Supreme Lord

Chapter 2322

Whether it is Emperor Musashi, the True Emperor of Heavenly Dragon, or the avenue expert hiding in the ancient vestige, everyone is at a loss. No one knows who are you waiting for.

Just when everyone was at a loss, suddenly, strange changes occurred in the void.

Although the change is small, everyone is aware of it.

The dark fire that originally burned in the void, its fire is gradually weakening for some reason, the unfathomable mystery, at least, it no longer spreads like a stormy sea like before, and the billowing smoke seems to be loose. a lot of.

At the same time.

Wearing ten thousand zhang brilliance, people are like the emperor Musashi in the blazing sun. It seems that the unfathomable mystery is gradually dimming. It is no longer as holy light as before, nor is it as dazzling as before. It feels like the sun is setting at noon day by day.


It’s not the setting sun, it’s more like the gradual cloudy clouds in the clear sky.

Even the golden sun that hangs above Miao Tathaya’s head in the sky seems to have become a bit dim, no longer illuminating the void like before.

What’s the matter? ?

Why is this happening?

No one knows.

Emperor Musashi has a solemn expression, his eyes are like electricity, Divine Consciousness probes, looking around, deep in one’s heart somewhat horrified, surprised by the changes in the field, amazed by the mysterious power that is gradually sweeping over him.

Heavenly Dragon, the true emperor fearless and dauntless, is very dissatisfied and shouted: “Who is it! Get out of the emperor!”


The dark fire all over the body skyrocketed again, spreading crazily, with billowing smoke.


The fire became strangely weak at the moment it soared, just like lighting a match in the twelfth lunar month of winter. The fire was very strong at the moment it was lit, but it soon began to weaken.

The true emperor of Heavenly Dragon is like this, the emperor Musashi who is like a blazing sun, including the round of today’s blazing sun on top of Miao Tathaya’s head, is getting dim.

The entire Kan Gong also began to dim.

It’s like… as if the terrifying darkness is gradually sweeping over, covering the entire Kan Gong void.


The darkness of boundless.

Endless darkness.

Everyone’s hearts are like being shrouded in darkness, there is a kind of inexplicable fear, especially with the golden sun of the wonderful Tathagata, and the pure and blazing sun of Emperor Musashi, Heavenly The dark fire of Emperor Dragon is also getting weaker and weaker, and the avenue expert hiding in the deserted ancient vestige feels very uncomfortable at this moment.

This feeling makes them feel uncomfortable, and they feel a little flustered.

“How could this happen?”

Beijing Changqing’s charming face was full of surprise, and there was a little panic in the pair of beautiful eyes, and asked: “What is Who is coming?”


She was shocked when she thought of a person, and said: “Could it be You Emperor?”

According to the legend, when the You Emperor comes, the big sun will fall. , The twilight is shrouded, when the darkness strikes, it is the dusk of the fairy and the magic, the end of Heaven and Earth.

Look at the venue again.

Whether it is the great sun of Emperor Musashi or the great sun of the Miao Tathagata, although it has not fallen, it is gradually dimming, and the entire Kan Gong void is shrouded like twilight, and it is even more dark.

Oh my God!

Is it really difficult to be Emperor You?

For some reason, Bei Changqing was a little excited.


At this time, Qi Lao suddenly said solemnly: “It’s not Youdi!”

“How do you know it’s not?”

“The old man met Youdi back then. Although Youdi’s existence is mysterious, strange, unknown and terrifying, but he is not at all inherently Heavenly Might. The legend about him, the sun fell, The twilight is shrouded. Although these powers are not false words, they are only post-Heavenly Might powers.”

Powers are also divided into innate and acquired power.

There are many existing Heavenly Might potentials, and many post-Heavenly Might potentials.

Heavenly Might first, as the name implies, an inherent power.

For example, Miao Tathagata, such as Emperor Musashi.

They all have the light bloodline, and the Emperor Musashi also owns the Tian Long Batian, regardless of whether it is the light bloodline or the Tian Long Batian, both belong to the innate nature, and they all have the powerful Heavenly Might power.

As long as the two of them come, they don’t need to act, they don’t need to speak, and they don’t need to think about Divine Consciousness. As long as they appear, all surrounding existence will be affected by their inherent Heavenly Might potential, the cultivation base Those who are weak are unable to stand firmly in front of them, and they may even be crushed by this kind of Heavenly Might on the spot scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

As for the post-Heavenly Might posture, as the name suggests, it is a post-Heavenly Might posture.

Almost all avenue experts with the first Heavenly Might power also have the post-Heavenly Might power, like the Emperor Musashi’s imperial throne, which belongs to his acquired nature, and naturally also has the post-Heavenly Might power. Not only him, but all the experts who are committed to the destiny of heaven also belong to the post-Heavenly Might trend.

The difference between Heavenly Might first and Heavenly Might second is that the first Heavenly Might is innate. People are power, and power is human. The two are not separated from each other, and people must arrive.

After Heavenly Might, people and power are separated, and people may not necessarily be there, and people may not be.

As to whether Heavenly Might is strong first, or Heavenly Might is strong.

Many people say that Heavenly Might is stronger first.

In fact, the benevolent sees the benevolent and the wise sees the wisdom. The reason why many people say that Heavenly Might is strong first is because the experts with the first Heavenly Might are Heaven Warping Genius, with good aptitude. Deep cultivation base, strong strength, high perception, and good luck.

With the expert of the post-Heavenly Might posture, when he was born, there was no inherent goodness at all, and the aptitude was extremely ordinary. The post-Heavenly Might posture was able to be cultivated, and he would fight it step by step. It came out that neither aptitude nor perception can be mentioned on equal terms with those Heaven Warping Genius who have innate nature.

The Heaven Warping Genius of others was born as Peak. Ordinary mortals have been able to catch up with Peak for most of their lives. However, those Heaven Warping Genius have already stood in the clouds. When you stand in the clouds, people have already stood. In the sky.

This sounds harsh, but it is a fact that no one can deny.

It’s like entering the avenue expert into the ancient nine palaces this time. The eight-nine of ten is Heaven Warping Genius with the first Heavenly Might potential, and the avenue expert with only the later Heavenly Might potential is not uncommon, but there are few. Few.

The most famous one is probably the Youdi in the mouth of Beichangqing.

as everyone knows, Youdi was a mortal when he was born, and he still belonged to the kind of aptitude that was very wasteful and wasteful. During the Mortal World cultivation, he didn’t even mix up an introductory discipline, just A handyman, imagined with his toes and knew how trash the Emperor You’s aptitude was.

There are not many of the All Heavens Myriad Realms that can be used in ordinary aptitude. Since ancient times, you are one of them.

Don’t say anything else, it’s just the legend about the emperor. When the sun falls, the twilight envelopes, and the darkness strikes, it is the dusk of the fairy and the devil. The end of Heaven and Earth is enough to explain the emperor. How terrifying is the post-Heavenly Might potential.

The reason why Qi Lao determined that the person who came was not Youdi was because he felt that the power that enveloped the entire Kan Gong void was not the post-Heavenly Might power, but a kind of pre-Heavenly Might power.

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