Supreme Lord

Chapter 2265

“Brother Gu knows that using samsara reincarnation can also change cause and effect, and even change fate?”

Mo Wentian’s voice came, Gu Qingfeng nodded.

When he wanted to come, using samsara reincarnation to seize the opportunity was originally to change the fate of cause and effect.

Otherwise, those avenue experts will not risk scattered ashes and dispersed smoke and samsara reincarnation.

For example, after samsara reincarnation seized the opportunity of fate, it seems that it has changed the fate of cause and effect.

But it’s just what it looks like.

Causal fate is not something that can be changed if it can be changed.

samsara reincarnation itself is an antecedent, even if it seizes the first opportunity, it will pay corresponding consequences in the future.

Cause and effect are endless. There will be as many consequences as there are antecedents.

As for the real change of fate.

I’m afraid no one can make it clear.

“No.” Mo Wentian said again: “Brother Gu, you don’t understand what I mean.”


Gu Qingfeng was puzzled and asked: “How?”

“Momou said that using samsara reincarnation to change cause and effect is to create a new cause and effect!” Mo Wentian stared at Gu Qingfeng, with a face that resembles a knife-shaved statue, has a heavy expression and a very serious tone, saying: “It can also be said that I created a new cause and effect for myself.”

“New Cause and effect?” Gu Qingfeng frowned slightly, and muttered: “I create a new cause and effect for myself?”

To be honest.

To this day, he still heard this statement for the first time.

What does it mean to create new cause and effect for yourself?

Can you create something for yourself?

Even if it is really possible, there is no so-called old or new cause and effect, right?

Cause and effect are circular, and there must be an effect from the cause, and there must be a cause if there is an effect.

Where is the new cause and effect?

“This is an ancient taboo, called the cause!”

After hearing the two words, Gu Qingfeng as if was struck by lightning, I understood it instantly. Words of heaven.

He didn’t plant the cause himself, but was planted by others.

For example, the three generations of karma between him and Yun Nishang.

I Hongxiu, II Ouyang Ye, III Yun Nishang.

The red sleeves he met when he was a teenager are probably the reason Yun Nishang planted himself on him.

There is also the three-life cause and effect between him and the setting sun Wuyou.

The wind of the first generation is month by month, the second is the mandala, and the third is the setting sun.

The wind that I met for the first time month by month, I am afraid that the setting sun has planted on me.

“Some avenue experts will hide the cause and effect they planted deeply and deeply… They will use their own sense of true self to conceive the so-called incarnation, and then let the incarnation samsara reincarnation… …Thereby conceived a new self-consciousness, and then let the self-consciousness samsara reincarnation, thereby conceiving self-awareness……Samsara reincarnation repeated like this……”

“Since then, only their deity They know this hidden cause and effect, but the self-consciousness they have conceived, after countless samsara reincarnations, they don’t even know that they are just a touch of self-incarnation of others.”

“Some great experts covet the Allah of Original Sin, early In the ancient times, with a touch of my own self-consciousness, I conceived the incarnation of the self, and then samsara reincarnation was conceived of the self incarnation, so that they became the original sinners.”

“Let them be themselves To search for the original sin, so that you can well hide the identity of your deity.”

“In the future, if they need it, they can also integrate the self-incarnation conceived into themselves with no difficulty, and you There is no way to resist, because you are just a touch of their self-incarnation, just a piece of cause and effect that he planted, nothing more.”

Listening to Mo Wentian’s words, Gu Qingfeng was stunned.

He is so.

Ren Tianhang is no exception.

Obviously, they are all the first time they have heard of such a shocking and numbing scalp have one’s hair stand on end.


The scalp is numb, and I also have one’s hair stand on end, and I am extremely afraid of thinking more carefully.

“This is also the reason why Mo has been searching for cause and effect.”

Gu Qingfeng hurriedly asked: “Do you suspect that you are the self-incarnation of others?”

Ren Tianhang also stared at Mo Wentian with an incredible look.

Mo Wentian lowered his head, drank a glass of wine, looked at Gu Qingfeng, then looked at Mo Wentian, and then nodded.

It doesn’t matter that he is nodded, he really frightened Gu Qingfeng and Ren Tianhang, they looked at each other and fell into contemplation.

They are all thinking about a problem.

If Mo Wentian is the self incarnation of others, then he is probably also the self incarnation of others.

This kind of thing is not terrifying.

Just imagine, if a person lives a lifetime, maybe two, or even three lifetimes, it’s just a touch of self-incarnation of others, what a sad thing that should be.

This is not to live for oneself at all, but to live for others. It is not for yourself to live, but a memory of others, nothing more.

This is really…

Before, when Mo Wentian mentioned cause and effect, he was a little melancholy, hesitated and at a loss, Gu Qingfeng still couldn’t understand it.

Now he finally knows why Mo Wentian was melancholy, why he was hesitant, and why he was at a loss.

If it was him, he would be at a loss.

He finally understood why since ancient times that many expert clearly knew that searching for cause and effect was a Road of No Return, but he was so persistent.

What they seek is not cause and effect, but the true self, the true self!

Maybe I saw the worry in the hearts of Gu Qingfeng and Ren Tianhang, Mo Wentian said with a smile: “The two brothers don’t need to think too much. This is just Mo Mou’s guess. or false, Mo Mou is not sure, but…some doubt that’s all.”


Ren Tianhang asked: “If you are really the self-incarnation of others , How?”

Gu Qingfeng also wants to know the answer to this question.

He feels that if Mo Wenzhen is the self-incarnation of others, then what is the point of seeking cause and effect?

Even if you find the true self, what can you do?

In the end, once you merge into the deity, doesn’t this mean you ruin yourself?

If this is the case, then what cause and effect do you still seek? What do you ask for?

“If Mo is really someone else’s self-incarnation…” Mo Wentian closed his eyes, took a deep breath, shook his head slightly, and after a while, opened his eyes again and said, “Me too I don’t know what to do…”

As soon as the conversation turned, a smile appeared on his sculptural face, and said: “However, someone once told Momou that we can cut cause and effect.”

Ren Tianhang said: “Cut off the cause and effect with the deity?”


“Cause and effect……” Gu Qingfeng also asked: “Can I cut it off?”

Mo Wentian smiled and shook his head. He couldn’t answer this question. After filling the wine glasses for Gu Qingfeng and Ren Tianhang, he said again: “Me too I once asked the question Eternal Unknown. Do you know how she answered me?”

“She said a word to Mo.”

“What is it?”

“The ancient catastrophe Heaven and Earth evolves, Endless Samsara is present, the past and the present, the cause and effect are seen in the past and the present, whoever lives depends on the sky!”

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