully laying out secretly, the purpose is to wait for Gu Qingfeng to ask the original sin, and then obliterate it, thereby completely obliterating the original sin.

Daxing Epilogue is more suspicious than black liquid Empress.

Black liquid Empress knows that the ancient and unknown impossible watched Gu Qingfeng’s self-consciousness being swallowed by existence beyond the avenue, the Daxing Epilogue knew better than she.

Black liquid Empress based on this speculation that Gu Qingfeng’s self-awareness may not have been swallowed. After the Daxing Monk calmed down, he gradually felt this way.


Black liquid Empress does not dare to make 100% determination, and Daxing Monk also does not dare to make 100% determination.

Black liquid Empress is waiting.

The Daxing Monk is also waiting.

in the sky.

The faintly discernible gray vortex finally disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

Gu Qingfeng’s silhouette once again appeared very clearly in the sight of everyone.

He just stands in the void like that.

Head down.

Close your eyes.

The black hair that was dancing in the past also calms down, and the flying white clothed is no longer making any noise.


Death silence.


No one knows whether Gu Qingfeng’s self-consciousness has been swallowed by existence beyond the avenue.

I don’t know the Daxing Monk, the black liquid Empress, the old beggar, the Cangyan does not know, even the ancient unknown, above heaven under earth all the experts do not know.

Everyone is waiting.

Wait for an answer.

Whether it is guarding Heaven and Earth Grand Dao, plotting the original sin of Allah, or pinning its hopes on Gu Qingfeng, they are all waiting.

Especially when the gray vortex disappears, and when Gu Qingfeng’s silhouette clearly appears, everyone’s heart is mentioned in this brief moment.

This is especially true of Daxing Monk.

As time passed bit by bit, Gu Qingfeng in the sky still did not move. He was still bowing his head and closing his eyes.

The old beggar hiding on the black liquid mountain is staring at Gu Qingfeng in the sky.

His mind, his spirit, his nerves, etc. are all in an extremely tense state.

Like this kind of extreme tension, old beggar only had two times in his life. The first time was when waiting for the era of innocence to begin in the time of the past, and this was the second time.

He felt more nervous and tormented than when he was waiting for the era of innocence to begin.

After waiting for another moment, there is still no movement from Gu Qingfeng.

Old beggar thinks he is going crazy.

He wanted to take out Divine Consciousness, but he didn’t dare.

It’s not that after Gu Qingfeng’s self-consciousness is swallowed by the existence outside the avenue, he will take out Divine Consciousness to probe, and it will anger the existence outside the avenue and ignite his upper body.

Old beggar is not afraid of angering the existence outside the main road, nor is he afraid of angering his upper body.

He was afraid that he could not bear the cruel reality of Gu Qingfeng being swallowed.

Before being tortured by black liquid Empress several times, he has been wandering in despair and hope. No matter how strong the mental endurance of old beggar is, he cannot withstand such a toss.

But if you just wait like this, it’s no way, it’s too painful and painful!


Old Beggar slammed his heart, clenched the teeth and stomped his feet, and decided to go all out!

I took a few deep breaths, but still couldn’t restrain the tremor in my heart.

Fiercely shook his head, then raised his head and poured a jar of wine.

Old Beggar clenched his fists, poked his head, took out his Divine Consciousness, cautiously probed the past.

It’s near!

Get closer.

Old beggar closed his eyes nervously, and his body couldn’t help shaking.


When he finally summoned the courage to take out his Divine Consciousness and wanted to explore Gu Qingfeng, he was dumbfounded.

Because he found that his Divine Consciousness could not detect the existence of Gu Qingfeng.

Suddenly opened his eyes, the old beggar fiercely slapped himself in the slap, inwardly cursing himself for being too stupid, so nervously, how could I forget this stuff!

For Divine Consciousness to be unable to detect the existence of Gu Qingfeng, the old beggar not at all felt any surprise. Not only did he not feel surprised, but he felt too stupid.

Because before that, he took out Divine Consciousness also could not detect the existence of Gu Qingfeng.

Since Divine Consciousness cannot detect the existence of Gu Qingfeng, what should I do?

Why don’t you go and see in person?

As soon as this idea came out, Old Beggar didn’t even consider it, so he denied it.

He had already been tortured by the black liquid Empress and was about to collapse. He finally made up his mind to take out Divine Consciousness to investigate, but nothing was detected.

Took out Divine Consciousness, and he has exhausted the last trace of his endurance. Old Beggar said that he didn’t dare to go there to investigate.

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