Supreme Lord

Chapter 2255

It’s hard to say that after lighting the original sin karma in Wudao Mountain, I really lost myself? And also lost for thousands of years?

If this is the case, how did you get lost? What did you do when you lost yourself? How did you find yourself in the end?

Gu Qingfeng thinks and thinks, thinks and thinks, but unfortunately, he wants to do not raise.

I don’t know how I got lost and I don’t know how to find it. I don’t know what I did when I was lost.

It’s like losing my memory.

Moreover, after waking up that year, he didn’t feel any discomfort, and he didn’t have any distinction between past and present.

I still said that I was really lost, but I didn’t know that’s all.

The opposite.

Mo Wentian and Ren Tianhang looked at him looking thoughtful and asked: “Gu Brother, what are you thinking?”

Gu Qingfeng didn’t hide it either. He said the doubts in his heart, Ren Tianhang has no experience in this aspect, he has not lost himself, so he can not answer this question, and although Mo Wentian has experience of losing himself, this thing is not about you With experience, you can comprehend and understand. If you can comprehend and understand, Mo Wentian won’t be confused between past and present.

Besides, at this moment, Mo Wentian doesn’t even know whether he is or not, how can he answer Gu Qingfeng.

“Gu brother, I’m really sorry, if it’s other questions, Momou may be able to help you solve your doubts, but there is nothing I can do about this lost thing…”

Mo Wentian shook his head and sighed again.

Gu Qingfeng haha ​​laughed, it doesn’t matter, he said: “Brother Mo is too polite, I just have some doubts, maybe I think too much.”

” When Daoshan was in the secular world, although I did not have the past, many people should have participated in such a big event. There is no impermeable wall in the world. Let’s go, ancient brother, don’t worry about this. I will help you investigate it as soon as possible.”

hearing this, Gu Qingfeng said quickly: “Brother Mo, I understand your kindness, but since this matter is over, forget it.”

Mo Wentian pretended to be angrily: “Isn’t the ancient brother stupid to take Mo as a friend?”

“I didn’t mean that.”

Gu Qingfeng Explained: “I didn’t hear you mention losing, so I have doubts, besides… Even if I really lost myself back then, haven’t I got it back now? As for the current me, I am still not the old me, to be honest. ……I don’t know, maybe it is, or maybe it’s not, anyway, I don’t feel anything, and I don’t feel anything different. In short, does he love or not? I don’t care about it, how can I survive? How to live.”


Don’t Wentian’s heart startled, and shook his head to say with a bitter smile: “The ancient brother’s state of mind is so high, I really envy you Mo.”

Gu Qingfeng is also an extremely speechless saying: “Come on, it’s starting again…”

Mo Wentian really envy Gu Qingfeng’s way of going with the flow State of mind.

If he can, he also imagines Gu Qingfeng as indifferent, so indifferent, feel at home wherever one is.

The problem is that there are some things that you can’t just look down and see through.

Just like this causal thing, no matter how you look at it, he can neither look at it nor look lightly, let alone break it.

The search for cause and effect has become his obsession, as long as he lives a day, he will never give up.

Look back at Gu Qingfeng.

He felt that he didn’t at all see through the so-called causal fate, but he was born such a person who feels at home wherever one is lazy.

It’s okay to say that he just let it go, or that he is resigned to fate.

Gu Qingfeng is too lazy to argue.

If character can really determine fate, Gu Qingfeng’s character of feeling at home wherever one is like this can only be resigned to fate.

The three people just chatted while drinking, and they talked mostly about original sin, cause and effect, these painful things, after all, their three people are the people of original sin, and they are all variables of modern and ancient times. It can be said that the same people fall into the world, in addition to talking about the cause and effect of the original sin, you can only talk about the cause and effect of the original sin.

“Brother Gu.”

The cold and silent Ren Tianhang suddenly spoke and asked: “How far are you in the original sin now?”

Don’t say it.

Ren Tianhang’s question really stopped him from asking.

Now above heaven under earth, all beings say that he is deeply and deeply trapped in original sin, but how deep he is, not to mention that Ren Tianhang and Mo Wentian don’t know, but Gu Qingfeng didn’t know it himself, and what made him even more depressed was that he didn’t feel how deep he was in the original sin.

It is said that original sin is divided into several stages.

The first is the original sin incarnation, the second is the retribution of the original sin, the third is the original sin, and the fourth is the original sin.

The problem is.

Gu Qingfeng has lived to the present, along the way, he has neither become the original sin incarnation, nor the original sin retribution. As for the original sin response and the original sin law body, he has never experienced it.

At least.

He has no impression of this thing.

It is said that when he ignited the original sin karma in Wudaoshan, he also awakened the original sin.

Gu Qingfeng not at all any impression.

Perhaps when I ignited the fire of original sin karma, I really lost myself and became an incarnation of original sin, and then became the body of original sin in the lost ten thousand years. Became the Dharmakaya of Original Sin.

Thinking about it carefully, this is not impossible.

After all, after becoming an original sin incarnation, it is also like a madman, especially after becoming the body of the original sin, and even after the original sin responds, it is more like a puppet of the original sin. When the original sin is conceived, the new consciousness becomes The Dharmakaya of Original Sin, after becoming the Dharmakaya of Original Sin, although the ego is still the ego, it has already lost the id, just like a person has lost the Life Source personality.

It can’t be said that you have lost the self, because after becoming the body of original sin is the self conceived by original sin, so at this time, the self of your Life Source is already original sin.

It is difficult to say that I am also the Law Bodies of Original Sin?

Gu Qingfeng shook his head, he didn’t think so.

At least, it doesn’t feel like.

Because he still has humanity.

Moreover, his own original sin is also faintly discernible, which feels illusory, so he has never felt how deep he is in original sin.

Not only do I not feel how deep I am, but I also feel that I am getting farther and farther away from the original sin.

Regardless of whether it is Mo Wentian or Ren Tianhang, he still feels that he is not the Law Bodies of Original Sin. As for why not, the two of them can’t tell why they come. Like Gu Qingfeng, they are just a feeling.

The difference is.

Gu Qingfeng feels that he is getting deeper and deeper from the original sin.

Mo Wentian and Ren Tianhang felt that he had fallen very deep, so deep that they could not even imagine the two original sin law bodies.

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