Supreme Lord

Chapter 2259

“Do you know who is here on behalf of Shangqingdong?”

Mo Wentian asked.

Gu Qingfeng does not know, nor does Ren Tianhang.

Mo Wentian bowed his head, drank a glass of wine, and then looked at the two of them, and uttered four words with a serious expression: “Lonely and alone!”

Heard of this name, Gu Qingfeng His face was blank, because he had never heard the name Dugu Qizhan, nor did he have any impression in his mind, but when Ren Tianhang heard the name Dugu Qizhan, his expression was shocked, as if he was very shocked, lifts the head, staring at Mo Wentian, and asked: “But the legendary lone lonely who is in harmony with the sky?”

“It’s him!”

“didn ‘t expect him to come on behalf of Shangqingdong.” After that, Ren Tianhang was silent.


The name Du Gu Qi Zhan not only shocked Ren Tianhang, but also a kind of fear.

How much does Ren Tianhang exist.

That is the Demon Emperor of Megatron.

If even Ren Tianhang is somewhat afraid, you can imagine how terrifying existence it is.

Gu Qingfeng didn’t know much about Shangqingdong. The name Dugu Qizhan was the first time I heard it. When Mo Wentian and Ren Tianhang mentioned this name, they seemed to be quite familiar. Fear, Gu Qingfeng is very curious, especially the words Ren Tianhang said, lonely fighting with the sky, which made him very surprised.

speaking of which.

It is not that he has never heard of a loud name in his life.

For example, Ren Tianhang’s name is very loud, greedy wolves and whistle purple moon, demons deter the sky, Weiyang is the most ruthless, the emperor Ren Tianhang.

Mo Wentian’s name is also relatively loud, Myriad Realms is the hero name, the meaning of the word is known to the world, Xiaoyao between Heaven and Earth, and the hero Mo Wentian.

Including Gu Qingfeng’s own reputation is not small, the sun falls, the twilight envelopes, the darkness strikes, the emperor descends, the fairy dusk…

In his opinion Well, the name is good, it doesn’t matter if it is a bright spot, even if it is bigger.

But there is a premise.

Greater than immortals, greater than demons, but not greater than Buddha.

Greater than all beings, greater than the great road, not greater than fate.

It is bigger than nine days, bigger than Nine Nether, not bigger than Heaven and Earth.

This is the so-called Three Great Taboos.

The so-called Buddha is also causal in a sense.

Since ancient times, the name may be big and big, and countless, but the name dare to be bigger than cause and effect, destiny and the existence of Heaven and Earth are absolutely nothing.

The reason is simple.

Cause and effect are immutable, and change leads to chaos.

The destiny cannot be changed, but if you change it, you will die.

Heaven and Earth is irreversible, and it will die if it is reversed.

Heaven and Earth is a big but causal destiny. On the one hand, it expresses everyone’s awe. Second, history has proved that there are many things that are greater than the causal fate of Heaven and Earth, and there is no good result.

Don’t say anything else.

Let’s talk about the three existences of Gu Qingfeng within the body, one is on the poor and the green falls to Yellow Springs, the other is Asura, and the swallowing heaven devouring earth is full of blood.

These three titles are no longer as simple as loud. It can be said that it is greater than cause and effect, it is greater than fate, and greater than Heaven and Earth.

The result.

Now it has become the good fortune of Gu Qingfeng within the body, let alone the fleshy body, let alone the soul, even the motherfucker consciousness is gone.

This thing is too big for the name and number, because it is too big to hold it.

Who dare to call Pangu?

Whose dao name dare to call Nuwa?

The answer is yes.

No one dares.

If you have such a big name, it is most likely that you will die.

In Gu Qingfeng, Ren Tianhang and Mo Wentian, including his own previous names, are not small.

What does Ren Tianhang mean, above heaven under earth, let you walk? Isn’t this not paying attention to Heaven and Earth?

What does Mo Wentian mean? Don’t ask Heaven and Earth? Stumped to ask you? Do you have fate in your eyes?

Gu Qingfeng’s previous name is even more needless to say. The word Heavenly Wolf is the taboo of Heaven and Earth. It also represents a kind of disaster and a scourge. In the legend, Heavenly Wolf appears, Heaven and Earth is bound to suffer.

Although none of the three died prematurely, they could barely bear such a big name, but their lives are harder than the others.

Mo Wentian has searched for cause and effect several times in reincarnation. Not only is he unable to distinguish between his past and present, but he also doesn’t know whether he is the original one.

Ren Tianhang, in order to get rid of the original sin, he sinks deeper and deeper, the blood of the original sin within the body becomes muddy, chaotic and violent at any time, and loses himself at any time.

And Gu Qingfeng came along this road, life and death, death and rebirth, burdened with a pair of messy cause and effect, and unfathomable mystery is getting deeper and deeper in the original sin, even though he does not want to seek Causality, I don’t want to get rid of original sin, let alone change my destiny.

The problem is that the tree wants to be quiet but the wind keeps on. Even if he wants to resign now, the existence of above heaven under earth may not make him resign.

Shook his head.

Without thinking about it any longer, Gu Qingfeng asked: “What is the origin of Lao Shizi’s lonely war, it sounds very powerful.”

Gu Qingfeng didn’t say this. Fortunately, as soon as he spoke, Mo Wentian stared at him with a strange look.

Gu Qingfeng asked in a puzzled way: “What’s wrong?”

“Brother Gu doesn’t know who is Dugu Qizhan?”

Gu Qingfeng shook his head. Replied: “To tell you, I heard the name Dugu Qizhan for the first time, and I have never heard it before.”


Mo Wentian was a little unbelievable, as if very speechless.

Ren Tianhang next to him explained: “Brother Mo doesn’t need to be blamed. Brother Gu is different from us. He has always lived in a chic and casual way. He only cares about what he cares about. He doesn’t care about other things. What interest at all, I don’t even bother to inquire.”


Mo Wentian shook his head and smiled bitterly, but in his heart he admired Gu Qingfeng even more. He sighed: “Brother Gu, no wonder there was a kind of envy in the words of the old brother when he mentioned you. I feel this way more and more now. Only when you are alive, you are truly alive. , Also lived out the true meaning of life. My brother and I got more and more confused. The two of us couldn’t be called alive at all. At best, it can only be a barely survival!”

“There is no end… Why did it start again.”

Gu Qingfeng was really convinced, Mo Wentian sighed from time to time, either he was envious of his state of mind, or he was jealous of his chic life, which made him very depressed. .


Gu Qingfeng thinks that his life is really smart and casual. He really only cares about what he cares about these years, and he rarely asks about the messy things.

The point is that even if he wants to inquire, he doesn’t have the thought and time to inquire.

Walking along this road is not killing people, or on the road to killing people, either being encircled and suppressed by the highway expert, or being judged by the highway, not incompatible with Heaven and Earth, but a mess of cause and effect. Consider other things.

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