Supreme Lord

Chapter 2357

Xuehe was quite surprised when he heard that the Daxing Monk was going to gamble on Youdi.

Cang Yan turned around, looked at the blood river, and said: “However, they may not bet on You Emperor the same as you.”

“I bet on You Emperor to win the title. Allah of Original Sin, are they stumped?”

“No, at least I don’t think it is.”

“If you don’t bet on You Di and ask Allah of Original Sin, what do they bet on?”

“Don’t forget that the existence of Emperor You is a variable, and it is also the biggest variable. Although all signs indicate that he may be the God of Original Sin recorded in the Book of Destiny, he is a variable. It is a variable and causality is impermanent. , The fate is unknown, he may aspire to the Allah of the Sins, or he may not, not only he will not, but he will also guard the Heaven and Earth Grand Dao. In turn, it is not impossible to prevent the era of innocence from opening.”

Cang Yan sat down slowly, raised her head slightly, closed her eyes, and gently tapped her forehead with her hand, looking tired and distressed.

“Since you have observed Emperor You secretly, you should know something about him. He definitely does these things, even… you have many similarities between you. You can do it for yourself. Anything, even if you give up your dreams, you don’t hesitate.”

With a sigh, he said: “Youdi can also do anything for the people he cares about. You can care about people for yourself. Giving up dreams, he can also give up his dreams for the people he cares about. Moreover, your dream is an era of innocence, but his dream is not an era of innocence. As far as I know, he has never dreamed, so, He doesn’t care if the era of no way is started or not.”

Xuehe fell into contemplation, and after a moment, he said: “You said earlier that I shouldn’t bet on the emperor’s aspirations to the Lord of Original Sin. Is that the reason? “

“This is just one of them.” Cang Yan said sadly: “The reason I said you shouldn’t bet on You Emperor is because you have overlooked a very important thing. “

“What’s the matter?”

“Youdi’s attitude.”

“Youdi’s attitude? What attitude?”

Upon hearing this, Cangyan opened her eyes and looked at the river of blood, feeling like didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, and said: “My good Husband, sometimes you are so stupid that people want to bite you A mouthful!”

Xuehe opened his mouth, after all, he did not speak.

“I really don’t know what you have observed while observing Youdi in the dark? Cultivation base cultivation base, you haven’t figured it out, you haven’t figured out good luck, and you haven’t figured out your strength and strength. Clearly, you haven’t figured out even the most important attitude, what did you say you observed?”

Even if Cangyan didn’t say this, the blood river was also ashamed and unable to show one’s. face.

In his life, he rarely observes others secretly, almost none.

It is the first and possibly the last time to observe Youdi secretly.

What Xuehe didn’t expect was that for the first time in his life, he was observing other people in secret, and he failed so much. Nothing was observed.

As Cangyan said, I don’t know the cultivation base and good luck. Everything about Youdi is full of unknowns. The more you observe, the more you feel that Youdi is deep and unmeasurable. The existence of mysterious is unknown.

“My good Husband, you tell me honestly, you have been observing Youdi secretly, are you only observing how the Youdi is so romantic, how flirting with those women? If so, Then you really disappointed me. You didn’t even observe the means of flirting and cursing with Emperor You clearly. No, you may have observed clearly, but instead of flirting with me, you flirted with other women. Pretty?”

For observing the Emperor You, Xuehe was already very depressed, and never thought that Cang Yan would even tease him like this at this time.

For this.

In addition to choosing silence, he can only choose silence.

He is a person with indifferent emotions, he is born like this, and even worse after being in the devil, he is not without the so-called Seven Emotions and Six Desires, but he is hidden deep and deep, so deep that he does not want to Be noticed by anyone.

“I ask you, what does it depend on whether the emperor You can claim the Allah of Original Sin? The strength of the cultivation base? The fate of the cause and effect? ​​The right time and place? These may be important, but not the most important, the most important It’s the attitude of Emperor You, whether he wants to ask the Lord of Original Sin, this is the most important thing. If he doesn’t want to ask the Lord of Original Sin, what if he has a strong strength? Even if he is the Lord of Original Sin recorded in the Book of Destiny?”

Listening to what Cangyan said, Xuehe suddenly realized that he had indeed made a big mistake, ignoring the most important thing.


I observe Youdi secretly, patronizing his cultivation base, good fortune, current fate and fortune, how can I forget his own attitude?

As Cangyan said, if you emperor does not want to ask the Lord of Original Sin, what if he is the Lord of Original Sin recorded in the Book of Destiny?

“My silly Husband, do you know what your emperor’s attitude is towards God of Original Sin and the Age of Innocence?”

Demon Sovereign Blood River shook his head, he really didn’t know .

“If you don’t know, then I can tell you Youdi’s attitude towards the original sin towards the Age of Innocence. His attitude is just that he has no attitude, just like he has an attitude towards his own life, as he has an attitude towards those Like the woman he has an affair, even as he does to the unknown good fortunes in himself, he has no attitude, neither accepts nor rejects, everything is what happens.”

When it comes to this, Cang Yan suddenly laughed, laughing ironically, and said: “Speaking nicely is to let the flow go, and to say awkwardly, it is to resignation.” After that, Cang Yan smiled happily.

Now, they laughed more ironically, as if they were laughing.

Xuehe seemed to feel the ridicule in Cangyan’s laughter, and said: “Are you laughing at me?”

“he he he…”

Cang Yan was still laughing, even a little frantic, and said: “My silly Husband, you can still hear that I am laughing at you, don’t you think you are very sad? You Di is resigned to his fate, and you It’s so stupid to gamble on him.”

“he he he……”

While talking and laughing, Cang Yan said: “But… …You don’t have to take seriously, because there are people who are more pathetic than you, such as the Daxing Monk, he did everything to bet everything on the emperor, no matter what… the emperor finally chose to resign, the most pathetic What’s more, the Daxing Monk has been staying beside You Emperor all the time, trying to change You Emperor’s attitude. In order to change You Emperor’s attitude, he didn’t bother much.”

“The result is that. …In the end, instead of changing the attitude of You Emperor, it made You Emperor’s attitude even less attitude…”

“You Emperor chose to resign his fate and bet on him is equivalent to betting on fate… …In that case, what are you gambled on? Isn’t it enough to just follow the fate? He he he……”


Cang Yan smiled more and more frantically.

“My silly Husband, do you know? There is another person who is even more pathetic than you than the Daxing Monk. He is unknown in ancient times…hehe, she actually wants to do her best in Youdi Gamble on him… a causal incarnation, a messenger of fate, but you have to bet on fate on a resigned You Emperor. Don’t you think this is a very contradictory and absurd thing?”

Xuehedao: “I have my reasons for betting on You Emperor. I believe that whether it is a great monk or an ancient unknown, since they all bet on You Emperor, they should all have their own reasons.”

“Reason? He he he he……”


Cang Yan stopped smiling, but toasted and drank.

If Xuehe is a person of indifferent nature, then Cangyan is a person of love and sex.

After Xuehe fell into a demon, although he was crazy, he gradually found himself back.

And Cangyan fell into the demonic path back then, was more crazy than the blood river, more demon than the blood river, although she later found herself again, and aspired between Heaven and Earth only one fairy demon Unparalleled Sovereign Quan Destiny.

Everyone knows that immortals and demons are like fire and water, and they mutually restrain each other. Immortal and demons are already very difficult to control. Even more how is the imperial destiny of the Supreme.

The reason why the Daxing monk criticizes Cangyan as a crazy lady is not because Cangyan is snake-hearted, but because Cangyan is half a fairy and half a demon. Sometimes he is a fairy but a devil. Dignified and luxurious, her heart is like a snake.

I don’t know how long it has been.

Cang Yan took a deep breath, turned around to look at the blood river, and asked: “Are you still going to gamble on Youdi?”

“I think Bet.”

“Don’t regret it?”

“Don’t regret it.”

“If you lose the bet.”

” If I lose, I lose. I can afford to gamble and lose.”

“The era of no way is your dream.”

“I said, between this Heaven and Earth , Only you, I can’t afford to lose, I can afford to lose everything else, what a dream is.”

“If I lose my dream, what about me?”

Blood River was silent for a moment, and said: “If you don’t want me to bet on this one, I won’t bet, everything is up to you.”

“It’s my good Husband.”

Cang Yan toasted and drank the wine in the glass, walked over, walked to the blood river, eye to eye, face to face, said with a smile: “However, this time I want you to bet!” /p>


“Because I have always wanted to gamble, but… before, I have one less reason to gamble with all my energy. Well, whether it’s an ancient nameless, since they dare to gamble, they must have their reasons. I don’t know or don’t want to know. I only know what my reasons are.”

“What is your reason?”

“Silly Husband, my reason is of course. You can do anything for me, and I can do anything for you. Since Husband wants to bet, be a wife Naturally accompany each other.”

Xuehe asked: “No regrets?”

Cang Yan shook his head and responded: “No regrets.”

“If yes Did you lose the bet?”

“If I lose, I lose. I can afford to bet and lose. I can afford to lose. I can also afford to lose the Heaven and Earth Grand Dao. I lose. Cause and effect, you can also lose destiny, but you can’t lose.”

Just now.

When Xuehe said he was going to gamble, Cangyan asked him with this remark.

Now when Cangyan said that he was going to gamble, Xuehe asked her the same thing.

The two people asked the same things, and they answered the same things.

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