Supreme Lord

Chapter 2342

The big monk is not just guessing.

It is well-founded.

He knew that the cause of this incident was Heavenly Dragon. The true emperor heard that the people of Taixu Cave had found a desolate ancient bead in a desolate ancient vestige. Therefore, he intercepted and killed the Taixu cave Sad Elder, trying in vain to snatch the desolate ancient pearl.

As far as the Daxing Monk knows, the other Elders in Taixu Cave did find a desolate ancient primitive pearl in the desolate ancient vestige before the desolate ancient nine palaces became pregnant.


Find it, not grab it.

Finding and grabbing are two completely different concepts.

Finding it means that no outsider was present at the time. If there is an outsider present, it is not found, but grabbed.

Since no outsiders were present at the time, Elder in Taixu Cave found a desolate ancient pristine pearl. How did the news spread? Why didn’t anyone else hear the news? Only the true emperor of Heavenly Dragon heard the news. It just so happened that the true emperor of Heavenly Dragon encountered Taixudong in this Kan Gong Void, and the same sorrow as the other Senior Brothers separated. Elder.

This has to be suspicious.

The Daxing Monk guessed that he must be the one behind the scenes. He deliberately leaked this news to the Heavenly Dragon true emperor. It is assumed that the Heavenly Dragon will inevitably intercept and kill Taixu in order to snatch the barren ancient bead. The same sadness of the cave Elder.

Tongbei Elder is in trouble here, this matter will be known by Demon Sovereign Blood River sooner or later, Demon Sovereign Blood River was immersed in a thought in the past, which led to the gradual decline of Taixu Cave, and my heart has been extremely guilty of Taixu Cave. , Knowing that Tongbei Elder is in trouble here, no matter where he is or where he is, he will come over as soon as possible.

With the spirit of Demon Sovereign, the true emperor of Heavenly Dragon can never be spared, he will definitely die.

Heavenly Dragon Emperor and Emperor Musashi are bipolar Yin-Yang Primal Chaos, immeasurable, living and dying together, if one suffers, all suffers, Heavenly Dragon is not the opponent of Demon Sovereign. Will attract Emperor Musashi, as long as Emperor Musashi comes forward, then it is equal to those Old Guys who brought out mysterious Dongtian.

After thinking about this matter, it looks like a conspiracy, and it’s still a well-designed conspiracy.

If it weren’t for Heavenly Dragon’s true emperor to intercept and kill Taixudong’s same sad Elder here, and to change to someone else, there would be no such guts to deal with Taixudong’s people, even Emperor Musashi. .

Because everyone knows the origins of Demon Sovereign Blood River and Taixu Cave, and everyone knows that killing Taixudong Elder will inevitably provoke Demon Sovereign Blood River and provoke the price of Demon Sovereign Blood River. It is very terrifying, even if it is 36 holes and seventy two blessed places, it may not be able to bear it.

Especially at the juncture of the ancient nine palaces, no one wants to provoke such a powerful overlord as Demon Sovereign Blood River.

It just so happens that it is Heavenly Dragon Zhendi who intercepted Taixu Cave.

This person is born arrogant, arrogant and despotic, he doesn’t put anyone in his eyes, he is the only one who dares to kill Taixudong, and he is the only one who doesn’t put the Demon Sovereign blood in his eyes.

Similarly, if the true emperor of Heavenly Dragon intercepted this time not Taixudong Elder, but other Heavenly Paradise Elder, the intercepted Heavenly Paradise might dare not say anything, even if it was intercepted. Heavenly Paradise has an expert that can suppress the true emperor of Heavenly Dragon, as well as an ability to obliterate the emperor Musashi, but he definitely does not dare to burn the two Divine Consciousness so unscrupulously like Demon Sovereign, and openly provoke the mysterious cave.

After all, mysterious cave sky is the head of 36 cave heavens, and it is expert as clouds inside. Even the emperor is somewhat afraid of mysterious cave sky, and other giants cannot afford to offend.

For example, this time, the Heavenly Dragon not only intercepted and killed Taixu Cave Elder here, but also obliterated many Buddhas in the Western Heaven Buddha World, including the red face Vajra under the seat of Miao Tathagata who also died in Heavenly In the hands of Emperor Dragon, Jingyi Bodhisattva and Nine Commandments Dharma King were severely injured.

After the Miao Tathagata appeared, it only suppressed the Heavenly Dragon True Emperor, neither obliterated him nor burned the Divine Consciousness of Emperor Musashi.

Because Miao Tathaya is more or less afraid of the mysterious Nine Immortals, Mysterious Immortal, Tai Miao Immortal, and Xuan Tian Xian Weng and other experts in the ancient era.


In the opinion of the Daxing Monk, this is not the most important thing. There are two possibilities for the reason why Miao Tathaya did not obliterate King Musashi and the True Emperor of Heavenly Dragon.

First, either Miao Tathagata has already seen that this is a conspiracy. If it goes to war with the mysterious cave, it will be caught by others and be used by others.

Secondly, perhaps this game itself was made by Miao Tathagata, in order to let Demon Sovereign, Blood River and Mysterious Cave, go to war. He would sit back and become the fisherman who sweeps the benefits.

Based on the great monk’s understanding of Miao Tathaya, he feels that Miao Tathaya is absolutely capable of doing this kind of activity.

In addition to the Miao Tathagata, there is also the Great Sun Emperor, who are experts in layout and are also best at this.

The Daxing Monk wanted to remind Demon Sovereign that the blood river might be caught in someone else’s trap.

It’s just the words to the lips, but there is no opening.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to, it’s not that he can’t, but he doesn’t think it makes any sense.

If Miao Tathagata knew that this was a game set by others, he would not jump.

The Great Sun Emperor will not jump either.

Mysterious Dongtian Elder is even less able to jump.

Because of this, the mysterious Elders can only stare in the dark, watching Emperor Musashi and Heavenly Dragon Divine Consciousness being burned and refining by the river of blood by Demon Sovereign. They were helpless and did not dare to come forward.

Once you come forward, you will be caught in the trap of others, and the consequences will be disastrous.

In the end, there was no other way but to find the Daxing Monk. I hope the Daxing Monk would come forward to persuade Demon Sovereign to break the current deadlock.

The Daxing Monk had to come forward because he owed mysterious Dongtian a favor.


To come forward is to come forward.

Persuasion is persuasion.

Daxing lunatics not at all report any hope.

He knows Demon Sovereign Blood River.

Knowing clearly, Demon Sovereign Blood River will not care whether this is a deliberate attempt by others, and he will not care whether this is a conspiracy, he only knows that Heavenly Dragon was injured. After the Elder of Taixu Cave, the Heavenly Dragon True Emperor is behind the mysterious Dongtian. He wants to seek justice for Taixu Cave and also a debt of blood must be paid in blood.

As for what conspiracy, what situation, he doesn’t care at all, it doesn’t matter.

What is a magic.

This is the magic.

I only do what I want to do. As to whether this matter is dangerous, and what consequences it will cause, I will not even consider it.

For him, he never asks how powerful and terrifying the enemy is, what identity, background, cultivation base, and what fortune. He never asks, or even how many enemies there are. Will not ask.

He only asked who the enemy was, and that was enough.

This is the Demon Sovereign blood river.

The person behind the scenes must also understand Demon Sovereign’s straight-forward character, which is extremely extreme. It is expected that even if he sees through it as a conspiracy, he will fight the mysterious sky without hesitation.

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