Supreme Lord

Chapter 2330

In the field.

Heavenly Dragon is no longer the magical Heavenly Dragon of the past. The whole person is twisted and vaguely swaying like a ball of flame, and it is also floating like a cloud of smoke, as if it will disappear at any time. .

However, the scream of hissing lungs never stopped, and it became more and more miserable.

The Emperor Musashi next to him first incarnation the blazing sun, and took out the five-star solar observatory, but he was no match for the Demon Sovereign blood river. At this moment, he was also in pain, and his mind burned by the fire became more and more intense. Distorted, self-awareness is becoming more and more blurred, incarnation is becoming more and more distorted and blurred, and facial features begin to change and expand.


Emperor Musashi couldn’t help but roar up to the sky. In an instant, the void changed, but the windless void moved, and the cloudless void floated. Look It looks like the illusory world of rising winds, scudding clouds, and like the mysterious 9th layer of clouds.



The sound of a dragon roar exploded, and dragon roar was mighty and powerful, as if running through Heaven and Earth, shocking all directions, and shocking all things.

ao ao ao 嗷——

Nine dragon roars exploded at the same time, and nine Azure Dragons appeared.

Azure Dragon roars, roaring in this illusory world of rising winds, scudding clouds, and roaring in this mysterious 9th layer of clouds.

rising winds, scudding clouds, Nine Heavens Longteng, Xuantian Young Master, Emperor Musashi.

This is a legend about Emperor Musashi spread by Dahuang.

In the legend, Emperor Musashi appeared, rising winds, scudding clouds changed, and Nine Heavens appeared.

Emperor Musashi has a sword named Nine Heavens Dragon Sword. This sword is the Supreme Treasure of the immortal dao. It is said that it is the elders of mysterious Dongtian who collected the essence of Nine Heavens in the ancient times. The Supreme Treasure made of a avenue is boundless, boundless in power, boundless in strength, and boundless in wonder.

The so-called Nine Heavens is also the 9th layer. As the old saying goes, there are Nine Heavens in the sky, Chixiao, Bixiao, Qingxiao, Xuanxiao, Jiangxiao, Xiaoxiao, Zixiao, Lianxiao, Jinxiao .

In fact, the so-called Nine Heavens refers to the current nine days.

For example, the mysterious sky that dominates the immortal dao, the heaven that dominates the Heavenly Dao, the western sky that dominates the Buddhist path, the blue sky that once dominated justice, the yellow sky that once dominated humanity, and so on are all nine heavens.

It is said that at the beginning of the Nine Heavens’ gestation, nine Heavenly Dragons were conceived from the origin of Nine Heavens, and Nine Heavens Heavenly Dragons each guarded one sky.

It’s just that.

In the Desolate Age, it was said that someone had aspired the Allah of Original Sin, slaughtered the Three Thousand Great Daos, destroyed Nine Heavens, and even opened the Age of Innocence.

After the end of the ancient era, the disappearance of the Three Thousand Great Daos, the slumber of sleep, and the recovery of recovery, the same is true for nine days.

The immortal dao that dominates Xuantian has revived, so Xuantian, one of the nine days, has also revived.

Heavenly Dao, who dominates the sky, is still sleeping, so the sky has never appeared, and no one has stepped into the sky.

The Buddhism and Taoism that dominate the Western Heaven have recovered, and the Western Heaven has also recovered.

The justice that dominated Qingtian disappeared, and Qingtian also disappeared.

The humanity that ruled Huang Tian has disappeared, and Huang Tian has also disappeared…

As for the Nine Heavens dragon that guarded the nine days, only the purification dragon that guarded the immortal dao of Xuan Tian has recovered. , The other eight guardian dragons are still unknown whereabouts.

Some people say that the Great Emperor Changfeng got Azure Inheritance, holds a large sword, and also has Azure Dragon guardianship, and can enforce Justice on behalf of the Heaven and cut all injustices in the world.

It is also said that the Chi Xiaolong once guarded You Emperor, and then it seems to have disappeared.

In other words, Emperor Musashi’s Nine Heavens dragon is not the real Nine Heavens dragon, but the Nine Heavens dragon sword, but this is enough to make people somewhat afraid.

After all, the Nine Heavens Dragon Sword is made by the elders of the immortal dao of the Nine Heavens by collecting the essence of nine days. Whether it is power or formidable power, it is absolutely beyond imagination.

This is indeed the case.

The moment when the Emperor Musashi took out Nine Heavens, the mighty power and the shaking in the sky, all the ancient vestiges were trembling, even if they were hidden in the avenue expert in the ancient vestige. There is a strong oppression.

This is the second time they feel this way.

The first time was when Demon Sovereign came, the boundless darkness swept over them, making them feel uncomfortable and fearful.

At this moment, Emperor Musashi took out Nine Heavens dragon, billowing in mighty power, just like Nine Layers Heaven was pressed down, it made them panicked and nervous.

“rising winds, scudding clouds, Nine Heavens Longteng, Xuantian Young Master, Emperor Musashi, really name is not in vain!”

The Seven Elders said in a deep voice.

For the legend of Emperor Musashi, Qi Lao had heard about it a long time ago, but he had never seen it with his own eyes. This was the first time he had witnessed it. It shocked him and was more terrifying than he thought.

He thought that Emperor Musashi’s Nine Heavens dragon was transformed by the Nine Heavens dragon sword, just like the five-star sun of the Emperor Musashi, and the incarnation of the five great Ming kings, but it contains the Nine Heavens dragon. The shape and meaning of it.

When Emperor Musashi took out Nine Heavens Dragon Teng, he realized that he underestimated Emperor Musashi and Nine Heavens Dragon Teng.

Because from the power of Nine Heavens Dragon, he really felt the power of purification of the dragon of Xuantian, the power of super power of the dragon of western sky, the power of grandduke of the dragon of blue sky, Huang Tian The majesty of Vientiane, and even the majesty of the heavens…

It is really incredible and undisputed!

The illusory world of rising winds, scudding clouds is like the 9th layer of clouds reappearing!

The sound of dragon’s roar billowing, like a fairy Buddha Demon roar!

The powerful Nine Heavens dragon, like a nine-day trial coming!

It’s really like a nine-day trial.

Xuantian’s trial purifies World’s All Living Things.

The Judgment of the West Heaven, overwhelming World’s All Living Things.

Qing Tian’s trial, ruling World’s All Living Things.

The judgment of heaven, dominates World’s All Living Things!

“Devil! Emperor! Blood! River!! My Nine Heavens Dragon is comparable to a nine-day trial! This seat depends on how you resist! Ah——”

in the sky Emperor Musashi The roar of anger exploded along with the mighty dragon roar, distorted by the trembling darkness, and changed by the trembling void.


Nine Heavens dragon roared, baring fangs and brandishing claws swooped down.

That man.

The blood river of Demon Sovereign is still standing in the void, its silhouette has not moved, like a sword like a lonely mountain, its expression has not changed, cold and merciless, only the long hair is dancing, only the clothes are ringing .

Even though Nine Heavens Dragon rushed in front of him, he did not move.

Even if the Nine Heavens dragon entangled him, he still did not move.


Nine Heavens dragons hovered and shuttled around the river of blood of Demon Sovereign, purifying, surpassing, adjudicating, ruling, and judging…


This scene was stunned and breathtaking.

Although many people know the legend of Emperor Musashi’s Nine Heavens Dragon Rising, there are not at all of them that I have actually seen.

Even if I have seen Nine Heavens Dragon Teng, I have never seen Nine Heavens Dragon Teng who is so crazy at this moment like a nine-day trial.

Because in the Great Wilderness, no matter whether it is 36 Cave Heavens, Seventy Two Blessed Lands, or great big shots, few people can stop the power of Nine Heavens Dragon.

No one is qualified to call the Emperor Musashi take out such a crazy Nine Heavens Dragon!

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