Supreme Lord

Chapter 2306

“Is the luck of the Heavenly Dragon true emperor of Rao Shizi very good? Not to mention the inherent darkness of bloodline. He was born with the Heavenly Dragon indefinite body, and he has cultivated the original sin dharmakaya, and now he still has Undying. and Inextinguishable Divine Consciousness, it’s really annoying!”

The woman’s words are full of discomfort, as if she is quite jealous of Heavenly Dragon’s Undying and Inextinguishable Divine Consciousness.


Women’s background is quite extraordinary, regardless of identity background, it is the best in the past and present.

She does not envy the dark bloodline of the Heavenly Dragon, nor does she envy the Heavenly Dragon infinite body. Even if the Heavenly Dragon cultivates the original sin dharmakaya, she has nothing to envy, except Undying and Inextinguishable Divine Consciousness makes her jealous and jealous.

This is not only the deepest pain in her heart, but also her biggest regret so far.

Because she has always wanted to get an Undying and Inextinguishable Divine Consciousness, but fortune plays with people, until now she has not been able to do so.

Whenever I see who has the Undying and Inextinguishable Divine Consciousness, women hate their teeth.

“You said, is this Young Lady inferior to the Heavenly Dragon of Rao Shizi? Whether it is aptitude or perception, whether Good Fortune or Good Fortune, is this Young Lady inferior to him?”

The more the woman talked, the more upset she said, “You Di is full of Undying and Inextinguishable Divine Consciousness, and this Young Lady recognizes it. After all, that guy’s existence is too special, this Young Lady can’t compare to him. , I don’t want to compare with him, but even the Heavenly Dragon Real Emperor also has Undying and Inextinguishable Divine Consciousness. This Young Lady is not as good as You Di, and it’s all, and it’s not as difficult as Heavenly Dragon, which is a Rao Shizi. True Emperor? Why does he also have Divine Consciousness magic thought, this Young Lady has nothing!”

The woman knows that You Di has an Undying and Inextinguishable Divine Consciousness magic thought.

Like the nose of Asura, like the above, the poor blue falls to Yellow Springs.

She not only knows, but also witnessed how terrifying the Divine Consciousness of Youdi is.

Because of her experience, she always wanted to have a Divine Consciousness of her own.

Next to it.

The old woman and Elderly looked at each other. They are all the people next to the woman. Naturally, I know that the woman has always been worried about the Undying and Inextinguishable Divine Consciousness. The old woman sighed then said, saying: “Young Lady, the existence of the Heavenly Dragon True Emperor is far more special than you think.”

“Special? How special?” The woman coldly snorted and said: “is it possible that Have you ever been special to You Emperor?”

“This… Although the existence of Heavenly Dragon True Emperor is not comparable to You Emperor, it is almost the same.”

” What’s so great about an original sin dharma body?”

“It is a great thing in itself to be able to cultivate the original sin dharma body. Of course, it is not important. What is important is that this Heavenly Dragon The true emperor still has a dark bloodline. According to the old man’s understanding, Heaven and Earth now has both the dark bloodline and the existence of the original sin dharma body. In addition to the dark Lords, there is only the Heavenly Dragon true emperor. And…”

The old woman continued quietly: “And Young Lady knows something. The Heavenly Dragon True Emperor and You Emperor are both modern and ancient variables. The variables are so great, maybe It’s not as good as Youdi, but it’s definitely not small.”

The woman was surprised and asked, “This guy is also a variable? I have never heard of so many variables in Dahuang before. After this deserted ancient black hole, have encountered so many variables?”

“During the Great Wilderness, these variables were dormant in the dark. Now that the ancient black hole appeared, it was time to decide the fate of Heaven and Earth Grand Dao. Of course they all came out.”

The old woman said, Elderly followed: “Young Lady, you don’t have to worry about Divine Consciousness. Divine Consciousness is not everyone It can be controlled…”

Before Elderly’s words fell, Young Lady gave him a blank look, and said dissatisfied: “Qilao, what do you mean? You mean this Young Lady can’t control the so-called Divine Consciousness Magician? “

“Young Lady, old man doesn’t mean that, it’s just…” Elderly smiled bitterly, and explained: “Let’s put it this way, as long as there are Undying and Inextinguishable Divine Consciousness existences, they are roughly divided into three Kind. “

“First is a causal opportunity, which means that someone has a certain cause and effect with a certain Undying and Inextinguishable Divine Consciousness. They will eventually meet and fuse together. This is a destined cause and effect, and it is destined fate. “

“Second is my own strength, forcibly integrating Undying and Inextinguishable Divine Consciousness into oneself, this method is extremely dangerous, if the integration fails, it will inevitably be backlashed by Divine Consciousness, when the time comes You may lose yourself, or even lose your self, and become the puppet incarnation of Divine Consciousness. Moreover, even if the integration is successful, you must beware of suppression in the future, unless you can refining the spirit willpower contained in the Divine Consciousness. “

Sighed then said, Elderly said: “The Divine Consciousness was originally the overlord of Heaven and Earth in his lifetime. It is conceivable how powerful its spirit willpower is. If you want to refining it, It’s easier said than done, and even if it’s refining, it’s easy to lose yourself… and fall into Sea of ​​Bitterness. “

“Huh? “

Women have always dreamed of getting an Undying and Inextinguishable Divine Consciousness. I really never thought that the fusion of Divine Consciousness would be so dangerous. Failure to merge will be backlashed and lose the self, even if the integration is successful. , Even if the spirit willpower is refining, there is still the danger of losing yourself and falling into the Sea of ​​Bitterness.

Is the price of this consequence too serious?

“The third is some Divine Consciousness sent to the door. “

Hearing this, the woman thought she had misheard, and asked: “What? Qi Lao, you say it again, and Divine Consciousness sent to the door by Mo Nian himself? “

Then Elderly nodded very earnestly, saying: “Some Undying and Inextinguishable Divine Consciousness magical thoughts, although they have lost their own self, and they have also lost their ego, they all inherited their spirit willpower. “

“Some spirit willpower may be Guardian Avenue Heaven and Earth. “

“But some spirit willpower may be coveting the original sin of Allah, wanting to destroy the road of Heaven and Earth and reopen the era of innocence. “

While talking, Elderly stared at the woman and asked: “Does Young Lady understand the meaning of old man?” “

The woman is nodded, as if she understands, she said: “Qilao means that the spirit willpower of the Heaven and Earth Grand Dao will look for those who have accepted the fate , And those who covet the original sin of God willpower will also find those who defying heaven changing fate, which is the so-called variable of hit. “

“That’s almost what it means, and that’s why most of the people who have Divine Consciousness are the people who have the fate of God, or the original sinners of defying heaven changing fate, not them They chose Divine Consciousness magic thought, but Divine Consciousness magic thought chose them. “

Elderly said, and said with emotion: “Those Undying and Inextinguishable Divine Consciousness are the hegemons of Heaven and Earth before they are alive, and they have also experienced the ancient times. For this Heaven and Earth Grand Dao, We know more about the fate of this original sin than we do. “

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