Supreme Lord

Chapter 2317

“Elder Lin.”

Qilao stroked the white beard of his chin, and said seriously: “I wonder if you still remember an ancient legend.”

“What Legend?”

“Double Extreme Yin Yang, Dragon and Phoenix Symbols of Auspiciousness, black and white, Tai Chi is boundless, and fate is impermanent!”

The words of Qi Lao came, Bei Changqingyi With her face confused, she had never heard the legend said by Qi Lao, but the old woman Elder Lin next to her heard this, as if was struck by lightning, her expression was startled, staring at Qi Lao, some inconceivable questions Said: “Do you suspect that Emperor Musashi and Heavenly Dragon are…legendary Tai Chi immeasurable?”

“The old man does have this doubt.”


Elder Lin frowns deeply and couldn’t help but fall into contemplation.

“Seven old lady, mother-in-law, what are you talking about? What kind of legend of Tai Chi, how can I never hear such legend?”

“Young Lady, do you have As I don’t know, Tai Chi Wuliang is a very old legend, and… not just as simple as the legend, but also an ancient taboo.” Elder Lin explained in a complicated tone: “If you can practice double Extreme in the legend, Yin Yang, Darkness and Light can interact with each other, and if you have Dragon and Phoenix Symbols of Auspiciousness, you can achieve immeasurable Tai Chi, and your destiny will change accordingly.”

“This legend refers to one Can people practice double Extreme Yin Yang? But Emperor Musashi and Heavenly Dragon are two people!”

“If they are each other’s External Body Incarnation… Then Emperor Musashi and Heavenly Dragon are true The emperor is not two people, but one person.”


Bei Changqing murmured in surprise: “Emperor Musashi has a bright bloodline, and he is also Shang Chengzhen. The destiny of life should be determined, and the true emperor of Heavenly Dragon has a dark bloodline, which is also the original sin variable of defying heaven changing fate…If they are each other’s incarnation…etc.”

Speaking of Bei Changqing, he seemed to remember something, and continued to ask: “Isn’t the legend dual Extreme Yin Yang, Dragon and Phoenix Symbols of Auspiciousness? If I remember correctly, Emperor Musashi and Heavenly Dragon have the sky Long Batian. , Don’t you have a Heavenly Dragon infinite body? Even if they are each other’s incarnation, even if they blend in with each other, it’s impossible Dragon and Phoenix Symbols of Auspiciousness, right?”

“Young Lady, what you see now Emperor Musashi and Heavenly Dragon. Imperial Capital is just one of their incarnations. Perhaps someone has seen Emperor Musashi’s real body as Noten Long Batian, but who has seen the real body of Heavenly Dragon? Who dares? Said that his real body is not the body of the earth phoenix?”

“It’s not that they are both brothers, and they have been cultivated together in Mysterious Cave…”

Bei Changqing was interrupted by the Seven Elders before he finished saying, “Young Lady , The old man said just now that the rumors you heard are just rumors, and these rumors are probably made up by the immortal dao of Xuantian immortal dao those Old Senior deliberately made up for the purpose of covering up. “

Bei Changqing shook her head. She still didn’t understand. If Emperor Musashi and Heavenly Dragon are truly legendary Taiji boundless, there is no need to make up old seniors on behalf of the mysterious Dongtian? Is it to hide? Whose eyes and ears?

“Not only to cover the eyes and ears of the Great Sun Emperor, but also to cover all the eyes and ears of the above heaven under earth. “

Because Bei Changqing has been in retreat at home, he doesn’t know much about the situation of the present and the ancient, but Qi Lao knows the situation of the present and ancient times very clearly.

In the era, immortal dao seems to be prosperous and prosperous, dominating All Heavens Myriad Realms, and banning what Heavenly Dao is known as the leader of the avenue.

In fact, this is only the surface.

After the end of the ancient times, immortal dao Although gradually recovering, the elders of immortal dao, Three Purities, Four Royals, etc. have all disappeared with the end of the ancients. Until now, immortal dao are in a state of a group of dragons without a leader.

I have to say that immortal dao can After the end of the barren ancient times, he became the leader of the avenue. The Emperor Yao is definitely the first hero. Throughout the immortal dao, many experts have also worshipped the throne of the Emperor, such as the famous Five Sacred Emperors and the Octagon Throne. Even the modern and ancient Big Dipper and most of 36 Heavenly Stars have been under the throne of the Great Sun.

To this day, the Great Sun can basically represent the immortal dao, and he also I have always wanted to be the master of immortal dao.

What a pity.

The Elders of Xuantian immortal dao do not agree with the Great Sun Emperor.

As long as Xuantian immortal Dao’s Elders are not nodded for a day, the Emperor Tairi is impossible to become the lord of immortal Dao.

The reason is simple.

Xuantian immortal dao’s Elders have been guarded firmly. The origin of immortal dao.

The Great Sun Emperor cannot dominate the origin of immortal dao, so naturally he cannot become the lord of immortal dao not just in name only, but also in reality.

These Over the years, Xuantian immortal dao Elders have always wanted to cultivate a master of the road to contend with the Great Sun Emperor, and even suppress the Great Sun Emperor. However, the Heaven Warping Genius cultivated is no exception to the Great Sun Emperor’s opponent, let alone suppress, even There is no ability to contend with Emperor Tairi Yao.

If Emperor Musashi and Heavenly Dragon, the true emperor is truly legendary, Tai Chi is boundless, Xuantian immortal dao Elder is also in order to cover people’s eyes. Not impossible.

After all, the immeasurable existence of Tai Chi is of extraordinary significance. Once Emperor Tairi learns about it, he will inevitably wipe it out while Emperor Musashi and Heavenly Dragon have not grown up to prevent him from threatening himself.

Also, the immeasurable existence of Tai Chi not only threatens the Great Sun Emperor to become the lord of the immortal dao, but also threatens the existence of many coveted Allah.

To know the legend, Double Extreme Yin Yang, Dragon and Phoenix Symbols of Auspiciousness, black and white, Tai Chi is boundless, and destiny is impermanent!

In other words.

If Emperor Musashi and Heavenly Dragon are legendary Tai Chi immeasurable, then their fate is unknown. If Allah of Original Sin is born, he is likely to be Allah of Original Sin. If Allah of Original Sin is not born, then he is very May become the lord of immortal dao, even this Lord of Heaven and Earth.

“Even if Xuantian immortal dao Elders are trying to conceal others, even if Emperor Musashi and Heavenly Dragon are really Dragon and Phoenix Symbols of Auspiciousness, even if… they are really legendary Tai Chi immeasurable. “

Elder Lin said solemnly: “The old man still feels that the probability of the two of them being incarnation is very low and very low. Taking a step back, even if they are really incarnation, They may not be able to blend in with each other and achieve legendary Tai Chi boundlessness.”

“Elder Lin, what if the two of them are not mutually incarnation?”

The voice of Qi Lao It was heard that Elder Lin was a little confused for a while, not knowing what Qi Lao meant.

“The meaning of “old man”, what if the two of them are the same master of the road as incarnation? If the two of them exist, a dark bloodline has a fateful destiny, a light The original sin variable of bloodline defying heaven changing fate, if all this is not a coincidence, but that Dao master deliberately did it, in order to achieve legendary Tai Chi immeasurable?”

“Don’t tell the old man that this is impossible, There has never been anything impossible since ancient times. Perhaps a certain avenue overlord started to make arrangements a long time ago, planting two self-causes with the true self, one self because of pure Yang, and one self because of pure Yin. , To regenerate the light bloodline, the dark bloodline, the dragon body and the phoenix body…”

“The purpose is to achieve the immeasurable Tai Chi in the modern and ancient times. You can try Heaven and Earth Grand Dao, and you can try the original sin. Allah!”

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