Supreme Lord

Chapter 2272

Sympathy? mercy?



Gu Qingfeng never knows what sympathy is.

He always only cares about the people he cares about. He doesn’t, and doesn’t bother to sympathize with those he doesn’t care about.

And after Gu Qingfeng obliterated the Elderly who was the retribution of the original sin, the complex expression is probably more of a sigh.

Although it has long been known that the sacrificial body of the original sin will lose self-awareness, I have never met before so long. The Elderly was the first one just now.

Mo Wentian said that All Heavens Myriad Realms lost self-awareness of the original sin, said more and less.

It is mostly because the constant original sin incarnation becomes the original sin incarnation, and the constant original sin incarnation becomes the original sin incarnation after losing self-consciousness.

It’s less because once you lose your self-awareness, the original sin will become an original sin puppet without thinking, sucking more blood of original sin, and sinking deeper and deeper into original sin until it is fully integrated into original sin and becomes Part of the original sin.


Once this is the case, the so-called retribution of original sin becomes the body of original sin.

Not only lost the self, but also lost the self.

The original sin of losing the self is more terrifying than the original sin of losing the self, and its original sin nature will become stronger and stronger.

If good luck, self-consciousness may be conceived in original sin, such as Ren Tianhang and Mo Wentian.

If you are unlucky, you will be lost in original sin forever, without thought, without consciousness, and become a puppet of original sin.


It is good luck, but it is only relatively nothing serious.

Because after the new self-consciousness is conceived in the original sin, it is no longer the original sin response body, but the original sin law body.

Although the self-consciousness that has been conceived belongs to you, you have lost your own self when you respond to the original sin. You have completely integrated into the original sin and become a part of the original sin, so your The id is already the original sin.

The original sin is a Road of No Return.

Once you set foot on this road, whether you are seeking cause and effect, or for changing your destiny, or for getting rid of it, you will only get deeper and deeper on the path of original sin.

At least.

Gu Qingfeng feels this way now.

I feel that original sin is like a quagmire, and it is still an endless quagmire. The more you struggle, the deeper the sinking.

Shook his head.


I didn’t think much about it, so I continued down.

In the Li Palace, like a boundless void, the floating ruins are like countless stars.

These floating ruins are like sculptured mountains. Although there are flowers and trees, there is no life.

The more you explore the depths of the palace, the stronger and clearer the feeling of being summoned.


Gu Qingfeng also found that as he explored deeper and deeper in the palace, more and more people lost their original sin of self-awareness. After a while, he has discovered that five or six have lost consciousness. The original sinner.

In addition to the retribution of the original sin, there is also the original sin.

These people who have lost their original sin are all like the previous Elderly. They are like crazy, disheveled hair, and they exude a flame-like breath of original sin. Flew everywhere.


There must be something in the depths of this palace that is attracting or attracting them.

This is not difficult to understand from Gu Qingfeng’s point of view. I don’t know what is hidden in the ancient nine palaces. Even after he comes in, he feels summoned. Other people of original sin are naturally no exception.

I just don’t know how many original sinners are attracted.

I don’t know why the hidden ancient nine palaces will attract all the original sinners.

Gu Qingfeng just thought about it, while exploring the depths.

Suddenly, a shout came out.

“Old kid!”


When he heard this voice, Gu Qingfeng was very surprised. With such a vast and mysterious Li Palace, what acquaintance did he encounter?

He looked at him looking for the sound, only to see in the sky in the distance, a rays of light flying towards here like a meteor.

This is a golden-yellow light.

When it flies, it flashes and flashes, and every time it flashes, it is closer to Gu Qingfeng, which looks like Big Dipper Turns and Stars Move.

When Gu Qingfeng looked over, the opponent was already very close to him.

Is a person.

This man is wearing a shabby cap, a shabby gray monk robe, and a broken fan hung around his waist.

See this person.

Gu Qingfeng was taken aback at first, then surprised, then a wry smile, and a little helpless.

Not someone else.

It is the great monk.

Gu Qingfeng never thought that after separating from the Daxing Monk, motherfucker would meet again so soon.

Sometimes thinking about it is pretty evil.

I still remember clearly that when he first fell into the endless sea of ​​Heaven Beyond the Heaven, he was separated from the Daxing Monk, and he met again when he fell into the ancient black hole.

Then after the separation of the ancient black hole, the motherfucker came across in the ancient vestige.

This time.

Entering the ligu motherfucker, I ran into the old bald donkey, the Daxing Monk again.

How could this be such a coincidence?

Gu Qingfeng once doubted whether the Daxing Monk had planted some marks on him, otherwise, how could it be so coincidental that he would meet this fellow every time.

Be aware that this is an ancient black hole.

I don’t know how much space turbulence is contained in it. I am afraid it is only a lot more than the All Heavens Myriad Realms.

Although there is no space turbulence in the palace, the size of the palace is comparable to endless void. How did the great monk find himself again?

Gu Qingfeng has also probed carefully, but he can find any marks not at all on his body.

He can still confirm this.

But if the great monk hadn’t planted any marks on him, why did he come across this guy every time?

After much deliberation, Gu Qingfeng only thought of one possibility.

That is, the existence of the monk must be more terrifying than I thought.

“Gu kid! It’s really you!”

The Daxing monk rushed over. After seeing Gu Qingfeng, he looked very excited and said: “Old Na thought he was watching Wrong!”

“Daxing, it’s a coincidence that I met again.”

“What did you say? A coincidence?” Daxing monk stared at his eyes. , Da shouted: “What a fart! Do you know that Lao Na almost lost her life in order to find you, why you brat motherfucker doesn’t talk about righteousness so much, and when you leave, you don’t even say a word, and the old Na is looking everywhere. You!”

“Did you find me?”

Gu Qingfeng, the daxing monk, gave Gu Qingfeng a glance and said uncomfortably: “Nonsense! Otherwise, you thought it was a fate arrangement That’s right?”

“The ancient black hole is so big, how did you find me?”

“How else can you find it? Look around like a headless fly, for Looking for you, Lao Na has almost gone all over the deserted nine palaces!”


Gu Qingfeng was very suspicious.

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