Supreme Lord

Chapter 2313

In the void.

Emperor Musashi wears a silver crown on his head, his face is like a crown jade, his eyes are like bright stars, clothes whiter than snow.

Both of his hands bear behind him, wearing ten thousand zhang brilliance, imposing manner like a rainbow, people like a big day, like a Heavenly God going down the earth.

Since his appearance, he has been staring at Miao Tathagata.

After a while, he said, “Musashi has seen the Buddha Emperor Tathagata.”

No one would have thought that Emperor Musashi would take the initiative to salute Miao Tathagata.


It is not so much a salute, it is more a greeting, and it is a very perfunctory greeting.

Because when Emperor Musashi spoke, he neither bowed nor bowed his hands, but stood upright in the void, and Junyi’s face did not have the slightest respect. Some of them were just calm, as if with a People who are not very familiar casually said hello.


Miao Rulai did not respond to him.

Still sit cross-legged on the palm of the sacred Great Buddha Hand that obscures the sky, with one hand on his chest, turning the rosary in the other, closing his eyes slightly, and reciting the scriptures.

Neither opened his eyes nor opened his mouth.

This is true for Heavenly Dragon, and it is no exception for Musashi.

No one knows what Miao Rulai is doing or thinking, and no one knows what his true purpose is.

Emperor Musashi was not at all angry, and continued: “I don’t know how my brother offended the Buddha?”

Miao Tathagata did not respond as if he had not heard it. .

Emperor Musashi continued: “If my brother has offended the Buddha, I hope the Buddha will forgive me.”

At this time.

Heavenly Dragon, who was suppressed by the five kings of the irritated Buddha statue, shouted: “Musashi, what are you talking about with him? Hurry up and kill the incarnation of these five kings of the emperor! Let me get out of the siege first!”

Emperor Musashi not at all pay attention to the Heavenly Dragon, staring at Miao Tathagata, and continue to say: “I don’t know if the Buddha can look at my Musashi’s face, leave a way out, and leave a way out of the five kings of the Buddha. Please go back.”

No response.

Still not.

Experts who watched the battle in the dark felt a little strange in this scene.

They have been speculating just now whether Miao Rulai used Heavenly Dragon True Emperor to draw out Emperor Musashi, or Emperor Musashi used Heavenly Dragon True Emperor to draw Miao Rulai out.

But when I look at it this way, I don’t think it’s the case.

If Miao Tathagata used Heavenly Dragon to bring out Emperor Musashi, Emperor Musashi has already come out, and Miao Tathagata has nothing to do with it. In that case, he uses Heavenly Dragon to draw Emperor Musashi. What did the emperor bring out?

If it is said that Emperor Musashi is colluding with Heavenly Dragon, and the Emperor really wants to test the depth of the Miao Tathagata, why not the Emperor Musashi directly? Instead, he pleaded.

Which one is this singing?

What are their respective calculations?

Time passed bit by bit, Miaoru never responded to Emperor Musashi from beginning to end, even without a word.

The Heavenly Dragon who was suppressed unable to move even a little bit was impatient for a long time, and he kept shouting: “Musashi! I told you not to talk nonsense with him, you first kill this The incarnation of the Five Great Kings helped me out. After I came out, the two of us joined forces to obliterate Miao Tathagata!”

“I wonder if the Buddha can leave a way out on the face of my Musashi. Please go back to the enraged Buddha statue of King Ming.”

Emperor Musashi continued to intercede, saying: “As long as the Buddha is willing to leave a way out, I will leave with Brother, and I will never offend the Buddha again! “

The sun shines brightly.

Buddha is praying all over the sky.

The sound of the rolling Buddha is superb.

The sacred Buddha is in shock.

The Buddha Tathagata is chanting.


There was laughter.

Not Miao Tathagata, but Emperor Musashi.

“Since the Buddha Tathagata refuses to leave a way out, I have to personally take action to bring back the angry Buddha statues of the five great kings!”

It can be seen that Emperor Musashi is here He was polite and elegant just now, but now he is cold and confident, and even his tone of speech has become domineering.

When the voice fell, Emperor Musashi rose into the sky,

He who was like a big day gradually became extremely dazzling, and the original pure white one gradually became purer and more pure. Like white, it looks like crystal clear and near-transparent like a transparent day, it’s amazing.

The blooming ten thousand zhang brilliance is also pure and white, which brightens the emptiness of Kan Gong, and almost covers the golden Buddha’s radiance that blooms on the top of Miao Tathagata’s head.

This pure white as jade day is as sacred and sacred as it is, as bright as it is, just like the blazing sun in the legendary holy light, the sun is shining, purifying the World’s All Living Things.

as everyone knows.

In the Great Wilderness All Heavens Myriad Realms, many so-called experts can be incarnation.

It’s just their incarnation big day, just like a big day, more impossible to illuminate the void.

Looking at Heaven and Earth, there is only one time when there is an incarnation big day, which contains not only the shape of the big day, but also the power of the big day, and even the Divine Soul of the big day, it can even illuminate the void.

This kind of existence is the bright bloodline.

It is said that the immortal dao hegemon of Nine Nether, who was the first incarnation, had a bright bloodline.

The second incarnation superpower of Nine Nether, Miao Rulai, also has a bright bloodline.

It just so happens.

Emperor Musashi also has a bright bloodline.

The difference is.

The big sun of the emperor incarnation, the sun is like fire, it is a kind of extremely domineering scorching sun, which is like burning everything.

And the great day of the incarnation of the wonderful Tathagata, the golden light is brilliant, it is an extremely vast and scorching day, which is like a supernatural day.

The great day of Emperor Musashi’s incarnation, pure white as jade, is an extremely dazzling blazing day, as if it could purify everything.

It can be said that one is more sacred, and one is brighter.

At some point, the entire emptiness of Kan Gong was blurred by the distortion of the incarnation blazing Emperor Musashi’s purification, and it looked like a fantasy world of wind and cloud changes, some emptiness, and some ethereal.


Five light groups gradually appeared next to Emperor Musashi who was purifying the blazing sun by incarnation.

The light ball rotates like a vortex, and it turns bigger and bigger. When it rotates, it blooms with countless rays of blazing sun. The more it rotates, the more twisted and blurred the Kan Gong void.

The first light group looks like golden, when it rotates, it is as quiet as an abyss, as if it can Devouring All Living Things.

The 2nd light group looks like a cyan, when it rotates, it is endless, as if it can evolve everything.

The 3rd light group looks like blue, and when it rotates, it changes endlessly, as if it can fuse everything.

The fourth light group resembles a scarlet, and when it rotates, it burns blazingly, as if it can be Burning All Living Things.

The fifth light group looks like yellow, and when it rotates, it is full of life, as if it can be within the body transform all living things.

The five light clusters slowly revolve around the Emperor Musashi who has turned into a purifying sun. They seem to grow and restrain each other, like a dazzling star, and like the origin of the five magical lights.

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