Supreme Lord

Chapter 2275

“Said that the Lord is the destined original sin. Allah is you, and you are the one who said no. I said Daxing. Before I speak, can you think clearly, don’t fucking be ridiculous, because the Lord didn’t listen to you, otherwise If the Lord really regards himself as the Allah of Original Sin, isn’t this a big deal?”

“Isn’t Lao Na doubtful!”

The monk explained: “You brat think about it carefully. If you brat is really the destined God of Original Sin, then there is no doubt that you are destined to enter the ancient black hole.”

paused and continued: “If… Lao Na really followed other people’s ways and was set up by a causal trap to bring you brat in, which means that you brat may not be the destined god of original sin.”

“As you brat said just now, if you brat is destined to enter the ridiculous black hole, there is no need to set a game for Lao Na to bring you in.”

“Think about it Is this the reason?”

I have to say that what the Daxing Monk said has several points of reason. At least, Gu Qingfeng could not find any reason to refute.


One more thing, Gu Qingfeng has never regarded himself as the Allah of Original Sin, and he never thought that he was the destined Allah of Original Sin.

The question is, since he is not the destined Allah of Original Sin, then who would put all his energy into setting up a causal trap for the monk and let him lead himself into this ridiculous black hole. What is the purpose? ?

“If you want to say the purpose…”

The Daxing monk took off the torn hat, touched his bald head, and said, “The old man is thinking that it might be for you to brat Come to disrupt the game.”

“Let me? Disrupt the game?” Gu Qingfeng raised his brow slightly and asked: “What is the game?”

“Of course it is the game of the ancient black hole. After all, the existence of you brat is the biggest variable between Heaven and Earth. As long as you brat participates in this matter, the things recorded in the book of destiny may not necessarily happen…”

as everyone knows, it is recorded in the Book of Destiny that when the original sin finds Allah, the great road falls, Heaven and Earth is reborn, the age of innocence opens…

If this thing recorded in the book of destiny does not happen, Then there is no doubt that Heaven and Earth is beneficial to this avenue, and only Heaven and Earth Grand Dao does not want original sin to find God.

Speaking of which, Gu Qingfeng wondered if someone wanted to use their own hands to change their destiny, so as to save Heaven and Earth Grand Dao?

Shook his head.

Gu Qingfeng thinks this is a bit nonsense.

Leave aside this true or false for now.

Even if it is true, Gu Qingfeng is unlikely to change his fate in order to save the Heaven and Earth Grand Dao.

Because he has no interest in this Heaven and Earth Grand Dao, and does not care about the life and death of Heaven and Earth Grand Dao.

He always only cared about what he cared about, and was disinclined to pay attention to any other existence.

“Gu boy, don’t jump to conclusions so early, nothing is impossible, you brat may not care about the survival of Heaven and Earth Grand Dao, but sometimes it doesn’t mean you won’t do it. If someone wants to change your fate to save Heaven and Earth Grand Dao with your head, since people can get you brat in, there must be a way for you to change your fate to save Heaven and Earth Grand Dao. It is very likely that people have already set up the cause and effect. , It’s just that you brat don’t know that’s all now.”

The Daxing monk said earnestly: “Cause and effect are often quiet and involuntarily involuntarily, what you think is a coincidence. Accidental, or destined, or destiny, or cause and effect… It is probably a cause and effect set for you.”

Gu Qingfeng did not speak, and fell into contemplation.


Even if the monk does not say anything, Gu Qingfeng sometimes has this suspicion.

Since I know that Ouyang Ye is the red sleeve, the red sleeve is the cloud and neon clothes, I know that the wind month by month is the mandala, and the mandala is the setting sun. After experiencing such a special two-stage cause and effect of the third generation, plus teaching He is a master of Dharma, an old man who teaches him principles, including a Master who teaches human nature.

Gu Qingfeng feels like a causal situation when looking at everything now, and feels like he has been in the situation of other people’s causation all the time…

After a while, The Daxing Monk said again: “But…then again, these are just Lao Na’s guesses. Maybe no one has set up a situation for Lao Na. Lao Na brought you in. It may really be a destiny or cause and effect… …Or even just a coincidence.”


Whether anyone has set up a situation for himself, the monk is not sure.

After much deliberation, it feels like a game, but I don’t think so.

Even when I brought Gu Qingfeng in by myself, whether it was for the so-called Zen Sect ruins or for other purposes, the monk was a little confused.



It’s not that I can’t remember it, but I forgot my original intention at the time.

The only thing that is certain is that it is a fact that the great monk brought Gu Qingfeng into the ancient black hole. If it is a fact, it will form cause and effect, and the existence of Gu Qingfeng is so special and special enough to influence The situation of the ancient black hole, and even the fate of this Heaven and Earth Grand Dao.

As Cangyan said, what will happen to the fate of Heaven and Earth Grand Dao? No one knows, no one knows.

If Heaven and Earth Grand Dao is really as recorded in the Book of Destiny, if the Great Dao falls and Heaven and Earth is reborn, then he will become the culprit, and the Great Dao will fall sooner or later. Count it to his head.

If the avenue does not fall and Heaven and Earth is not reborn, then the consequences will be more serious, which is tantamount to rebelling against fate.

The culprit of the Daxing Monk will certainly not escape the sanction of fate.

In other words.

In the muddy waters of the deserted ancient black hole, in the end, regardless of whether the destiny is the winner or the avenue Heaven and Earth is the winner, the monk cannot avoid this black pot.

From the current situation, it is the original sin to decide the fate of Heaven and Earth.

And the existence of Gu Qingfeng is enough to affect the original sin of Allah.

The most important thing is that the Daxing monk brought Gu Qingfeng into the ancient black hole.

He is the cause.

Destiny is the winner, and his antecedent is the chief culprit in the fall of the Great Dao.

Fate is a loser, and his antecedent is the chief culprit in rebelling against fate.

If destiny wins, Heaven and Earth will not let him go. If destiny loses, destiny will not let him go.

He can’t escape this account anyway.

This is also the root cause of the great remorse of the monk.

If he accidentally brought Gu Qingfeng in, he would admit it.

But if oneself is set up by others in a causal situation, the monk thinks that he has died unjustly.

The Daxing Monk has always been thinking about a question, that is, what was it for inducing Gu Qingfeng to come in?

Is it really a Zen Sect relic, or is this just an excuse?

Can’t remember.

The more you think about it, the more confused you are.

This is also the reason why he suspects that he has been set up for cause and effect.

Otherwise, how can you forget the original intention of bringing Gu Qingfeng into the ancient black hole.

When this happens, it is most likely to be in the causal situation set by others.

But if it weren’t the causal situation set up by others, and I had forgotten the original intention…then the consequences would be too terrifying, and the terrifying monk would not dare to think about it.

Because it means that the Daxing monk may have lost himself…but he doesn’t know it yet.

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