Supreme Lord

Chapter 2320

External Body Incarnation is a kind of Magical Powers. Almost all the existences that can be called expert will have this kind of Magical Powers, and they all have their own External Body Incarnation.

It’s just that it is a very troublesome thing to conceive this thing.

To be precise, it’s not the trouble of gestating External Body Incarnation, but the trouble of cultivating External Body Incarnation.

It’s even more troublesome than cultivating a magic weapon. It not only requires years of warming and nurturing, but also a lot of energy and effort, and even your own cultivation base to sacrifice.

Refining magic weapons requires a lot of resources.

External Body Incarnation also requires a lot of resources.

The difference is that most of the resources needed for refining magic weapons are dead objects, while the resources needed to conceive the External Body Incarnation are living things. Otherwise, the ones refined are not External Body Incarnation at all, just none The living puppet that’s all.

So, unless there are special needs, the general avenue experts seldom conceive their own External Body Incarnation. For them, External Body Incarnation does not have much meaning. His energy is not as good as cultivating Refining True Body. No matter how much it is, it’s better to practice a magic weapon than to practice an External Body Incarnation that looks impressive but is worthless.

Even so, many avenue experts will still conceive their own External Body Incarnation.

The purpose of their incarnation of External Body Incarnation is not to hide the identity secrets of their own deity, nor to enhance their own strength, but to protect their lives.


Save your life.

If you encounter danger, if you lose your life, if you lose your life, if the deity’s true body is destroyed, or the deity’s true body is too severely injured, then you can sacrifice your soul to integrate into your External Body Incarnation.

Maybe the External Body Incarnation is not as good as the real body, but at least the soul can have a place to live.

If there is no External Body Incarnation and the soul is wandering in the sky, it will be too late to temporarily go to body possession fleshy body. After all, the existence of the soul is the origin of a person, and it is very weak and wandering in the void , It is difficult to survive.

Use External Body Incarnation to save life, this is the choice of many experts.

Of course.

By the way, the only meaning of External Body Incarnation to them is to save their lives, but for some Dao hegemons, including Dao emperors, who have inherited their fate, the meaning of External Body Incarnation is too great. .

Because each of them is Heaven Warping Genius, they have a strong identity background and countless resources.

The most important thing is that they are either all good fortune, or Divine Consciousness.

as everyone knows.

The thing of good fortune is not that the more it is, the stronger it is. Many good fortunes are counteracted. The more good fortune on your body, it will become a heavy burden and make your cultivation base stagnate. The former are all light, and the serious ones will suck up your cultivation base, and even the backlash of good fortune is not impossible.

For good fortune, Divine Consciousness is more terrifying.

Be aware that Divine Consciousness was transformed by the great master of Heaven and Earth before his death. Although he lost his self and no self-awareness after death, he inherited spirit willpower.

Incorporating a Divine Consciousness magic thought itself is an extremely dangerous thing. If you fail, you will be backlashed at least, and you may lose your own self and become a puppet of the Divine Consciousness magic thought. He himself will also be affected by the spirit willpower of Divine Consciousness, and the consequences are also full of unknown dangers.

This is just to incorporate a Divine Consciousness magical thought. If it is incorporated into two, the danger will only increase exponentially.

Like those Dao masters or Dao emperors, most of them have a good fortune. For them, some of these good fortunes are useful, some useless, and some are a burden.

Since ancient times, no one can cultivation in one person, not even the king of the Dao, who has given his destiny, or the hegemon of the Dao who crosses Heaven and Earth.

The stronger the good fortune, the more “heavier” it is, the greater the burden, and the more effort it takes to cultivate.

Two ways one at a time, three ways and four ways, they may be able to afford them, and five ways and six ways are barely possible. No matter how good they are, no one can afford them.

At this time, External Body Incarnation is very important.

They can give the excess good fortune to the External Body Incarnation, or directly use the excess good fortune to conceive an External Body Incarnation.

In this way, the burden on the true body of the deity can be reduced without wasting excess good fortune.

above heaven under earth Many Dao emperors did this. Some impregnated more than one External Body Incarnation, but two, maybe three, or more.

Like Xitian Buddha, Miao Tathagata, Big Sun Emperor, Black Mountain Lord, Ancestor of the Blood River and other prestigious Dao masters, they all have many External Body Incarnations, and each one They may have two or three extraordinary good fortunes, and even some External Body Incarnation also have Divine Consciousness.

Don’t say anything else.

The first External Body Incarnation of Heavenly Dragon Zhendi alone is terrifying.

It can be transformed into a dark dragon, or into a skull-headed hell.

The dark dragon is a kind of good fortune. However, the skull-headed hell is a magical thought of Divine Consciousness.

What does this mean?

It shows that the incarnation of Heavenly Dragon True Emperor possesses a good fortune, a magical thought of Divine Consciousness.

In the eyes of anyone, this is a blood-based External Body Incarnation. The strength of the dark dragon is obvious to all. It is very powerful. It is definitely a powerful destiny, even more how. There are four-faced skull-headed hells such as Divine Consciousness.

Heavenly Dragon said that this is just an External Body Incarnation that he conceived casually.

This is not arrogant.

The arrogant and hateful roots of the teeth are itching, even the experts who have been hiding in the distance to watch the battle still think that Heavenly Dragon’s words are too annoying.

You need to know how many expert yearn for something even in dreams like the dark dragon, you can’t get it, as for the skull-headed hells, let alone Divine Consciousness, it’s impossible for anyone to see it. Do not envy.

In their view, the Heavenly Dragon True Emperor is simply a reckless waste of natural resources. The use of a dark dragon to conceive the External Body Incarnation is also that’s all. There are even motherfuckers and hells on all sides. Divine Consciousness.

What is this called?

Drought due to drought, flood due to waterlogging?

How many people can’t ask for good fortune, but for Divine Consciousness. There is no way to ask for Divine Consciousness. Many Dao experts don’t even have a Divine Consciousness for the real body, but Heavenly Dragon uses it to impregnate it. External Body Incarnation.

How can this not make people jealous, how can it not make people envy and hate.

Everyone can’t imagine, Heavenly Dragon, the true emperor, said that his External Body Incarnation, which is made of dark dragons and four-faced skull-headed hells, is just for fun with Divine Consciousness. .

Then what kind of terrifying goodness does his current evil ghostly External Body Incarnation possess?

His real body doesn’t even have Divine Consciousness magical thoughts such as the skull-headed hell guest. It’s hard to imagine how much terrifying and terrifying Divine Consciousness his real body has. Mo Nian.

Heavenly Dragon is the true emperor, and there is also a Musashi emperor next to him.

His External Body Incarnation, how many creations, how many Divine Consciousness magical thoughts, no one knows, the only thing he knows is that he can incarnation purify the blazing sun of the void, and also take Out is a five-star solar.

Everyone knows that Emperor Musashi has a bright bloodline. It is not difficult for him to use his own bright bloodline to conceive an External Body Incarnation that can be incarnated.

But the five-star sun is the innate nature that guards the five directions of Heaven and Earth. Even the angry statues of the five kings of the Ming Dynasty are crushed by it, and they are so powerful that they are now used by him to conceive. External Body Incarnation.

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