Supreme Lord

Chapter 2278


There was a roar, and I saw four people who lost their original sins rushing to the scarlet cauldron like crazy, and all of them were the original sin.

“Something’s wrong!”

The big monk stared at the four original sinners and suddenly said something. Gu Qingfeng took a look and felt something was wrong, because these four The breath of original sin in a person of original sin is almost the same, and it feels of common origins, as if the four brothers of the same original sin were fused with the same blood of original sin and planted the same cause of sin when the original sin was reported. The same result, the same retribution, the same original sin.

Is there such a coincidence?

Gu Qingfeng does not believe that there should be some connection between the four original sinners who have lost their self-consciousness.

“The four of them should be the original sin Avatar of the cultivation!” The Daxing Monk said confidently: “And Lao Na is sure that the person’s deity must be in the vicinity.”

cultivation The original sin Avatar is not a rare thing, at least not in the eyes of the monk, he knows that many great abilities are secretly cultivating the original sin Avatar.

The difference is that some original sin Avatars adopt stocking, while some original sins Avatar adopt captivity.

The so-called stocking of the original sin Avatar, as the name suggests, allows the original sin Avatar to survive on its own, regardless of life and death.

To raise the original sin Avatar in captivity is to use the original sin Avatar as one of his magic weapons to cultivation, and firmly tie it in the palm of his hand.

Whether it is stocking or captive raising of the original Sin Avatar, there are advantages and disadvantages.

The advantage of stocking the Avatar of the original sin is that it can better hide the identity of the deity, like some famous Old Guys, including the experts of 36 Dongtian seventy two blessed land, many of them stock the Avatar of the original sin and leave it out. Survive, but most of them are difficult to survive, either being destroyed or swallowed by other people of original sin.

Of course.

If you have good luck, you might be able to mix the original sin dharma body.

It’s just…

Once the stocked original sin Avatar becomes the Dharmakaya, it will give birth to a new self. When the time comes, even if the deity wants to control the original sin Avatar again, it will be much more difficult Many, even being counterattacked by the so-called original sin Avatar is not impossible.

If the original sin Avatar is raised in captivity, this can largely be avoided.

Raise the original sin Avatar in captivity and use it as a cultivation to feed the blood of original sin and make it grow.

Raising an original sin Avatar in captivity is like tying a rein around the neck of the original sin Avatar. Even if the original sin Avatar loses consciousness and is like a madman, he can still be firmly in control. Even if the means are high enough to seize the opportunity, Even if the original sin Avatar finally becomes the Dharmakaya, it can still be in the hands.

It’s just that.

In captivity of the original sin Avatar, the identity of the deity can no longer be hidden. Therefore, the expert who claims to be a righteous person will not openly raise the original sin Avatar in any way, especially the expert who has always claimed to guard the highway. This kind of activity.

There are some experts who want to fight for the original sin of Allah, many of them are raising the original sin Avatar.

But most of them just keep an original sin Avatar in captivity.

After all, a captive primal sin Avatar needs to feed a lot of the original sin’s blood, and a captive may be able to afford it. No matter how much it is, it will be difficult to feed it, and there is no need to raise that many original sin avatar.

The purpose of raising the original sin Avatar in captivity is the same, all for the smooth cultivation of the original sin dharma body.

as everyone knows, if you want to cultivate into the Dharmakaya of Original Sin, you must go through the incarnation of original sin, then the retribution of the original sin, and then the retribution of the original sin. After becoming the retribution of the original sin, you will lose yourself. Loss of self.

No one is sure that a new self can be conceived after the loss of self and self.

Those experts who covet the original sin of Allah, in order to guard against the unexpected will not use the deity to easily take risks. Once they lose their self, if they can’t conceive a new self, they will lose out. .

Therefore, the original sin Avatar is raised in captivity, and the blood of the original sin is fed to it, so that it can grow, so as to avoid being obliterated and refining by others, and it can also find the opportunity to take it after the original sin body is cultivated. The newly conceived consciousness forcibly merged.

Who came up with this method, no one knows now, only that many people have followed suit, and many people have succeeded.


The original sin dharma body fused through this captive original sin Avatar is not pure, it is said to be the original sin dharma body, but it has been out of the meaning of the original sin dharma body, so this kind of original sin dharma body is also called a pseudo-dharmakaya!

Only those who have truly experienced the incarnation of original sin, retribution of original sin, the response of original sin, the loss of self, the loss of self, and the self conceived from original sin can be regarded as the true body of the law.

In Heaven and Earth nowadays, there are not many original sin dharma bodies that can be called the true meaning. The most famous ones are Black Mountain old monster, Ancestor of the Blood River, Blue Light Ghost Emperor, including Weiyang Demon Emperor Ren Tianhang, Xiaoyao Great Emperor Mo Wentian, including the blood crow Old Ancestor in the blood cauldron are all regarded as the real original sin dharma body.

As for the pseudo-dharmakaya, there are many more than the true-dharmakaya.

At a glance, the Daxing Monk could tell that these four original sins who had lost themselves were kept in captivity, and they were still kept in captivity by the same person.

It just surprised him that I don’t know who is so rich and imposing. He raised four Avatars of Original Sin in captivity at once, and each of them became the original sin’s body!

whiz whiz whiz whiz!

The four original sins rushed into the blood pot.


After those people who lost their original sin rushed into the blood cauldron, they all wailed for a while, and then there was no movement.

After rushing into the blood cauldron in front of the four original sinners, not at all wailed, but hong long long rang loudly, and the whole blood cauldron trembled.

Just then.

A group of eight people dropping from the sky.

These eight people are not at all losing themselves, nor are they the original sinners, not even humans, but monsters, and they are still powerful old monsters!

The eight old monsters did not rush to the blood cauldron either. When they fell, they stood beside the blood cauldron and used Magical Powers to arrange Formation for the first time.


Immediately afterwards, another person dropping from the sky.

Is a man.

A handsome but evil looking man, this man exudes a strong breath of Demon all over his body.

That’s right!

The Breath of Demon.

It is both a demon and a demon.

Apparently a son of Demon.

Gu Qingfeng and Daxing Monk are very surprised.

The son of Demon is very rare.

The existence of this thing involves an ancient taboo and curse.

It is this kind of taboo curse that even Demon cannot have children even if they marry.


nothing is impossible.

Since the immemorial times, in every era, there will be a pair of Demon who break the curse after they marry and give birth to the son of Demon.

The son of Demon is born with terrifying power and is extremely evil, so he is called the evil star!

Neither Gu Qingfeng nor the Daxing Monk expected to meet a Demon son here. What made them even more surprised was that the Demon son still had a strong breath of original sin.

Good guy!

This son of Demon is actually a Dharmakaya of Original Sin!

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