Supreme Lord

Chapter 2269

In Gu Qingfeng’s impression, all the creatures of flesh and blood are bones, such as people of cultivation, regardless of men and women, and all kinds of ferocious wild beasts, lions, wolves, tigers, and leopards.


If a person’s cultivation success is immortal, it can be said to be shedding body, exchanging bones. After achieving immortal physique, bones will no longer be white bones, but will become crystal clear and near-transparent crystal bones like crystals.

If you become a Buddha, the same shedding body, exchanging bones, after the Buddha body is achieved, the bones will also become the golden-yellow golden bone.

If you become a devil and become a Devil Body, the white bones will also become dark and turbid black bones.

If you cultivate into a demon, the bones of the flesh and blood will become the scarlet bones of the demon.

Gu Qingfeng walked to the side of the mummy, and then put his feet on the mummy’s chest, and with a sudden force, the shriveled skin was instantly shocked and disappeared, and then appeared. It is a skeleton.

Although the other party has become a mummy, its bones are intact, and Gu Qingfeng’s foot strength is just right, but it shakes the mummy apart without hurting its internal bones.

The bones are crystal clear and near-transparent. Obviously, this man was a fairy before his death.

To be precise, it is not just a fairy.

It should be a god!

Because the man’s bones are too pure, they are no longer like crystals, they are too pure and flawless.

Throughout Heaven and Earth, only the inborn immortals possess such pure and flawless crystal bones!

What a pity!

A dignified deity died here.

Gu Qingfeng squatted down and examined the bones carefully, and found that he was not at all injured, which made him curious about how such a powerful god died since he was not injured. Here?

Old and dead?

Not so?

At any rate, it is also a fairy. Although it is not Undying and Inextinguishable, it is definitely not an old fart.

But if it wasn’t for old age and no injuries, how did it die?

Gu Qingfeng thought for a while and couldn’t think of a reason. He didn’t bother to continue thinking about it. He continued to wander around in the ruins. What surprised him was that there was more than one in the ruins. It didn’t take long for him to find several mummies.

Searching through the ruins, I found more than a dozen mummy corpses, and all of them are like the first mummy. The whole body looks not at all any injuries, like the exhaustion of the cultivation base and the passing of life. The soul collapsed and died old.

If it was only that, it would not surprise him so much. In fact, six of the dozen corpses found were all gods. In addition to gods, there were four Celestial Demons. With five heavenly demon!

Why are all fairy demons of the Tianzi generation?

How did these Celestial Demon and heavenly demon die?

Gu Qingfeng can’t understand even after thinking about it.

Just as he was about to leave, Gu Qingfeng suddenly startled his heart and said: “Could this ruin be the ruins of the ancient era?”

He used to listen to the madness The monk also heard Mo Wentian say that nature was in full bloom in ancient times, Spiritual Qi was abundant, resources were abundant, and extremely pure. It was called Realm of Innate.

At that time, humanity did not decline, and people did not need to seek immortal dao through cultivation.

It is said that in the ancient times, there were no people, only heavens.

There are no immortals, only immortals.

There is no demon, only heavenly demon.

Only Celestial Demon, Heavenly Ghost, and even Tianfo.

In the era of the wild and ancient times, thanks to the Realm of Innate blooming in nature, people are innate, immortals are innate immortals, demons are also innate demons, and they are born with them. A powerful force, even a three-year-old child can be overwhelming.

Looking at the ruins at his feet, looking at more than a dozen congenital bones, Gu Qingfeng wondered whether this ruin was the ruins of the ancient era.

If it is really barren ancient ruins, then the previous barren ancient vestige have become Desert. Why are the ruins alone not affected?

I don’t know.

Gu Qingfeng is not sure.

He lifted his foot away from this ruin and went to other ruins. This ruin looks no different from the first ruin. Although there are flowers and trees, they are all withered and shattered. The stones are piled up into mountains, and there is desolation everywhere, and there is dead silence everywhere, and I can’t feel any vitality, not even a bit of life.

Gu Qingfeng also found several mummy corpses in this ruin. There are also heavenly demon and heavenly demon Celestial Demon.

No stop.

Continue to explore.

The third, fourth, fifth…Gu Qingfeng constantly explored the ruins and found that every ruin is like this, just like giant statues that live like life, although There is no life, but it gives people a sense of ancient silence, which makes people deep in one’s heart in awe.

I just explored the ruins, and found nearly a hundred corpses, without exception, not gods, heavenly demon, heavenly demon or Celestial Demon, and some of them. It is not clear what kind of existence it is.

At this moment, he is standing in a ruin.

Three special bones are placed beside him.

The reason why they are called special is that these bones are neither gods nor heavenly demon, let alone Celestial Demon gods.

These three special bones are white.

But this kind of bone is not the bone of the flesh and blood of the people of All Heavens Myriad Realms.

The white bones of the flesh and blood body are white, but dim, no matter how high the cultivation base is, as long as they are still flesh and blood, the bones will not change.


Although these three special corpses are also white bones, their bones are pure white as jade, which does not feel like white bones, but more like white bones carved out of jade stone.

Gu Qingfeng has killed many creatures in his life, including Immortal Buddha and Demon. Various ghosts and monsters have not been killed before, and I have never seen any existence even possess jade bones.

Looking at the three bones of pure white as jade on the ground, Gu Qingfeng just looked at it. After an unknown period of time, he slowly squatted down, gently touching the three bones, and muttered: “You…couldn’t be heavenly people?”

Gu Qingfeng has never seen heavenly people.

Not even one.

But there is a feeling in his heart that the three white jade bones in front of him may be the legendary heavenly beings.

This feeling is very strong.

Close your eyes.

For a moment of silence, Gu Qingfeng shook his head, stood up, and opened his eyes. He knew that if the three bones in front of him were really celestial bones, then the floating ruins in Zhen Palace are most likely to be. It must be the ruins of an ancient era.

Because only in the ancient times when the great roads are fighting for the front, will they build their own ways.

Only in the ancient times when nature was in full bloom like Realm of Innate, immortals are innate immortals, demons are innate demons, and talents are innate people!

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