Supreme Lord

Chapter 2287

“It seems that Lao Na really underestimated the bastard Musashi, and he found us two, not simple!”

After the monk who had been hiding in the dark discovered that he was discovered by the Emperor Musashi , Somewhat surprised inside.

Gu Qingfeng feels nothing.

Hiding this method, no matter how brilliant you hide, it is impossible to absolutely disappear.

At least Gu Qingfeng thinks so.

Hiding is mainly in space.

This involves the space avenue. The higher your perception of the space avenue, the deeper you hide and the less likely it is to be discovered. On the contrary, your perception of the space avenue is average, even if you hide it, In the eyes of others, it is like cover one’s ears whilst stealing a bell.

Especially in this ligu, the ligu rule countless changes, just like the rule without rules, Gu Qingfeng has been comprehending for a long time, but only a little bit of comprehension, in this case, If it is hiding in the Li Palace, those who cannot comprehend the profound mystery of Li Palace may not be able to detect his existence.


If you have a deep understanding of the Profound Mystery of Laws, you will definitely be able to discover the existence of Gu Qingfeng.

“Musashi, the bastard not only found us, but also inferred that they were two. It seems that this man’s perception of Ligu is not shallow!”

The monk chuckled, “He damn it! The Old Guys of mysterious Cave Mansion seem to be betting on this time!”

The monk continued to chat with Gu Qingfeng. Although the man was discovered by Emperor Musashi, no one showed up.

They all knew that Emperor Musashi had discovered them, but they only found someone hiding here. They neither knew who was hiding here nor where they were.

“I don’t know if the two are who are you, I hope to see you!”

There is a faint smile on the handsome face of Emperor Musashi, a pair of deep and vast The eyes looked like Golden Fire Eyes, scanning all directions.

In the distance.

Da Rishi Third Young Master and Susha and the others looked at each other in blank dismay, they kept taking out Divine Consciousness to probe, just probe around, check and check, whatever Did not detect it.

The more you explore, the more afraid you are.

From the current situation, although Emperor Musashi knew that there were two people hiding here, he did not know who was hiding here. What does this mean?

It means that the two hiding here are definitely experts. They may be experts no weaker than Emperor Musashi, or even more powerful experts than Emperor Musashi.

Otherwise, with the background of the Emperor Musashi’s cultivation base strength, he would not speak so cautiously.

Think about it, there are two existences hidden here who may be terrifying than Emperor Musashi, and I have never known what terrifying thing this is. When did the other party hide here? Was it before or after Emperor Musashi came, what was the purpose of hiding here? Is it against Emperor Musashi, or against yourself?

Third Young Master and Suosha become more afraid as they think about it.

They thought about it carefully, Emperor Musashi came with incarnation, not at himself, but at the two mysterious experts hiding here, which suffices to show that the two mysterious experts were long before the coming of Emperor Musashi. Just hide here.

If this is the case, then the two experts hiding in the dark are not directed at Emperor Musashi, but at themselves?


What is the purpose of those two mysterious experts?

As soon as he thought of this, Da Ilju Third Young Master’s heart could not help but pounding, even his mind became a little unstable. He raised his head and glanced at Suosha, and the expression in Suosha’s eyes was also Full of panic.

In the dark.

The Daxing monk glanced at Gu Qingfeng and asked: “Since I was discovered by this bastard, we will meet him when we go out?”

Gu Qingfeng shook his head and said he had nothing interest.

At this time.

Emperor Musashi spoke again: “If the two of you don’t give me this face, then the emperor will have to show his ugliness.”


Emperor Musashi was about to try to force Gu Qingfeng and the Daxing Monk who were hiding in the dark out. Just as he was about to do it, a silhouette appeared immediately.

A gray shabby monk robe.

Wear a shabby cap.

A shabby old face, with a shabby fan in his hand, and even a shabby bottle gourd hanging around his waist.

Who is it if you are not a great monk?

Seeing the Daxing monk suddenly popping up, the Da Riten Third Young Master and Susha and the others in the distance were shocked and startled. Didn’t expect there is really an expert hiding there. Here, after the shock, the horror in the heart has also been reduced a lot.

Originally, after learning that there was an expert hiding in this place, Da Il Ten Third Young Master and Suo Sha were both frightened. They didn’t know who the hiding person was and what their purpose was, but after seeing the monk, The stone that had been hanging in their hearts suddenly fell.

They all know the Daxing Monk, and they have all met each other, and they even know that the existence of the Daxing Monk is extraordinary, even beyond imagination.

After seeing the virtuous monk, the stone hanging inside fell down because they all knew that the virtuous monk was a “good person”, at least not a wicked person, let alone hiding Sneak attack them in the dark and even kill them.

Darishi Third Young Master once heard his father Dariyo Emperor say that the existence of the Daxing Monk is terrifying, but there is no need to fear him.

terrifying is because the existence of the monk is beyond imagination, and there is no need to fear him because the monk has a compassionate Buddha heart.

Suosa also heard his father Black Mountain Lord say that the Daxing Monk is the true Buddha of this All Heavens Myriad Realms, which is the least Buddha-like, and it is also the only living Buddha since ancient times.

This is what the Great Sun Emperor and the Black Mountain Lord said about the Daxing Monk.

Da Rishi Third Young Master and Susha have always kept in mind.

When Emperor Musashi saw the Daxing Monk, his handsome face also showed a surprised expression. Obviously, he did not expect that it was the Daxing Monk hiding in the dark.

“What’s the matter, Musashi! Didn’t expect to meet again so soon, right?”

Daxing monk smiled hehe and greeted Emperor Musashi.

“You are right, the emperor really didn’t expect to meet the holy monk so soon.”

Before this, see the Daxing Monk and Emperor Musashi I have been there, and more than once, when he was looking for Gu Qingfeng in the ancient nine palaces, he had met Emperor Musashi in Qiangong and Kangong, and he was also the incarnation of Emperor Musashi.

Not only that, but he also knows that there is an incarnation of Emperor Musashi in the ancient nine palaces. As for where his deity is, this is not known.

Except for Emperor Musashi, like the Black Mountain Lord, Emperor Tairi, including the Western Heaven Buddha Emperor Miao Tathagata, almost all have incarnations distributed in the ancient nine palaces. This method is not new, and many avenue experts do it like this. Including the Daxing Monk himself, he also has incarnations distributed in the deserted nine palaces, otherwise, he would not happen to meet Gu Qingfeng in the Ligong.

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