Supreme Lord

Chapter 2291

Existences like Heavenly Paradise, if the master of the noble roads of Heaven and Earth sits in control, although they will not be expelled, they will gradually decline.

Fortunately, all major Heavenly Paradise has cultivated a lot of Heaven Warping Genius over the years. Even if it is not the overlord of Heaven and Earth, it is also the emperor of the great wilderness. At least there is a famous one. Emperor of the Great Avenue.

After all, whether it is 36 cave days or seventy two blessed places are treasures between Heaven and Earth Peak, various cultivation resources are endless, and there is one of the very best road gems.

It is no exaggeration to say that even if a person is poor in aptitude and low in perception, even if a fool has to cultivate in Heavenly Paradise for a period of time, he will be an expert after he comes out.

The most important thing is that Heavenly Paradise inheritance has been for a long time, and it is expert as clouds. It can deduce the future situation based on cause and effect, so as to seize the fate and seize the opportunity.


Most of Heavenly Paradise after the heavy damage caused by the end of the barren ancient times, after going through the ancient times, the ancient times, the ancient times, and the ancient times, they have gradually recovered their vitality, re-emerged and rebuilt their glory, but there is also a small part of Heavenly Paradise Since the end of the desolate ancient times, it has been devastated, like the evening of sunset, gradually declining, and the sense of existence in the seventy two blessed land in the 36-hole sky is also getting lower and lower.

Although he has not been removed from the list, he just survived, that’s all.

Taixu Cave Sky is one of the most.

First, due to the end of the barren ancient times, many veterans of Taixu Cave have fallen one after another.


This is not the main reason. After all, the 36 holes seventy two blessed land suffered huge losses after the end of the barren ancient times. In contrast, the losses of Taixu Cave were not too serious.

The real reason for the collapse of Taixu Cave is very simple, so many have not cultivated a great master of Heaven and Earth.

Don’t talk about the overlord of the avenue, even if it is the emperor of the avenue.

Strictly speaking of which, after the end of the ancient times, Taixu Cave is not without a great character.

On the contrary.

As early as the end of the desolate ancient times, after the opening of Taikoo, a great character appeared in Taixu Cave, and it was also a heaven and earth, with a reputation comparable to the great character of the Great Sun Emperor and the Black Mountain Lord. .

It is the famous demonic path overlord Ancestor of the Blood River!

I don’t know if it is Taixudong’s bad luck, or Ancestor of the Blood River is destined to have this tribulation difficult.

At that time, Ancestor of the Blood River was not Ancestor of the Blood River. It was only the discipline of Taixu Cave. It was great fortune, inherited immortal dao destiny, gained immortal dao imperial power, and aspired to the position of Immortal Sovereign. It can be described as a sensation in Heaven and Earth, and the limelight is immeasurable for a while, even if the Sun Emperor is far behind.

Ancestor of the Blood River admires the Cangyan of Langya Cave, and because Cangyan also dominated the immortal dao imperial power, only because the elders of Langya Cave died in the ancient times, I learned about Cangyan. After aspiring to imperial power of immortal dao, many Heavenly Paradise, including the experts of the great wilderness giants, wanted to take the imperial power of immortal dao into their own possession.

That year.

Although Cangyan is alone, she is not afraid of Heavenly Paradise and the expert of the great wilderness giants, and has not handed over the immortal dao imperial destiny.


She is alone and helpless.

In the face of many experts’ encirclement and suppression, Cangyan sealed her immortal dao imperial power in Langya Cave, and she herself chose to commit suicide ashes and dispersed smoke in full view.

This is an unknown history, and it is also a history that was suppressed by the major Heavenly Paradise and the great wilderness giants, and even reluctant to mention it.

It is said that when this happened, Ancestor of the Blood River, who admired Cangyan, was in retreat in Taixu Cave. In the dark, the blood flowing into a river is also killing.

The killing sky was angry and people complained, and the killing nine days was not tolerated. In the end, he was even more in the face of nine days, in the face of immortal dao, in front of his master gate Taixu cave, in front of 36 cave days, seventy two Fudi waited for the face of the great big shots, crushing the destiny heart that had been conceived by his hard work.

Since then, he has completely escaped from immortal dao and fell into the demonic path. He also told all the existence of above heaven under earth. From now on, he is no longer a fairy, but a demon. A complete demon.

The elders of Shimen Taixudong came out to stop him, he returned a cultivation base to Taixudong, and he is no longer a Taixu discipline.

Immortal dao couldn’t tolerate him, so he fell in love with it.

Destiny cannot tolerate him, so he smashes the destiny heart that everyone has yearn for something even in dreams.

He said, whoever forced his beloved woman to death, he must a debt of blood must be paid in blood.

You can’t kill it now, you can’t kill it later, you can’t kill it in this life, you can kill it in the next life, until you kill all the people who kill Cangyan.

That’s what he said and he did.

The great big shots that forced Cangyan to death in those days are all in danger, because no one thought that Ancestor of the Blood River personally crushed an immortal dao’s imperial power and fell into demonic After path, he even aspired to the imperial destiny of the demonic path and gave up Immortal Sovereign, but became the avenue Demon Sovereign and Ancestor of the Blood River called become terror-stricken at the news.

This is Ancestor of the Blood River.

At one thought, blood flowing into a river!

Since then, Ancestor of the Blood River is no longer the discipline of Taixudong, nor the Immortal Sovereign of immortal dao, but the Demon Sovereign of the demonic path, and the demonic of Heaven and Earth. Path overlord!

A group of Old Seniors in Taixu Cave also suffered a severe blow due to this incident. Since then, although they have also cultivated a lot of Heaven Warping Genius, but the so-called Heaven Warping trained by Taixu Cave Genius, compared to Ancestor of the Blood River, is too far behind. It is basically impossible to mention on equal terms.

Not only that.

Since Ancestor of the Blood River was enchanted, in order to avenge Cangyan, he actually killed many experts who were the giants of Heavenly Paradise.

Think about it, after the end of the ancient Heavenly Paradise, the losses were already heavy enough, and they finally recovered a little energy and cultivated some good seedlings, but they were all killed by Ancestor of the Blood River. .

How can they not be angry.

Anger can be angered.

No one dares to seek revenge from Ancestor of the Blood River.

Ancestor of the Blood River crushed the imperial destiny of immortal dao on the front foot, and then aspired the imperial destiny of demonic path on the back foot. The strength was so strong that it was unmatched back then.

This hatred, Heavenly Paradise did not dare to find Ancestor of the Blood River to report it, so they could only put this account on Tai Xudong’s head.

Who is called Ancestor of the Blood River, which you cultivated in Taixudong?

But then again, Heavenly Paradise did not directly encircle Taixu Cave.

After all, if they hadn’t forced Cangyan to death in order to snatch Cangyan’s immortal dao, they wouldn’t be able to provoke Ancestor of the Blood River, the blood flowing into a river.

It is said that since then, Heavenly Paradise and the great big shots have blocked Taixu Cave.

Not only secretly grabbing the resources of Taixu Cave, but also secretly grabbing the talents cultivated by Taixu Cave.

This is the real reason for the gradual decline of Taixu Cave.

Because after being banned by Heavenly Paradise, Taixudong’s inheritance almost stagnated and fell into a desperate situation.

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