Supreme Lord

Chapter 2334

In the void.

The incarnation of Emperor Musashi and Heavenly Dragon has long since been reduced to ashes and was burned by a different fire. The different fire not only burns their incarnation, but is also refining their consciousness.

The self-awareness of incarnation comes from their real body, Divine Consciousness. If they can integrate their refining into themselves, Demon Sovereign will not only get the memory of the consciousness of the two of them, but also clearly understand it. The real secret.

Once you get the memory, how many incarnations the Emperor Musashi and Heavenly Dragon have, where are the incarnations, including where the deity is, and all the secrets will be known.

Of course.

The premise is that the other party Divine Consciousness has these memories and knows these secrets.

If the other party Divine Consciousness doesn’t know the secret of the deity’s true body, even refining will not help.

This is not uncommon.

Everyone knows that refining each other’s External Body Incarnation Divine Consciousness can swallow memory and thus clearly understand the secret of the true body.

Just in case, many Dadao experts deliberately erased the secrets of the real body in Divine Consciousness when they conceived External Body Incarnation, for fear of being refining Divine Consciousness clearly understood by others. secret.

As for Emperor Musashi and Heavenly Dragon Divine Consciousness, whether there is any secret about the true body, it is unknown.

Demon Sovereign Blood River does not seem to care about this either.

If he really wants to refining the Divine Consciousness of Emperor Musashi, he can find a place where no one is refining after leaving. There is no need to openly refining in broad daylight as it is now.

It is conceivable that the real purpose of Demon Sovereign Blood River is probably not for the secret of the two of them.

At least.

Not all are.

The purpose of stumping Demon Sovereign Blood River is to bring out the true body of Emperor Musashi and Heavenly Dragon?

The avenue experts hiding in the ancient vestige all think it is impossible.

Even though none of them knows where the real body of Emperor Musashi is, one thing is clear to them, if Emperor Musashi’s real body wanted to show up, they would show up long ago, until now There is no appearance, there are only three possibilities.

Either they plan to abandon incarnation and are not going to show up.

Either he is afraid of Demon Sovereign blood river and dare not show up.

It’s also possible that their real body is busy with other things, or maybe not in Kan Palace, or even in the deserted ancient nine palaces, and will not be able to make it for a while.

Demon Sovereign blood river impossible doesn’t know this, but he is still refining Divine Consciousness of Emperor Musashi, and he is so unscrupulous, as if he is refining deliberately to show others.

Who can he refining to show?


Everyone thought of those Old Seniors in mysterious cave.

Everyone knows the grudge between Demon Sovereign and mysterious cave.

Emperor Musashi is the only Heaven Warping Genius cultivated by mysterious Dongtian over the years, and maybe even Heavenly Dragon true emperor. Mysterious Dongtian’s Old Senior impossible allows Emperor Musashi to enter the deserted nine palaces alone. It is impossible to leave it alone.

In other words, the Old Senior in mysterious Dongtian most likely will protect Emperor Musashi in secret.

After all, they have spent a lot of effort on Emperor Musashi, and they also have high hopes for Emperor Musashi. Perhaps this time mysterious Dongtian’s Old Senior put all the bets and even the future of mysterious Dongtian on Emperor Musashi.

The appearance of the deserted nine palaces this time determines the fate of the future Heaven and Earth Grand Dao.

If Emperor Musashi can succeed, he is likely to aspire to the lord of immortal dao, then their mysterious Dongtian will become the true head of Heavenly Paradise.

But if Emperor Musashi dies here, don’t ask what immortal dao lord, they will probably not survive. Not only will they not survive, mysterious dongtian may also be removed from 36 dongtian seventy two blessed land. .


Mysterious Dongtian’s Old Senior should guard Emperor Musashi in the dark.

When Miao Ru came, they did not come forward to understand.

When Demon Sovereign came, they did not show up and it is still understandable.

If Miao Tathagata and Demon Sovereign show up, it would be too embarrassing.

How do you say that Emperor Musashi is also the Heaven Warping Genius cultivated by them. Whether it is aptitude fortune or perception realm, the cultivation base is the most powerful, whether it is facing Miao Tathagata or Demon Sovereign. , Have the qualifications to challenge.

Ten thousand steps back, even if Emperor Musashi and Heavenly Dragon join forces, they are not the opponents of Miao Tathaya and Demon Sovereign. With their abilities, it should be no problem to escape here safely.

Or the Old Seniors of mysterious Dongtian want to take this opportunity to see how big the gap is between Emperor Musashi, Miao Tathagata, and Demon Sovereign.

If so.

Then they should already know.

People may not know how big the gap between them and Miao Tathaya is.

Can say how big the gap between them and Demon Sovereign is, everyone is obvious at a glance.

The gap is too big!

It was so big that Emperor Musashi and Heavenly Dragon could not shake the blood river of Demon Sovereign with all their strengths, even if there was not a trace of it, not only that, facing the blood river of Demon Sovereign, they even escaped. No qualifications.

Everyone can’t understand it. If the Old Senior of Mysterious Dongtian really guarded Emperor Musashi in the dark, why didn’t he show up until now?

I didn’t show up before, that’s all, but now Emperor Musashi and Heavenly Dragon Divine Consciousness are about to be refined. Mysterious Dongtian’s Old Senior is not afraid of Demon Sovereign Blood River clearly understood Emperor Musashi The secret of the real body?

They still know that Emperor Musashi has wiped out the secrets of this External Body Incarnation about the real body, even if it is refining by Demon Sovereign, there is nothing to worry about.

In other words, they would rather give up this External Body Incarnation of Emperor Musashi than face the Demon Sovereign blood river?

Is it true?

The avenue experts hiding in the ancient vestige think it is impossible.

Although the mysterious Dongtian has only cultivated a Heaven Warping Genius as Emperor Musashi for so many years, this does not mean that there is no expert in the mysterious Dongtian.

On the contrary.

Throughout the All Heavens Myriad Realms, the seventy two blessed places of 36 caves include those giants. On the road expert, I am afraid that no one can compare to the mysterious cave.

The reason why the mysterious cave sky can represent the immortal dao of the mysterious sky is very simple. The mysterious cave sky guards the origin of the immortal dao.

This thing is the origin of immortal dao, even if it is just a breath of Spiritual Qi from immortal dao, mortals can become immortals.

even more how immortal dao The origin also contains endless profound mystery, and you can benefit from it at a glance. If you can understand the profound mystery, sanctification is not impossible.

It is reported that since the ancient times, the mysterious Elders of the cave began to retreat in the immortal dao origin for cultivation.

From the immortal dao origin to the present, I have absorbed the spiritual Qi of the immortal dao origin, holy light, and realized the profound mystery contained in the immortal dao origin.

Even if it is just a stubborn stone, in the origin of immortal dao, from the cultivation of the ancient times to the present, it has been cultivated into a peerless fairy.

Even more how is still the mysterious Elder.

Being able to become a mysterious Elder in the cave is itself an immortal dao expert.

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