Supreme Lord

Chapter 2355

If it had been before, Cangyan might still try to convince Xuehe.

Not anymore.

She knows that Xuehe is stubborn and stubborn. She belongs to the kind that doesn’t hit the south wall without turning back. Besides, Xuehe’s aversion to causal destiny is born with her. Later, she experienced Some things made him even more disgusted with causal fate.

Another point is that Cangyan feels that although Xuehe’s view of causal fate is different from his own, he cannot say who is right and who is wrong.

Cang Yan believes that it is Heaven and Earth Grand Dao that all living beings themselves are in charge of the destiny of cause and effect.

Xuehe believes that it is the fate of cause and effect that dominates Heaven and Earth Grand Dao.

Cangyan feels that you will get what you plant for any cause, good cause and good effect, evil cause and evil effect, the cycle of heaven, Karmic Retribution, when you plant more good causes, you will get more good results, and your destiny will naturally be smooth sailing. If there are too many evil causes and all the evil results are obtained, the fate must be very rough.

Xuehe feels that sentient beings should not be constrained by cause and effect. Whoever prescribes to plant any cause will get any fruit; whoever prescribes to plant a good cause will get a good result, and if an evil cause is planted, he will get a bad result. I want to plant I can plant whatever cause I want, and I can get whatever result I want. I can’t plant good causes to get evil results. Can’t I get good results from evil causes? Why must obey the so-called cause and effect, why does the so-called cause and effect determine the so-called destiny?


Cang Yan knows that what Xuehe wants is not to grow good results from evil causes, but to not want her life to be constrained by cause and effect.

What he wants is freedom!

But if all living beings are not bound by cause and effect, then what kind of chaos should be like, good people have no reward, bad people have no evil, no morality at all, sentient beings are fearless, and reincarnation is not a sin.

In the final analysis, one sentence.

Cangyan believes that all living beings should be responsible for their actions, cultivation cultivation, cultivation of the mind, and the way they walk, and when they follow cause and effect, cause and effect are the way, and respect cause and effect is to follow the way.

Blood River is different.

He is a demon.

What the magic seeks is to do its own way, and the river of blood seeks freedom, not to be bound by any laws of the avenue, let alone being bound by the avenue.

If Cangyan asks for the right way, then the blood river asks for no way.


It has never changed.

Thinking of this, the smile on that beautiful face, sitting on the stone bench by the Azure Dragon column, gradually disappeared at some point. In other words, she appeared melancholy. After a toast and drinking, after a long time, he said: “Are you…repent?”

After a thought in the past, the blood river wanted to be innocent, slaughtered Three Thousand Great Daos, and opened legendary In the age of innocence, since then, sentient beings are no longer bound by the so-called Three Thousand Great Daos of cause and effect, so-called destiny.

But he not at all infects original sin, which has not existed since the ancient times.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to, it’s not that he can’t, and it’s not that he doesn’t dare, but Cangyan said that he doesn’t want him to invade original sin and pursue innocence.

Cang Yan said so, and Blood River until now did the same.

The original sin has never been infested, even if there is no trace of it, whether it is true or incarnation.

Faced with Cangyan’s answer, Xuehe shook his head and said: “I don’t regret it. Since I promised you back then, I will do what I say. I won’t, I won’t, I won’t be in the future. As long as my consciousness is still there, I will never invade the original sin.”

Hearing the answer from Xuehe, Cangyan smiled, smiling very happily. Looking at the blood, he asked: “Really No regrets?”

Xuehe stared at her eyes and said firmly: “No regrets.”

“Since you do not regret it, then why did you let the bones of Old Demon be in a wild ancient Vestige gave that thing to You Emperor?” Without waiting for Xuehe’s response, Cang Yan continued: “Since You Emperor entered the ridiculous black hole, he has been closely watched by many beings above heaven under earth. Everyone wants to obliterate him. Just because of his existence is deep and unmeasurable, no one is sure, so I have been hesitating.”

“You let Old Demon send that thing to Youdi, if I guess right, you are I want to take this opportunity to tell everyone that you support You Emperor. Whoever wants to obliterate You Emperor is an enemy to you, right?”

Toast and drink, Cang Yan smiled and looked at the blood. He asked, “You hope You Emperor will aspire to the Lord of Original Sin, slaughter the Three Thousand Great Daos, and start the era of innocence, right?”

Cang Yan is indeed a Cang Yan, and he really knows the Blood River.

She was right, and it is true.

At first, Blood River ordered Old Demon to give Gu Qingfeng a piece of black jade statue. The purpose was to let all the avenue experts who stared at Gu Qingfeng above heaven under earth understand their own attitude. He supported You Emperor’s aspiration for the original sin. Allah, who wants to obliterate the Emperor You, first pass his Demon Sovereign level.

Faced with Cangyan’s question.

Blood River also not at all concealed it and did not refute it, and directly nodded confessed, saying: “I only promise you not to invade original sin, not to pursue innocence, and I did not promise to prevent others from claiming the Allah of Original Sin and killing it. Three Thousand Great Daos, the pursuit of innocence!”


Cang Yan is not at all angry, but not at all angry, but looks very happy, saying: “I Good Husband, I always think that you have always been straightforward and upright. Didn’t expect to use this little trick occasionally. Tell me honestly, did you deliberately want to hide it from me? Or think you can hide it from this little trick. Me?”

Demon Sovereign’s cold face was slightly strange, and the original firm eyes seemed to dodge a little, looking quite embarrassed.


With his temperament, if he wanted all beings above heaven under earth to understand his attitude, it was not the bone Old Demon who appeared at that time, but himself.

Just as Cangyan said, Blood River has always been straightforward and upright, never hiding it. If he wants to support You Di’s aspiration to the Lord of Sin, he must just and honorable support, let above heaven Under earth all beings understand his attitude.

Later, the reason why he didn’t come out in person, he let the bones Old Demon replace him, and he expressed his attitude in a more tactful way. What he did was really trying to hide Cangyan, not wanting Cang Yan knew that he hoped You Emperor would aspire to Allah of Original Sin to open the era of innocence.

Between Heaven and Earth, only Cangyan will let the dignified generation demonic path overlord Xuehe be so cautious, doing small things he never disdains, playing tricks he never disdains.

There is no other reason.

He admired Cangyan and remained unswervingly.

Cang Yan sighed helplessly: “My good Husband, you shouldn’t do this, you really shouldn’t…”

“If you don’t like it, I don’t have to do it , You can also give up.”

For the sake of Cangyan, Xuehe can do anything.



At that time, he became enchanted by the blood river, and the river of blood he killed became a river. He dared to be enemies of the Heaven and Earth Grand Dao.


He will do the same for Cangyan.

If Cangyan asked him to guard Heaven and Earth Grand Dao, he would guard Heaven and Earth Grand Dao.

If Cangyan asked him to obliterate the existence of Allah who conspired to sin, he would follow suit.

If Cangyan doesn’t want the era of innocence to open, he will do his best to prevent the era of innocence from opening.

It is his dream to start the era of innocence.

But if he is allowed to choose between dreams and Cangyan, he will definitely choose Cangyan without the slightest hesitation.

This is the river of blood.

“no! No! No!”

Cang Yan said three no words in a row, and explained: “I didn’t mean that, you could promise me not to infect Original sin, for me, is very content, I will not interfere with your other things, and, I also told you, I neither want to protect Heaven and Earth Grand Dao, nor do I want to pursue the era of innocence, At least, I don’t want it now.”

“Follow the man you marry, follow the man you marry, be he fowl or cur, you are my Husband and I am your wife. Since I am your wife, I will naturally stand with you. If you don’t want to protect Heaven and Earth Grand Dao, we don’t protect it. If you want to pursue the era of innocence, we pursue it.”

“The only requirement I have of you is that I don’t want you to invade the original sin, nothing more. As for you want to protect Heaven and Earth Grand Dao, or pursue the era of innocence, everything is up to you, what you think in your heart is What I think.”


Demon Sovereign Blood River couldn’t understand Cangyan’s words, and asked: “As such, why did you just say I shouldn’t do this.”

“Who do you want to support? It’s okay to ask the original sin of Allah, as long as you want, I will do my best to help you.” Cang Yan said sadly: “But why did you choose Youdi?”

“You Do you know that guy?”

“Do you know that guy is who?”

“Do you know what that guy is?”

Cang Yan Repeatedly asked, “As far as I know, you don’t seem to have met with Emperor You yet?”

As soon as I finished speaking, Cang Yan felt wrong again.

She knows the blood river.

I know that although Xuehe’s temperament is aloof and indifferent, he goes straight and does his own way, but he is never a reckless and impulsive person, but a crude in most matters, but subtle in some.

Others don’t know this, but Cangyan knows.

When she wanted to come, if Xuehe didn’t understand Youdi, she would be absolutely impossible, just in front of the public in front of the experts above heaven under earth, and show her attitude to support Youdi. Ask the original sin of Allah.

Xuehe dares to do this, he must know something about You Emperor.


This kind of understanding is not a superficial understanding, let alone an unheard of understanding. I must have personally contacted Youdi, his cultivation base, identity, background, and even temperament, personality, etc. Have made a detailed judgment.

Otherwise, Blood River is absolutely impossible to openly support Youdi.

“Did you meet with Youdi?”

Xuehe shook his head and replied: “I haven’t met Youdi, to be exact, he shouldn’t I’ve seen me, and I’ve been staring at him in secret.”

The voice of Blood River came, and Cang Yan was stunned there for a moment. She opened her eyes and looked at Blood River. She looked surprised, as if she suddenly felt that Xuehe was strange, even she wondered if she had heard it wrong, and then asked: “What are you talking about? Are you staring at Youdi secretly?”

Perhaps I feel that staring at others secretly is a bit disgraceful, especially seeing Cang Yan’s surprised look makes Xuehe feel a little embarrassed, but he still brace oneself nodded.

Sure enough.

Cang Yan stood up suddenly and stared at the blood river with an incredible look.

At first, Blood River was already very embarrassed. Being stared at by Cangyan so much, I felt ashamed and unable to show one’s face.

“My good Husband, you are really my good Husband. From time to time, I always do one or two things that surprise my wife. I always thought I knew you well, even better than you. I still know yourself, but until today I realized that I know you just because I thought I knew you. In fact, I don’t know you at all.”

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