Supreme Lord

Chapter 2353

When the Daxing Monk finished this sentence with an extremely strong attitude, his heart was extremely flustered, and his mind was shaking uncontrollably.

It is fake to say that it is not afraid.

After all, in the previous few times, the Daxing Monk suffered a big loss in Cangyan’s hands, knowing that Cangyan has a lot of eyes, high methods, and strong strength.

Even if the Daxing Monk didn’t want to, he still had to admit that he was not Cangyan’s opponent, no matter if he was playing with the mind, the means, or the strength.

But even so.

The Daxing monk does not regret it.

He wondered that since he had decided to give up his stubbornness, he could not bow his head to admit counseling this time, even if the sword was driven to his neck, even if he was still in the Life and Death Samsara tripod by Cang Yan, he could not admit it.

He was fed up with enough, fed up with the threats, intimidation and torture of Cang Yan, and fed up with the causal destiny that the ancient unknown arranged for him.

I thought Cang Yan would do it directly, and the Daxing Monk was ready to die desperately, but what he didn’t expect was that in the pavilion, neither the ancient name nor the Cangyan wanted to do it. Means, at least, on the surface it doesn’t.

The ancient nameless still sits upright on the stone platform, lowered his head, flipping through an ancient book, neither looked up at the monk, nor did he seem to be angry with the monk’s words.


Cang Yan is still sitting lazily on the stone bench by the Azure Dragon column, and her beautiful face is always smiling with an inexplicable smile, and she lifts it up In the white jade cup in his hand, he drank all the wine in the cup and said jokingly, “Little Monk, I haven’t seen you in a few days. You seem to be more capable. No wonder people say that you don’t want to be admired for three days. Now I want to come. Several points of truth.”

Throughout this ancient and modern Heaven and Earth, whether it is in the sky or the underground, the one who dares to call the monk Little Monk is only Cangyan, who is both righteous and evil. Demoness is over.

“No big or small! When Lao Na was cultivating, you junior was still playing pee in the secular world. Regarding generations, not to mention you, even if the river of blood meets Lao Na, you have to be respectful Said Lao Na as Senior.”

The words of the Daxing Monk weren’t a support. When he was cultivating, he was really at the Great Ancient Era Early-Stage. At that time, Taixu Nine Swords and mysterious Nine Immortals I’m afraid they are all playing pee in the secular world. As for Demon Sovereign, Blood River and Cangyan, they belong to the overlords who emerged in the mid-to-late period of the ancient times.


Cangyan smiled lightly, picked up the wine glass and poured himself a glass of wine, tilted his head slightly, smiled and looked at the monk, said : “Say you are fat, you really pant.”

While being on guard, Daxing Monk gritted his teeth and said: “Old Na has always been fat, so you don’t need to say it!”


Cang Yan drank again and said: “It seems that you have been blinded by the so-called guts, and you can’t even see whether you are fat or thin. Well, I’ll let you open your eyes and see if you’re fat or thin later.”

When I heard this, the monk’s face changed suddenly and he turned subconsciously. After retreating, even though he was flustered, he still pretended to be calm, and instead of weakening, his tone became even bigger.

“Cangyan! Don’t scare me, Lao Na is not scared!”

“I never scared you.”

said As he spoke, he didn’t see any movement from Cang Yan, there was a wine glass on the table at some point.

This wine glass is not a white jade, it is more like a small cauldron than a wine glass.

The tripod body is black and white, like the yin and yang change, the wine in it is like black liquid or black fire, more like chaos burning.

Seeing this small cauldron, the scalp numb of the frightened monk, he kept moving back, because he knew this thing, not the other, it was the Life and Death Samsara.

The last time he met Cangyan, he deliberately took out Divine Consciousness. There is a door in this cauldron, a door of yin and yang, a door of life and death, and even more Fan Gate of Samsara.

He is pretty sure that this small cauldron is the legendary Life and Death Samsara.

“Who did you take out Life and Death Samsara Kanae scared! I really thought Lao Na was afraid that this thing would not work?”

Although the monk said that he was not afraid of performance Hard gas, but my heart is very honest with this incarnation, and my heart trembles, and this incarnation also keeps retreating.

“Little Monk.”

Cang Yan played with Life and Death Samsara Kanae, and said with a smile: “You should remember what I said to you last time? I warned. If you let me see you here again, I will definitely send you to reincarnation.”

Of course I remember.

How could the monk forget that his gnashing teeth shouted: “You crazy lady of base and shameless vicious and merciless! Lao Na is looking for you to settle this account!”

Cang Yan didn’t mention the last thing that’s all. When I mentioned the last thing, the monk got really angry, holding a fan of great mercy and compassion at Cangyan, fiercely shouted:” Say! Is it because your wife passed the news that Lao Na took the ancient boy into the ancient black hole well known?”

Compared with the angry and terrified monk here, Cang Yan has always been It was so graceful and luxurious, elegant and charming, she shrugged, with an indifferent look, and said: “Yes, I passed it on.”

“It was you! Old Na knew it was. You! No one else but you can do such a despicable thing!”

Daxing’s face was pale and trembling with anger, especially Cang Yan’s indifferent attitude, as if Said, what can you do to me, the hatred in the heart of the Daxing monk, I can’t wait to rush forward and take it off.

The big monk almost roared out loudly and shouted: “Why! Why did you fucking do this! What the hell did Lao Na offend you! Why does your fucking mother always have trouble with Lao Na!”

“I warned you to leave the ancient black hole. Since you don’t listen, then you can only carry the black pot of this catastrophe.”

“You and him Mother! Your fucking heart… is more vicious than a snake and scorpion!” Da Xing’s monk is already incoherent, and said: “You are sincere to fix Lao Na to death!”

“Little Monk, I told you that since the moment you brought You Emperor into the ridiculous black hole, cause and effect have been formed, and destiny has been doomed. You have to recite the black pot of this catastrophe, and you have to recite if you don’t. “

Cang Yan still smiled and said: “No one wants to kill you, I don’t want to, and Wuming doesn’t want to. The only one who really wants to kill you is yourself, who asked you to bring You Di Now, his scapegoat, if you don’t memorize it, who will memorize it? You should understand that there is a price to do anything.”

“You! You! You……”

The big monk pointed at Cangyan and pointed at the ancient and unknown person who was still looking down and flipping through the monuments, shouted angrily: “Your motherfucker is a pair of crazy ladies! Lao Na… Lao Na will go out and fight with you today. That’s it!”


The monk can’t stand it anymore.

I couldn’t stand it at last.

In the past few years, he does not know how many pent-up frustrations he has suffered in Cangyan’s hands. Although the ancient nameless has never said anything to him, it does not mean that he has not done anything. I am confused and brought Gu Qingfeng into the ancient black hole. It may be a causal trap set up under the pit dug unknown by the ancients. The purpose is to find a scapegoat to carry this catastrophe.

The strength of Cangyan is deep and unmeasurable. Don’t say that the current Daxing Monk is just an External Body Incarnation. Even the true body of the deity is not certain that he can defeat Cangyan, even more how. A more terrifying and unknown.


Now he can no longer take care of that many. If he doesn’t do anything, he will be suffocated to death by himself if he doesn’t suffer.

I saw him roar and took out Indestructible Golden Body. When he put his hands together, he wanted to learn all his life and even create Spirit Transformation to take out everything. , To seek justice for the pent-up frustration I have suffered.


When he just took out Indestructible Golden Body and his hands were about to cross, a strange scene happened.

He doesn’t move anymore.

The whole person seems to be frozen in the sky.

Even the Buddha’s radiance blooming all over the body, the power bursting out within the body, and even the great Buddha’s good fortune that is taking out are still there.

What’s the situation?

Who did it?

Neither Demon Sovereign blood river nor Cangyan.

Demon Sovereign Although the blood river is powerful, it can be said that the Daxing Demon Sovereign quietly and quietly stays in the void without warning, and his current ability cannot do it.

Cang Yan couldn’t do the same either.

Because they all know that the existence of a monk is not as simple as the surface, even if it is just an External Body Incarnation, it is extraordinary.

If anyone in the arena can freeze the big monk in the void in in a flash.

Then there is only one person.

Unknown forever.

As for how Angu Wuming did it, Demon Sovereign didn’t know, he didn’t even know when Angu Wuming did it.

In the pavilion.

The ancient nameless has kept his head down from beginning to end, flipping through a book of historic sites. The historic sites are covered with grotesquely shaped runes. Every runes is countless changes, extremely mysterious and abstruse. Wonderful, as if it contains endless profound mystery.

When the Daxing Monk was frozen in the void, the ancient nameless finally lifted the head and closed the ancient book.

It’s strange to say that the moment the ancient nameless closed the ancient book, the monk who was frozen in the void disappeared so unfathomable mystery.

The same is without warning, the same is silent and disappear without a trace, just like the great monk has never existed, it disappears cleanly, even if there is no residual breath .

This method is so high that even if the blood river of Demon Sovereign is unimaginable, the Cangyan next to him seems to be used to all this and is not surprised.

“Leave him to me, you talk first, I will go out and walk by myself.”

After the ancient nameless said these words, he got up and left the pavilion and walked towards the void. Every time she took a step, her silhouette was a little bit ethereal, and after a few steps, the person had disappeared into the void.

Cang Yan asked: “Anonymous, what do you plan to do with him?”

In the sky, an ancient unknown illusory’s voice came: “I have my own measures.”

“Okay, later…I will find you.”

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